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Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Do you look at her in astonishment? Like, there you are little one! And does it feel weird not being pregnant?

That's how I felt the last time! Both times actually.

She's precious! Dd had that blankie too! :)
Congrats Glitterfly <3

I can definitely be on labour watch now, 38 weeks and I am comfortable with baby coming out at any time ;) buttttt nothing to report on lol x

Hope everyone is going great :)
Huge congrats Glitterfly !! She is gorgeous ! What a great labour .

Also our last which I'm already sad about, but enjoying every single moment :flower:
Who's up at two am getting Tums from the gas station!!! &#128588; meee
Congrats, Glitterfly!

Hopingwaiting - you must be so miserable. :(
Congrats ladies! I had my 37 week appointment yesterday, I'm 2 cm 80% effaced. I power walked for 2 hours yesterday hoping to set myself into labor (hey it worked with my last pregnancy!) and went to bed all excited but only had sporadic contractions through the night.

When I was checked at 36 weeks it felt like the dr was trying to reach my throat and he a said my cervix was still very posterior and only 1 cm. yesterday when the dr checked she barely had her hand in and said oh the babies head is right there! So I guess that's progress! I am terrified of induction because I know it can increase the risk for c-section, but I went ahead and scheduled one for 39 weeks just in case this baby isn't born by then.....I'm pretty sick of being pregnant and want to meet my baby so bad! I think with how effaced my cervix is, induction would hopefully go well...but I really hope I don't make it to 39 weeks , I guess we'll see
Up since 3am with contractions! (I think) they were 5 mins apart, last just over a minute.. Then I took a shower and they've died down but still there :/ they aren't that bad so I'm assuming it's not proper labour! Expected far worse so I'm sure it is to come! :) not sure when to ring hospital .. If they come back to every 5?
Kittique yep I think it's if they're every 5 minutes & around a minute long for an hour, then you call. Good luck!!
The 5-1-1 rule is what I've heard. 5 min apart, 1 min long for atleast an hour.

Although I've been told when they are 3-5 min apart to go in.

Do you look at her in astonishment? Like, there you are little one! And does it feel weird not being pregnant?

That's how I felt the last time! Both times actually.

She's precious! Dd had that blankie too! :)

Awh I really do. Last night I popped her on our bed and I just couldn't believe that she's actually been with us for 9months. In complete love with her. Good luck for when your time comes. Cherish every second of it xxx
They went down to ten mins and have been for hmm... 18 hours now? No sign of getting any closer but much more intense.. Hospital don't want to see me :(
If it's one thing I learned, it's listen to your body. Listen to intensity not time. Don't risk delivering your baby at home or nearly at home bc they have ridiculous rules/guidelines that not all women fall into. My contractions with dd never ever got closer then 7-8 minutes apart. If I would have listened to their stupid rules I would have delivered at home! They're a good guideline for women to follow but remember your birth is your own and of aren't able to decipher intensity than go and get checked for piece of mind. they have to see you, so screw what they want!

Keep them pains going!
Hi girls.
I'm 38 weeks today. On my last post on this thread I updated that I was having period pains a few weeks ago with strong braxton hicks, but then everything stopped. Well they've started again this morning about 11.30am, quite strong period pains coming every 10 minutes, they stopped for around an hour this afternoon then started again about 3pm and been none stop since.

Don't think I'm in labour, but they've not stopped since 3pm every 10-15 minutes but not getting any stronger. They are just like period pains with tightenings that also spread round to my back!!!...... Hopefully I'm in slow labour. You would think I would know after already having two babies!!.
This happened with my last DS and I had him the next day !!. He was 3 days overdue though!!.
Well, I've had some progress anyway! I've been feeling pretty great the last two days, which is annoying because I'd rather be in labour, but apparently I'm 1-2cm dilated now and cervix is much further forward than a week ago. Going in for an evaluation at the hospital sometime tomorrow to see where things are at, and probably booking a c-section for late this week if baby doesn't come by then.

Final end-date is likely to be Friday :) We'll have the baby by the weekend!
Dollych I'm worried I won't recognize real labor since I've had so many BH contractions this time & only started contractions after I got pitocin with my first. Hope it's the real thing for you!

Dilated to "almost 2 cm" today and cervix is "very soft," so I'm happy. Not as happy as if I go into labor tonight! :p I would love an April 7th baby; it's my lucky number & my grandma's bday. I'm sure that means a lot to baby! :haha:
Hello my pregnant ladies! No more babies???

Kittique- any more ctx?
Dollych- any news?
TaraC- this is my third baby and I am constantly saying "I think" I'm having a ctx.

It's changes so mch with every pg! Dd1- I was induced, no pre labor felt.

Dd2- it was spontaneous labor and the ctx literally just started and didn't let up....like super super painful braxton hicks. The day before they came on with a vengeance, I had said "i think I'm in labor" in response to shooting cervix pains and pressures.

at the hospital I was having ctx but they were intense braxton hicks. That night, they petered out and I slept great. Next morning, 8am- boom.... It was on.

Today for myself, I've had some ewcm throughout the night last night. Not tinged with green snotty looking stuff I've been having which has been stretchy and in abundance (lost my plug about a week ago)...just ewcm. Sometimes enough to have to wipe more than twice.

this morning I had three occasions of period pains cramping and radiating aching to the back and lower abdomen.

Pressure to a severe degree. I've felt this before this pregnancy (and last pg as a result of the pressure I was feeling)and now it's back. The pressure causes an increased urgency to pee, and even after manipulation of my bladder (you know the pushing, poking and lifting involved in peeing now lol) I only get two or three drops if anything at all.

She's low. Quieter again today. Braxton's hicks all day yesterday too.

Hope it's the start of something. Drs appt tomorrow, we'll see if
I'm in the mood to let her check me (and possibly make me more anxious).

Hope everyone is staying comfortable!

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