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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Good luck ladies!! I've been crampy today but it's all tailed off now :(
Good luck ladies!! I've been crampy today but it's all tailed off now :(

Me too! I was laughing because I was kind of hoping it was something. And then I was realizing there are other reasons I can feel crampy other than being close to labor. But I'd love for it to mean labor is near.
Glad to hear there are some people moving along (or hopefully are!). Kid's been kicking up a storm the last couple of days like it's trying to break out of its "egg". :) Nothing new today though :(. Lost a tiny bit of mucous plug the last two mornings, but that's it. T-2 days until due date... 40 week appointment tomorrow.
Glad to hear there are some people moving along (or hopefully are!). Kid's been kicking up a storm the last couple of days like it's trying to break out of its "egg". :) Nothing new today though :(. Lost a tiny bit of mucous plug the last two mornings, but that's it. T-2 days until due date... 40 week appointment tomorrow.

Woke up still pregnant :dohh: I don't want to have to go for the 40 weeks appointment !
I wish I knew what a actual contraction felt like. I have had a few painful ones in the last week but for the past few hours IV had a pain in my stomach. Not like before just enough to know something is happening. Is this early labor or me going crazy
This bit really is torture! I wake up 6 times a night worrying about her as she doesn't move AT ALL at night. I poke her for ages but still nothing. I'd rather have her here so I can check her properly :(

Those of us who had 'prem' labour - I think this wait is worse because you've sort of expected to go into labour much earlier all along. So you're never really expecting to even get near your due date! For it to then come and go - that just sucks!

Nothing happening still over here. Lost a few small bits of plug but I don't know if mines regenerated after I lost it at 35w, probably has. Midwife on Wednesday who I only see every 2 weeks (I think this is ridiculous!) and won't do anything until 41w....>.<
Kittique, I totally agree that the every other week visit to the midwife is ridiculous at this stage! My midwife is only in the 'office' on the day before my week changes, making my 38 week check more like my 39 week check if that makes sense!

I am counting the days till I can go and find out how baby is, whether he's engaged and facing the right way! Grr!
I'm joining! I've been lots of more active, hoping to get things moving. Nothing is happening here :( might have a sweep on Tuesday at 39 weeks.
I can't believe I'm on single figure countdown!!!

Really hope something starts this week... I feel like he is so low!

I just want to hold my baby now...
^^ Wow! You're on countdown already?! I remember you from a previous thread when you were just turning 37w :). How have you been? Can't believe we're coming to an end soon :happydance: xx
^^ Wow! You're on countdown already?! I remember you from a previous thread when you were just turning 37w :). How have you been? Can't believe we're coming to an end soon :happydance: xx

Hey x

I'm due on Saturday so 5 days to go!!! :thumbup:

I know I can't believe it either. The past few weeks have flown by..

How are you feeling? X
^^ Wow! You're on countdown already?! I remember you from a previous thread when you were just turning 37w :). How have you been? Can't believe we're coming to an end soon :happydance: xx

Hey x

I'm due on Saturday so 5 days to go!!! :thumbup:

I know I can't believe it either. The past few weeks have flown by..

How are you feeling? X

5 days huh! How exciting :happydance:

Im feeling pretty good thanks. Started EPO today so hopefully that combined with RLT helps me advance when 40w like it has other women.

Oh and other good news! I did a private test for gbs and its come up negative this time :yipee: - so happy I dont have to get to hospital ridiculously early and stay in day or so after birth.

Rosegarden - I'm from the UK so they don't do cervical checks here! Il get offered a sweep by the midwife but not until 40 + 7! So it's just a waiting game!!

Inoue - yay I'm getting really excited now! Just feel ready for the birth and so can't wait to see my little boy :cloud9: my DS is so excited and keeps asking me everyday when is he coming mummy?

that's great news about your GBS :happydance: really pleased for you!

What's EPO? Good luck with the RLT! I've not drank it in either this pregnancy or my one with DS. I don't really know why lol! Wish I had of done this time and then I could of compared to see if it does make any difference lol!
^^ 'Evening primrose oil'. It apparently helps soften the cervix - I had trouble dilating last time (took ages!) so hoping it can help in that department.

Yeh im well chuffed being negative. Im seeing midwife on Thursday so will ask her if im clear to have normal delivery and no AB's (keeping fingers crossed!).

Ditto on no sweep will 41 weeks - I asked mw if I could have one at 40w like last time but they wont - booooo! :brat:. Let's just hope we dont go over! Xx
^^ 'Evening primrose oil'. It apparently helps soften the cervix - I had trouble dilating last time (took ages!) so hoping it can help in that department.

Yeh im well chuffed being negative. Im seeing midwife on Thursday so will ask her if im clear to have normal delivery and no AB's (keeping fingers crossed!).

Ditto on no sweep will 41 weeks - I asked mw if I could have one at 40w like last time but they wont - booooo! :brat:. Let's just hope we dont go over! Xx

Ooh I hope it works for you hun!!

I've got the midwife on Wednesday and if she offered me a sweep I would accept as last time I had one I went into labour that night! But I know she probably won't she already said they Won't do until week overdue so I'm not getting my hopes up!

What's your due date? X
^^ 28th April.

Same as you with the sweep. Had one with DD at 40w and she was born the next day. Its so common for ladies in the states to have cervix checks well before we're allowed (jealous!).

Will be looking out for any news from you :flower: xx

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