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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Fed up :( nothing at all no plug no contractions. Went to midwife yesterday bump now measures 33cm at 39 weeks and growth is consistently on the 10th centile, occasionally dropping below. I asked to see a DR was told I don't need to and they ordered me another growth scan in a weeks time. What is the point of a growth scan at 40 weeks? GAH. I'm so worried all the time. I wish they'd just induce me like they said they would at 35 weeks when she was on 0.4 centile. :'(
Kittique that's so upsetting I'm sorry they're treating you like that! Wish they could be more reassuring.
Fed up :( nothing at all no plug no contractions. Went to midwife yesterday bump now measures 33cm at 39 weeks and growth is consistently on the 10th centile, occasionally dropping below. I asked to see a DR was told I don't need to and they ordered me another growth scan in a weeks time. What is the point of a growth scan at 40 weeks? GAH. I'm so worried all the time. I wish they'd just induce me like they said they would at 35 weeks when she was on 0.4 centile. :'(

I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. That must be tough when you are concerned about your baby's growth. :hugs:
Fed up :( nothing at all no plug no contractions. Went to midwife yesterday bump now measures 33cm at 39 weeks and growth is consistently on the 10th centile, occasionally dropping below. I asked to see a DR was told I don't need to and they ordered me another growth scan in a weeks time. What is the point of a growth scan at 40 weeks? GAH. I'm so worried all the time. I wish they'd just induce me like they said they would at 35 weeks when she was on 0.4 centile. :'(

Why won't they induce you? I'm sorry you're going through this. Huge hugs.
I've been having cramping plus cervical pain on and off all day. Baby has been very active. Lost a bit more of my plug. Super soft stools last night, but it seems I've went back to being constipated today. : /

OH and I had sex earlier. I was hoping maybe it would start something consistent, but so far it hasn't. And of course a girl I used to work with had her baby today. Our pregnancies were only a couple days apart, so I'm a little envious. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, hopefully he will check me and see if I've made any more progress. I've been 3 cm dilated since they stopped my preterm labor at 31 weeks.
UDATE: I had my precious Stella Kate on 1st April at 16:46. Right now I feel like superwoman :haha: It was my first completely drug free birth !

I was about to get the epi because Dr still thought I had around 3hrs to go (had been quite slow progress until then and I was about 7cm) but I was actually in transition and she literally flew out about 15min later after he left .... poor Dr came running in and caught her just in time as our SA nurses are rather terrified as only the Dr does the actual delivery :dohh: They were telling me not to push and close my legs, yeah right ha ha . The anesthetist had just arrived right before she came and was telling me all the legal blurb when I felt her descend ... I thought I would never scream and I had been pretty quiet up until then, but suddenly there was a banshee in the room as I started to push �� Funniest part was DH was so terrified he grabbed the gas and air and proceeded to "gas" me non stop by pressing the little button that released it !!! I hadn't used it until then, but he was determined to "help" somehow :dohh: I would say the rally painful part of labour was only about 1hr30min ... The progress was slow the whole day, but most of it pretty bearable up until then.

To all the ladies still waiting .... I know how you feel ! After the preterm scare at 34 weeks I had my mind set that she would arrive early and every day was so disappointing as I waited for the signs of labour from 36 weeks :nope: Your day is coming ! It's like some people have gotten to open their pressies for Christmas, but yours is still coming :flower:
UDATE: I had my precious Stella Kate on 1st April at 16:46. Right now I feel like superwoman :haha: It was my first completely drug free birth !

I was about to get the epi because Dr still thought I had around 3hrs to go (had been quite slow progress until then and I was about 7cm) but I was actually in transition and she literally flew out about 15min later after he left .... poor Dr came running in and caught her just in time as our SA nurses are rather terrified as only the Dr does the actual delivery :dohh: They were telling me not to push and close my legs, yeah right ha ha . The anesthetist had just arrived right before she came and was telling me all the legal blurb when I felt her descend ... I thought I would never scream and I had been pretty quiet up until then, but suddenly there was a banshee in the room as I started to push �� Funniest part was DH was so terrified he grabbed the gas and air and proceeded to "gas" me non stop by pressing the little button that released it !!! I hadn't used it until then, but he was determined to "help" somehow :dohh: I would say the rally painful part of labour was only about 1hr30min ... The progress was slow the whole day, but most of it pretty bearable up until then.

