Gifts for Grandparents?

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On baby's dad's side, i know his parents will get me one and baby one even though we're not together anymore because thats just what their like! what are you all getting for OH's parents if anything at all?
Im glad you have asked this, i have no idea what to get out parents from Grape, we dont want to spend much, but want something nice
framed picture? or maybe a calandar from tesco with personalised pics?? my gran loves it!
That a really good idea about the calender, like, would you just make it yourself or do tesco have something that does it??
tesco do i it for you! I think you can get them on line on the tesco website just upload your pics!
oooh good idea about the calenders, just checked tesco website and they do do the calenders online, and even better still they are buy one get one free at the moment! thanks for the fantastic idea xx
oooh good idea about the calenders, just checked tesco website and they do do the calenders online, and even better still they are buy one get one free at the moment! thanks for the fantastic idea xx

no problem, im going to do them too!
Yea getting a photo album is a good thing to get i'm getting my dad one of those but i'm getting OHs parents a salmon package :)
a salmon package?? like..FISH? i bet thats actually really thoughtful and theyd love it, and i dont mean that to sound rude :( but its sooo oddd >.< fish!
i'm getting one of the casting kits where you do the baby's handprints and footprints :)
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