Girls around 30 weeks want to wait out the final stretch together? Update:32 weeks

Zoe is much better, it looks like the jaundice is gone. We've been bed-sharing (I know, bad mummy) but we both sleep better if we aren't apart.

She has her follow up hearing appointment today because she failed with one ear. It's pretty routine. We have her two week check up on Thursday, and her neonatologist appointment and physio appointment on Friday.

Zoe has taken to breast feeding very well. You might find Miss that she's just cluster feeding to build up your supply. Zoe gets days like that where she is always on the breast. I had some spit up issues too, we fixed it by offering one breast, then waiting a half hour before offering the other.
Thanks all! Still no sign of baby! Have another sweep tomorrow so fingers crossed!! Going to go for a long walk today too! I hate this waiting game! Feel like a whale and don't want to see anyone anymore! :(

SNAP! I have another sweep tomorrow and am also gonna go out for a long walk in the sunshine.x

Fingers crossed for us both! I'm really really fed up now! Look dreadful- even my makeup won't sit on my face properly!:nope: and sick to death of people texting and messaging me with "any twinges?" Very very grumpy now! :growlmad:
Thanks all! Still no sign of baby! Have another sweep tomorrow so fingers crossed!! Going to go for a long walk today too! I hate this waiting game! Feel like a whale and don't want to see anyone anymore! :(

SNAP! I have another sweep tomorrow and am also gonna go out for a long walk in the sunshine.x

Fingers crossed for us both! I'm really really fed up now! Look dreadful- even my makeup won't sit on my face properly!:nope: and sick to death of people texting and messaging me with "any twinges?" Very very grumpy now! :growlmad:

The texting is driving me insane too. My boyfriends mum rings every day, twice a day!! I've told them that if something happens I will let people know. Whilst eating my tea the other night my phone went 4 times, I refused to answer cos I was sat at the table enjoying my food. Then my auntie sent me a text but os I didn't reply straight away (phone on silent) she rang my mum to see if I was in labour, who then in turn rang me to find out, aaarrrgggghhhhh!!
I know! Same thing is happening to me! No matter how many times I tell people ill let them know if I have any signs that I'm going into labour they just keep asking! Wouldn't usually bother me things like this- but I'm very grouchy so everything is annoying me! Hehe!
Had my 2nd sweep today (40+5) and have another one booked in for Friday. If none of these work I will be induced on Tuesday 14 (41+5). I just want her to hurry up!
Had my 2nd sweep today (40+5) and have another one booked in for Friday. If none of these work I will be induced on Tuesday 14 (41+5). I just want her to hurry up!

I had my 2nd sweep today too! :) 40+6 and that's my lot until induction on Monday!

Mw said there was some progress as I've went from 2cm to 2.5-3cm. I also noticed a little tinge of blood in some mucus when I went to the loo about an hour later! But it was a tiny amount and I've had none since. Just had a big long walk and drank a carton on pineapple juice lol.

If she doesn't come tonight or tomorrow I've resigned myself to fact it will be the induction on Monday! :cry:
Sarah thats fab news the jaundice is gone :happydance: dont worry about bed sharing!! whatever works! you gotta get your sleep and as long as your both happy and healthy who cares :flower: How did your followup appointment go? Sorry i couldnt get on earlier DJ been constntly feeding/pooping with minimal sleep this last 2 days :wacko: so tired :sleep::sleep::sleep:

Looks like DJ has tongue tie, we have 2 more appointments to check him before they refer him but may be the cause of the poor bfing

Mazz that sounds promising!!! Good luck and keep us posted :happydance: Lovely hope your LO comes soon :flower: not long now and all our babies will be here :happydance:
Zoe is much better, it looks like the jaundice is gone. We've been bed-sharing (I know, bad mummy) but we both sleep better if we aren't apart.

She has her follow up hearing appointment today because she failed with one ear. It's pretty routine. We have her two week check up on Thursday, and her neonatologist appointment and physio appointment on Friday.

Zoe has taken to breast feeding very well. You might find Miss that she's just cluster feeding to build up your supply. Zoe gets days like that where she is always on the breast. I had some spit up issues too, we fixed it by offering one breast, then waiting a half hour before offering the other.

If our bed wasn't so soft I'd bring Mia in with us. She's in a bassinet close enough that I could reach my hand out and comfort her. Will definitely have to try waiting between breasts. I believe she's getting too much air with the nipple shield so I'm stopping that. Although if the pain gets too bad again I'll have to figure something else out.

