Hello, need some advice, me and my partner want a baby together, i already have a 3 year old little girl called cailynn. not with my partner andy though. i had an implant in for 3 years it ran out end of july, havent had it removed yet though. i had a period on the 13th of august. so should be ovulating soon. problem is im not sure if its the right time?! i want another but i dont at the same time?! ive told my partner this but he gets really annoyed. my mum keeps goin on at me to get another implant in but havent done it yet. i dont think my partner is really ready 2 have a baby yet, even though he thinks he is! our realationship isnt that great atm either. and i dont think he will stay with me if i have another baby. dont know what to do. ive only just got a job in the last 4years and im really enjoying having my social life back. i think i should go on another form of contraception...not the implant dont really want to wait 3 years again. plus i really want my daughter to have a brother osister close to her age group.
le me know what u think i could do....thank you
Relationship status:engaged
How long until TTC:1 month
Reasons for WTT:wasnt ready
Anything you want to accomplish while in WTT, before TTC: getting married.
How many children would you like:i have a daughter born 10/06/08 not same dad though.
when pg...
Do you have a gender preference?boy
Finding out the gender or team yellow? couldnt wait that long..lol
Any names you like? seanna-may, troy..