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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Can I join. Am 38 weeks now, thought I was going to be induced on Tuesday as baby is small, but they decided all is fine and will now leave me. I cried all day :( Of course I am glad they are happy she's healthy enough to stay in but I really had it in my head that this would be over by now. The thought of now possibly going another MONTH is almost killing me :(

Baby is so low I can barely walk the pressure is unreal! I keep getting BH and I can feel her head pushing down so hard. I keep thinking my waters are going to go but nope, just wetting myself a little bit!! I can't sleep without agonizing pelvic pain and waking up at least 6 times to pee.

Also got pretty constant period pains that sometimes hot up a bit, then die down again. This has been going on for a week. I don't know how much more I can take!

Oh and I lost my plug at 35+4 (Was in hospital as they thought I was in prem labour!) so I have literally been thinking this is it for 3 weeks already, plus the growth thing (shes just under 6lb now) I AM JUST DONE!!
i went for a power walk last night, walking as fast and as hard as i could pushing my 16 mo. old in the stroller. I hoped it would start something, i'm pretty desperate to be done with this pregnancy. But the only thing it caused was intense pubic bone pain all night long which means i slept even worse than usual!
Oh Luz that sucks!! Hope the pain stops and you manage to get some sleep tonight. I'm going for another walk today to try and get this baby out :)
Seems like we are all feeling pretty much the same ! Had loads of braxton hicks today which I hope turn into something, but not holding my breath as they always fade overnight . Given up on trying to get things to happen now .... Too tired lol
Maybe all the babies have talked and decided the womb is a fun place to hang out. If I get one more text asking if IV had the baby yet I'm going to freak out!!!!!!!!!
i went for a power walk last night, walking as fast and as hard as i could pushing my 16 mo. old in the stroller. I hoped it would start something, i'm pretty desperate to be done with this pregnancy. But the only thing it caused was intense pubic bone pain all night long which means i slept even worse than usual!

I am betting that's what happened with me yesterday after we walked the Disney board walk....ugh. Just made myself sore

Babies really will not come unless ready! But it doesn't stop me from hoping and trying and seeing if I can just tip it all over the edge. I'm counting down to this upcoming Wednesday. That will be my milestone the longest I have ever gone pregnant!!! Then I'm in new territory I suppose lol
Hi ladies!! Going to join in.. I am 36 + 2 .. Due on April 21!

My doctor hasn't checked my progress yet, but probably will ask her to do it next week, just because I am curious.

She has definitely dropped, My lower back, pelvic bones and legs are KILLING ME.

No mucus plug loss yet (that I know of).

Definitely getting BH and period like cramping.

Also, starting to nest.. which is probably a good thing since we just moved into a new house, so I am feeling the need to put things away! :)

Hoping baby girl stays put till at least 38-39 weeks.. this is my first, so she will probably come late.
Kittique- It doesn't sound like you are going to go another month with the way things are going in your body. It really sounds like your body is revving up!

Luz- That's frustrating. But maybe that does mean the baby is moving down some.

I feel like I've been punched in the crotch now. The pain has gone from soreness like I was riding a bike to just straight up feeling bruised and hurting. I'm not complaining about any of it. I feel it has to be a sign of some progress! I haven't done my yoga in a while, but I feel like I should get back into it to quiet my mind and keep my body relaxed. I just feel like a relaxed mind and body are the best to have when wanting labor to start. But it's hard not to get tense when contractions and period pains come and go. Shooting crotch pains come on, but lead to nothing else. And you just want your body to get the job done. ;)
Rebecca - That is how I feel... I just want to sit on an ice pad..
I'm only 36 weeks.... but desperate to be done being pregnant. With my first i went into labor at 39 weeks, and with my second at 37. While i do just want a healthy baby, I hope this one comes as early as my second did. I have a dr appointment tomorrow where they will check my cervix, and i plan on power walking again after my appointment. I do notice that when i walk i have tons and tons of BH - and eventually starts to hurt like a real contraction. I have no clue if it actually does anything or not, but i swear it's what put me into labor with my second baby, so i'm going to keep doing it! :haha:
I had a sweep today and she said baby is low but cervix is still thick and long so basically I could have another week *sigh*
Just hope it comes before I have to be induced. The sooner the better now!
Can I join too, i'm 40+2 and no sign of this baby making an appearance, i haven't had any braxton hicks at all throughout my entire pregnancy (that I know of) and haven't had any signs of labour starting any time soon.. I've been walking up hills and power walking, eating pineapple, bouncing on my ball, tomorrow i'm going to try something really spicy.

I had loads of pelvic pressure and baby felt really low last week but that seems to have stopped. I've got a MW appointment next week so I hope she'll do a sweep and set an induction date but i'm hoping i'll go into labour naturally before any of that.
You poor ladies reaching induction dates! 41+ weeks!! I really jus want to cry for you all!!!

Today I have had copious amounts of ewcm! Pressure and BH in varying intensity. Today my body is a little more...responsive? If that's the word.

I see my ob on Monday. I'm soooo curious to see if I've made progress or if I am still at 3/4cm 65%!

Even a solid 4 with more effacement would make me happy!!!
Sorry TMI... Anyone else have Lose stools? I had this for a week before I had dd last pregnancy and I'm getting them now for the last 2 days.
No one else in the house is having this problem, we all eat the same food and drink the same water and fruit drinks :dohh:
Sorry TMI... Anyone else have Lose stools? I had this for a week before I had dd last pregnancy and I'm getting them now for the last 2 days.
No one else in the house is having this problem, we all eat the same food and drink the same water and fruit drinks :dohh:

Me! Not necessarily multiple times a day bc that would be diarrhea but definitely looser stools. Mines been going on for 2+ weeks.
It's so amazing how our bodies get into gear :)
I haven't had loose stools lately, but I had them throughout the whole pregnancy. I'm suddenly the exact opposite this week. But I have been having to go a lot.
IV had soft stools for almost a month now and go so many times a day its unreal. Since my cervix is facing my rectum everytime I sit up I have to go its crazy annoying
I had loose stools for about 2 weeks, now I'm back to being constipated. I got my hopes up for nothin
Yup, I've had looser stools for about a week now too. Though I've also been slacking on my iron supplements over the last two weeks :dohh: so that might be part of it.

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