I really need to get into the whole "when baby sleeps you sleep" routine. I'm exhausted because she's most sleepy during the morning and had a visitor that stayed a little longer than expected and I didn't lay down for a nap at all after being up all last night because Mia was comfort nursing after her heel prick test at the doctors appointment. That by the way, made me cry longer than she did! Squeezing my baby's little foot so hard :( it was sore all last night and everytime it brushed something she screamed out. Feeling better today though, thankfully.

Can't believe my baby will be a week today. Time flies once they are here!!

Mazz I'm sending wishes that you don't have to get the induction. Hopefully you're on the verge and your body kicks into go time soon!

Still haven't logged on the computer. MUST do that and share pics of my beautiful Mia soon.
Thanks miss- really think ill have to have induction though! My body just doesn't seem to know how to go into labour naturally lol!

Glad all is well with u and ur little one! Looking forward to photos! X
Smanderson are you still exclusively pumping for your LO? Found out that I have a forceful let down and over supply which was making it difficult for Mia to eat and upsetting her stomach so I now am having to pump and feed her. Was wondering if you were able to keep it up!
Quick update- Ella rose was born on Friday morning & 4.04am 7.65lbs! Perfect! Will update more soon xxx
Quick update- Ella rose was born on Friday morning & 4.04am 7.65lbs! Perfect! Will update more soon xxx

Congratulations! :happydance: Lovely name and weight xx

My little boy arrived last Monday night, a chunky 9lb'er. We're doing well, bf is going well too but he feeds non stop, which is absolutely killing me. He will start at around 3pm and cluster feed right through till 1.30am-ish. Then during the day will only go 2 hours between feeds, although its not as if I could nap then as I have my toddler to look after!
Miss yeah im still exclusively pumping and getting 3oz each side now, i got the Lansinoh double electric pump and its amazing, it has a suckling motion too which helps cos they suckle at the end of a feed to put their order in for next time so i make sure i always use that at the start and end of every pump. We have about a day surplus too :thumbup: Turns out DJ has tongue tie so im hoping for a referral soon :happydance:

Mazz Congrats hun!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: awww lovely name :cloud9: hope your enjoying your lovely little lady and looking forward to pics and birth story :flower:

Bambino congratulations :hugs: so pleased for you hun :happydance: great news bfing is going so well :flower: sounds like he is a hungry little bean but thats such a good healthy sign :happydance: cant wait for pics and story :thumbup: wha his name?? xxx
Well we are switching Mia to formula. I feel horribly guilty but the bf is making my minor ppd more intense. I just can't keep up with the pumping :( we have been having to supplement here and there from the beginning but these last few days have supplemented every feed and are increasing formula as we decrease breast milk. My baby is now less gassy and sleeps better so I have to just remind myself that this is what works for her. Makes me quite sad that I couldn't even make it to the 6 weeks I'd hoped for but I am not able to enjoy my baby when I'm running on no sleep. And she's just too beautiful to not have a happy mommy! At least she was able to get the colostrum.
I know where your coming from hun. I had to stop breastfeeding at 2 weeks :-( due to needing strong pain killers, which im still on :-( and it still makes me feel crap.
But we have done our best, and that is all anyone can do.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. As long as baby is happy and healthy that's the main part.
I know where your coming from hun. I had to stop breastfeeding at 2 weeks :-( due to needing strong pain killers, which im still on :-( and it still makes me feel crap.
But we have done our best, and that is all anyone can do.

Try not to be too hard on yourself. As long as baby is happy and healthy that's the main part.

Thanks for your response. We did do our best and a happy healthy baby is the only goal in this so whatever works is what we must do.
Miss yeah im still exclusively pumping and getting 3oz each side now, i got the Lansinoh double electric pump and its amazing, it has a suckling motion too which helps cos they suckle at the end of a feed to put their order in for next time so i make sure i always use that at the start and end of every pump. We have about a day surplus too :thumbup: Turns out DJ has tongue tie so im hoping for a referral soon :happydance:

Mazz Congrats hun!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: awww lovely name :cloud9: hope your enjoying your lovely little lady and looking forward to pics and birth story :flower:

Bambino congratulations :hugs: so pleased for you hun :happydance: great news bfing is going so well :flower: sounds like he is a hungry little bean but thats such a good healthy sign :happydance: cant wait for pics and story :thumbup: wha his name?? xxx

His name is Noah, hv came today and weighed him, he's now 9lb 6oz!! Little chunk only lost 4% last week and is now up above birth weight!

Glad you're all keeping well xx

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