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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Still nothing here! Had a few crampy tightnings the other day but now nothing and no other symptoms! Mind you i did have to have my first nap on Saturday since becoming pregnant!

FIRST nap since getting pregnant???? How did you make it this long??
Still nothing here! Had a few crampy tightnings the other day but now nothing and no other symptoms! Mind you i did have to have my first nap on Saturday since becoming pregnant!

FIRST nap since getting pregnant???? How did you make it this long??

I haven't really felt that tired and Tbf sleeping pretty well at night other than toilet trips! But the last 3 days I've felt so tired! I don't know if it's my body's way of telling me to catch up on sleep before baby comes! I hope so! Xx
Hi all, I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and trying to decide if I should be on labor watch. I had started to get the mild period type cramping and back pain about two weeks ago and my doctor confirmed I had started to dilate, but wasn't even at a 1cm yet.
Since then, the mild period cramps and lower back pain are a bit more constant, but then I get this really sharp cramp that seems to tighten and hold for about 30 secs and then releases. These ones only happen a few times throughout the day. I also have been experiencing these sharp pains in my vagina :blush: (TMI) that makes me stop suddenly and bend over. When these happen I have a brief moment where I feel like I am about to pee myself. I have been using the restroom more so than ever, including bowel movements (TMI). I also feel so much pressure down there. It feels like gravity is doubled when I try to stand or get up from laying down and everything is about to just fall out of me.
This is my first baby so I really have no idea what to expect. I know everyone's experience is different so I am just curious if I am getting close or am I doomed to being so uncomfortable for the next three weeks. I see my doctor again tomorrow for my Strep test so I am sure he'll be checking me again.
My poor DH has been so anxious as well and even packed my bag for me last night in anticipation from all the discomfort I have been experiencing. :haha:
You sound a lot like me, Calitronagrl. For me it was all just prodomal labor and I'm here at nearly 39 weeks with nothing to show for it. Haha. Though all the things you describe COULD mean labor is soon. My advice is to ignore it as much as you can. I was really vigilant about it for a while and then I just got frustrated. When it's the real deal, you won't be able to ignore it! I had a lot of symptoms at 37 weeks but barely any during my 38th week so even if you do have a while to go, it doesn't mean you'll be this uncomfortable the whole time.
Nothing going on here...absolutely no symptoms. Now that I'm off of work I'm trying to keep busy running errands. Hopefully running around will make something happen.

Hope some starts soon and sets the rest of off like a chain reaction! :haha:
Aaaahhh!! These BH are so annoying. Keep getting tightenings but no pain?? The only time i get period pains is if im doing housework etc. been on my ball for ages and nothing either. Just want to see my baby now!!
Well I went and saw my doctor. There definitely was some progression. I am now at 1.5 cm dilated. I went ahead and took myself off work just in case. Although, ever since I had my appointment I have been in extreme pain and have been bleeding with clots. Is this something to be concerned about? My stomach feels extremely hard and I have these horrible cramps. It reminds me of when I had miscarried last year. I was going to take a warm bath to see if it helps at all.
I would definitely call about the bleeding with clots. :/

Hi! I'm Samantha and I'm just over 38 weeks and due June 1.
Yes please call about the bleeding, you shouldn't be passing clots .
I took a warm bath and it seemed to help with the cramping. It is more like an annoying period cramp that won't go away. The bleeding is now more like spotting, but still have some stuff coming out. Its not so much as clots anymore, but more like bloody mucus. So I am wondering if it is my mucus plug starting to come out. It hurts to move or sit down. My stomach still feels really tight so when I go to lie down it hurts to breath. I haven't called my doctors office since they were closed by the time I got home, but I will call them tomorrow if I still feel this way.
I'm so upset right now. I was having tightenings all day yesterday and they were getting painful so when I got home from work I took a bath. I assumed they were just BHs or prodromal labor as I've had that a lot. Baths always stop them. I didn't even start timing until after the bath.

30-40 seconds, 2.5 minutes like clockwork. Starting in front and wrapping to back.

Stopped timing. Ate dinner (coincidentally something spicy). Pumped for some nipple stim. Took a 2 mile walk.

45-60 seconds, 4 minutes. Still uncomfortable, especially in my back.

Called parents to give a heads up as they live 2 hours away and I need childcare for my toddler. Went to bed.


I'm "only" 39 weeks and it's not that that's pissing me off. It's that I've been having regular and frequent BHs since 32 weeks and regular and frequent painful contractions for a week and a half. I've gotten so much better at not getting my hopes up which is why I ignore everything until I take a bath as that tends to stop things for me if it isn't real. That didn't work this time (the first bath anyways...) and I'm so frustrated. I have my 39 week appt today. I'm so sick of this crying wolf shit. I'm sick of working and I don't want to have a baby on a holiday weekend. I'm just so upset at everything right now.
I took a warm bath and it seemed to help with the cramping. It is more like an annoying period cramp that won't go away. The bleeding is now more like spotting, but still have some stuff coming out. Its not so much as clots anymore, but more like bloody mucus. So I am wondering if it is my mucus plug starting to come out. It hurts to move or sit down. My stomach still feels really tight so when I go to lie down it hurts to breath. I haven't called my doctors office since they were closed by the time I got home, but I will call them tomorrow if I still feel this way.

Does your dr office have an answering service? Usually you can still call the office and they will get ahold of the dr who will give you a call back.

I don't think it would hurt to give your dr a call just to put him on notice that something is going on. I know my dr has told me to call if anything happens and it definitely sounds like you have activity to report.

Keep us updated:flower:
Cali- sounds like t could be your bloody show. Good luck.

Kiss- so frustrating! I have BH my whole pregnancies (starting at the end of 1st tri) but they are definitely getting more intense. And holy cow! These cramps! They keep me up/ wake me up but they aren't doing anything. My husband is working almost 2 hours from our house and we live an hour from the hospital so I'm hoping I don't go into labor quickly or at least get him home for the weekend.
How frustrating, Kiss. Hang in there! Hopefully they start back up and today is the day.:hugs::flower:
Can i join :flower:

Im 37+2 today, i delivered my LB at this gestation last time so was secretly hoping same again but nothing :nope:

Feeling fed up and just want things to start happening, think i lost bits of my plug 3 days ago but couldn't tell :shrug:
I called my doctors office this morning and they pretty much told me what I had experienced was normal. So I am wondering if my doctor possibly stripped my membranes? When he did the examination it hurt like hell. I was pretty much yelling out in pain and backing away from him. I am still having the period cramps, but the bleeding has pretty much stopped, although the mucus type stuff keeping coming out when I use the restroom (TMI). I am pretty certain that I am in the process of losing my mucus plug.
I'd think they'd tell you if they did a sweep. Just normal checks can hurt like hell. One of the many reasons I refuse them!
So last night I was having mild contractions coming every 10 mins lasting 30-60 seconds decided to go up to bed see if I could sleep. Well yes I could sleep woke up in the night to wee and nothing! I have no other signs of labour so perhaps they were just strong braxton hicks!
He's not allowed to come now until Saturday as it's my birthday tomorrow hehe! Or I will just have to share if he does come! Xx

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