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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

My baby girl Aria Hannah was born this afternoon! 9 pounds 1 ounce which just shocked me! She's so big! We're both doing well.

Wow congrats!! :cloud9:

I'm still waiting at nearly 41 weeks lol!
I had an appointment today. No more progress fro. Last week. Still 2-3 and she said maybe effaced a bit. I've had cramps all week that apparently have done nothing. Had another sweep which has brought on more cramping which may also be doing nothing. We will see. Lol

My next appointment is Monday with nst and ultrasound. So if I haven't had her by then I at least get to see her. :)

Tomorrow is my due date so if really like to have her this weekend!
My waters are going to be broken tonight at 12 midnight. Hopefully this will work and I'll have a baby girl tomorrow!! So excited!!!
Best luck mrs brown!!!!!!

We're home now and settling.
That's great news mrskbrown! Hopefully that gets.your labornstarted naturally.
Eloise Hope was born at 7:55 this morning. And it was super fast! My water broke at 6:15 contractions started. Barely made it to the hospital and 10 minutes later she was born at 7:55. She is so perfect.
Baby is here!! Koreena Madison. 8lbs, 2oz and 20 inches. Born at 12:50. I'll post pics later. Two-three pushes and then God blessed us!!
congrats ladies!!!!!

Labour for me was smooth, though a few hours because of a positional issue that was easily resolved once discovered!
I am 40 weeks on Mon. I have a midwife appointment then and can have a sweep if I want. Can't decide. Think I may leave it a week. Anyone know what to expect from the 40 week appointment?
Joining the watch. 37 weeks yesterday, started getting much more BH all o a sudden. Felt like she dropped a couple weeks ago, increased pressure and more frequent BM. Had insomnia last night, exhausted all day now insomnia again tonight and I am losing plug. I also had nausea and vomiting. Interesting to see where this goes...
Sounds promising misspriss. Nothing much to report here. Due date tomorrow though so at least i know there are only a couple of weeks to go at the most
I am 40 weeks on Mon. I have a midwife appointment then and can have a sweep if I want. Can't decide. Think I may leave it a week. Anyone know what to expect from the 40 week appointment?

My Dr offered me a sweep at my.40 week last Thursday and I said yes. Water broke Friday morning. It works for some and not for others. My Dr said it works better for 2nd plus pregnancies but it worked with my first too. So just depends on if you want to attempt to speed things up.
Other than that the 40 week probably.goes.over how long they will let.you go over due and possibly schedule a non stress test to make sure baby is healthy to be over due.
Our daughter joined us on Thursday may 7 after a very fast labor! Got to hospital at 9 pm and after a few big contractions went from 5 cm to 10 in 20 minutes! Baby was born after 2 big pushes (they tried to close my legs cause doctor was late) and she is perfect! Praying for everyone else to have smooth deliveries!
Well nothing much at doctor's appointment, cervix is softening but no dilation or anything. I had a lot of action (BH, plug loss, etc) on Friday, and nothing much since. We DTD twice Friday, so I am going to have to get back on that.... ;)
Congrats on all the new babies and praying for those still waiting! I'm in love with my new baby girl:cloud9:
Cool site! Estimates your probability of labor by day....kind of sad though my changes at this point are still pretty low!

I have no idea of the science behind it, it seems pretty simple and doesn't take a lot into account (I think a 40 week pregnancy with a std dev of 10 days?) but it's fun. Apparently I have about a 1.2% of labor today, and a 13.7% of within a week of today....

ETA: Better calculator. Uses a more complex curve (previous one would say as many babies born at 46 weeks as 34 weeks...). Says I have about a 1.35% chance today...lol
Hi ladies :wave:

Congratulations on all of you who have your lovely little bundles <3

I'm joining those of you currently waiting, I have 17 days to go until my due date of 30th May, this wait is so long and hard now! I have a sweep scheduled for next Tuesday due to baby being big but as I will only be 38 weeks I don't expect much to come from it, and so we wait.... :haha:
I'm joining in on the baby watch with you ladies.

Misspriss looks like my due date is right behind yours.

Mrskcbrown and Babykate- if you're wanting to, I hope we get pics!:flower:

I'm 37+3 today. Just 18 days to go! My last day of work is tomorrow and then all that's left to do is sit and wait...

I feel like I'm back at the beginning when we were trying to get pregnant and I would symptom watch and analyze everything during the TWW. :dohh:

No real symptoms at this point. Had back pains a few days ago but something tells me this little girl is going to stay in until the very last minute.
Can i also join? I have 13 days left to due date. Today I took the dogs for a long walk had some braxton hicks, been to the toilet a few times today (sorry tmi) which is totally not like me and when picking my daughter up had two quite painful tightnings. But I'm not getting my hopes up for anything for a while! Xx

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