To all the ladies still waiting .... I know how you feel ! After the preterm scare at 34 weeks I had my mind set that she would arrive early and every day was so disappointing as I waited for the signs of labour from 36 weeks :nope: Your day is coming ! It's like some people have gotten to open their pressies for Christmas, but yours is still coming :flower:

Congrats :hugs: I laughed at your DH trying to help with the gas and air. Enjoy your precious little one :flower:
Congratulations samummy :) sounds like it was a good birth! Well done xx
Fed up :( nothing at all no plug no contractions. Went to midwife yesterday bump now measures 33cm at 39 weeks and growth is consistently on the 10th centile, occasionally dropping below. I asked to see a DR was told I don't need to and they ordered me another growth scan in a weeks time. What is the point of a growth scan at 40 weeks? GAH. I'm so worried all the time. I wish they'd just induce me like they said they would at 35 weeks when she was on 0.4 centile. :'(

Why won't they induce you? I'm sorry you're going through this. Huge hugs.
I saw a consultant at 35 w when she was off the chart small who made a plan to monitor me 2x week and a follow up growth scan and potentially induce at 38w. When I go for monitoring it's just a midwife who puts the monitor on for 15 mins says it's fine and sends me on my way! The follow up scan showed she had grown, albeit on the small side so again I was told by the sonographer it's fine you can just carry on now! Haven't seen a dr since ... :/ now I'm
Back to oh she's small let's scan again..FFs just get her out!
Contractions SAmummy, lovely news!!

Kittique, hopefully it won't be long for you now xx
My induction was canceled. My preferred hospital won't take me until I am 39 weeks AND a 7 on the Bishop scale. My doc's preferred hospital was willing to take me (barely), so now I know why they have such a high c-section rate... they are much looser with their guidelines.

I am so miserable with PUPPPs. I also had non-labor contractions for hours last night. I'm becoming despondent and slightly depressed. 38 + 6 today.
Congrats to SAmummy!

Good luck to you Kittique - I hope something happens soon!
My induction was canceled. My preferred hospital won't take me until I am 39 weeks AND a 7 on the Bishop scale. My doc's preferred hospital was willing to take me (barely), so now I know why they have such a high c-section rate... they are much looser with their guidelines.

I am so miserable with PUPPPs. I also had non-labor contractions for hours last night. I'm becoming despondent and slightly depressed. 38 + 6 today.

Sorry to hear .... Hang in there :flower:
Tulip I hope things move forward for you very soon! How frustrating. :hugs:

My contractions can be strong enough to wake me up at night, moaning in pain. But they always go away. Bah! :p
UDATE: I had my precious Stella Kate on 1st April at 16:46. Right now I feel like superwoman :haha: It was my first completely drug free birth !

I was about to get the epi because Dr still thought I had around 3hrs to go (had been quite slow progress until then and I was about 7cm) but I was actually in transition and she literally flew out about 15min later after he left .... poor Dr came running in and caught her just in time as our SA nurses are rather terrified as only the Dr does the actual delivery :dohh: They were telling me not to push and close my legs, yeah right ha ha . The anesthetist had just arrived right before she came and was telling me all the legal blurb when I felt her descend ... I thought I would never scream and I had been pretty quiet up until then, but suddenly there was a banshee in the room as I started to push �� Funniest part was DH was so terrified he grabbed the gas and air and proceeded to "gas" me non stop by pressing the little button that released it !!! I hadn't used it until then, but he was determined to "help" somehow :dohh: I would say the rally painful part of labour was only about 1hr30min ... The progress was slow the whole day, but most of it pretty bearable up until then.

To all the ladies still waiting .... I know how you feel ! After the preterm scare at 34 weeks I had my mind set that she would arrive early and every day was so disappointing as I waited for the signs of labour from 36 weeks :nope: Your day is coming ! It's like some people have gotten to open their pressies for Christmas, but yours is still coming :flower:

Congrats :hugs: I laughed at your DH trying to help with the gas and air. Enjoy your precious little one :flower:

You did wonderful!!
Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see pics! (If of course you decided to post them) :)
Had a sweep yesterday thought nothing off it but I have been woken up throughout the night with intense period pains and some contractions. God constant dull back ache to go with it but then baby is back to back...

Ceevix was high and posterior yesterday so I don't hold out much hope but they're ny labour watch symptoms.

Fingers crossed...

Hi girls I just wanted to update... I have my second little princess Sophie Grace. She was born at 16.34 on 31st March and weighed a healthy 9Ibs 3oz...

After the quote above my contractions went pretty quickly to 4-6 minute intervals and I didn't believe they were contractions as I could breath, walk and talk through them. After a few hrs of the pains I decided to go for a walk round our estate and had to turn around immediately as the pains were too intense to go too far. Next thing you know at 3.30pm Im in delivery being told I was 4-5cm. My Oh and I were that shocked we hadn't brought any of our bags from the car so I started my G&A whilst he went to get them and out of nowhere they picked up in intensity and speed. By the time he'd got back from the car (I was told it was a max of 20mins) I was 7cm dilated and high as a kite on Gas and Air... The midwife broke my waters and my contractions came on top of one another. At 4.25pm I was shouting that I needed to push and the midwife didn't believe me, she reluctantly looked and there was Sophie ready to pop out. After 4 big pushes and her tummy getting stuck (yes it was that big), my gorgeous girl entered this world with no tears, rips or corrective work needed.

I'm totally and utterly besotted with her. She's taken to breastfeeding like a dream and despite not sleeping at all during the night she's such a content little lady who has stolen the hearts of us all, including her big sis Charlotte.

Just want to wish you all the very best of luck for the end of your pregnancy journeys and also thank each and everyone of you for your kind words and support. I think that was the last time I'll be in 3rd trimester as we don't plan on having anymore :( :( :( (we'll see. ��)

See you on the parenting forums.

Had a sweep yesterday thought nothing off it but I have been woken up throughout the night with intense period pains and some contractions. God constant dull back ache to go with it but then baby is back to back...

Ceevix was high and posterior yesterday so I don't hold out much hope but they're ny labour watch symptoms.

Fingers crossed...

Hi girls I just wanted to update... I have my second little princess Sophie Grace. She was born at 16.34 on 31st March and weighed a healthy 9Ibs 3oz...

After the quote above my contractions went pretty quickly to 4-6 minute intervals and I didn't believe they were contractions as I could breath, walk and talk through them. After a few hrs of the pains I decided to go for a walk round our estate and had to turn around immediately as the pains were too intense to go too far. Next thing you know at 3.30pm Im in delivery being told I was 4-5cm. My Oh and I were that shocked we hadn't brought any of our bags from the car so I started my G&A whilst he went to get them and out of nowhere they picked up in intensity and speed. By the time he'd got back from the car (I was told it was a max of 20mins) I was 7cm dilated and high as a kite on Gas and Air... The midwife broke my waters and my contractions came on top of one another. At 4.25pm I was shouting that I needed to push and the midwife didn't believe me, she reluctantly looked and there was Sophie ready to pop out. After 4 big pushes and her tummy getting stuck (yes it was that big), my gorgeous girl entered this world with no tears, rips or corrective work needed.

I'm totally and utterly besotted with her. She's taken to breastfeeding like a dream and despite not sleeping at all during the night she's such a content little lady who has stolen the hearts of us all, including her big sis Charlotte.

Just want to wish you all the very best of luck for the end of your pregnancy journeys and also thank each and everyone of you for your kind words and support. I think that was the last time I'll be in 3rd trimester as we don't plan on having anymore :( :( :( (we'll see. ��)

See you on the parenting forums.


Awww congrats!!
What a lovely experience, it's sounds like. Good luck with everything!
Thank you Rose. It really was. My first labour was pretty gruelling so it really was a nice experience.

I'll try to upload a photo.



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