Girls close to the end... .LABOR WATCH!

Feeling really off today, but that might be from my lack of sleep more than anything. I also feel like I really need to have a BM (Tmi, sorry) and have awful gas pains. : /
I'm still a ways away yet, I just wanted to document my "hunch" lol.

Last night, for no reason, my stomach was quite upset. Usually I can pin point a food that could have done it but I didn't have much yesterday or anything that would make me think my stomach would be upset after.

I remember when I was just shy of 39 weeks with dd2 I had a weird few bms in the afternoon and my water broke overnight.

So far nothing, just a bunch of BH. And some stomach pain, but on my sides. That happened last night too, I had a hard time moving like all my muscles were pulled or something.

Dr declined to check me at my 34+5 apt, so I have no idea what's going on down there if anything. I just know my gut is screaming at me to pack a bag just in case :haha:
I'm still at nothing really going on, lol. I did lose some mucous plug..some had brown in it. I've had some random pain and tightening, but it was really random and didn't stick around for too long. At my 39 week appointment, I was 2cm dilated and had bulging waters. I have a lot more discomfort walking but meh. Doctor did say if nothing happens on its own by Tuesday, she'll put me on the induction list for Wednesday. I'm really, really hoping to go in on my own.
Hi all, congrats to all the mamas that had their babies.

Update on me - I'm 38 weeks, 5 days, went to bed wed nite with period like cramps that continued into the next day and progressed into contractions during the evening and nite, they were pretty uncomfortable but bearable lasting 30-40 seconds every 5-8 mins and this continued throughout the nite. A few strong ones woke me up a few times. I just went to the washroom to pee (again lol) and when I wiped I felt something gooey (sorry tmi) and it was my mucus plug, it was the size of a chicken tender lol and pink throughout. The color of raw chicken lol @ all the chicken references. Contractions haven't stopped. Thinking it's getting close, this is my first so pretty clueless but can already tell it will be no picnic as contractions are already borderline painful.

This is brutal, had bloody mucus yesterday evening but then contractions tapered off. They started up again after midnite and woke me up at nite. I went to get assessed at the hospital as gfs who had babies recently told me to go due to the blood and I'm only 1 cm dilated 😭👎
I have been having regular contractions of some sort for three weeks on and off now :( usually 8-12 min apart and mostly painless, just very tight. Yesterday morning they were actually accompanied by cramps and back aches for about 3 hours and then disappeared again :-/. Almost all day yesterday they would come consistently for a few hours and then go sporadic again.

I haven't lost any plug that I have noticed, but I go pee in the dark so often at night, who knows. I also have no idea if I am dilated, effaced or baby is engaged at all because they haven't checked yet (I am a few days behind my ticker) and my next appointment isn't til Thursday.

I'm torn because I want him soon, but I also have two topics I need to present to leadership on Friday morning at work, so I could really use him to stay in til then. I also hope my body makes it fairly obvious when real labor is here because our western style hospital is an hour away!

I've seen lots of questions about days after plug loss that labor starts, but what about the other way around. Has anyone gone to try labor without notice plug loss?
Started with contractions this morning at 2am, but they were all over the place... Started at 10 mins apart, 8 mins, 5 mins then down to 3 and 1 minute apart then back up to 5 mins apart again!!.!. I felt loads of pressure. ' down below' and felt like I needed a poo!!. They were painful to take my breath away but were not consistant. They stopped at 5am :(

All day I've been having period pains and strong BH on and off but no more contractions. This happened with my second DS and I gave birth to him the day after........ Hope this is the start of labour and not just my ' body preparing' as the midwife always says!!.
I've seen lots of questions about days after plug loss that labor starts, but what about the other way around. Has anyone gone to try labor without notice plug loss?

Eventerjj I never lost any plug before my water broke with my first, and have heard lots of women don't lose it until they're in active labor. I really don't think the plug means anything at all. Good luck, hope your LO comes after your presentation! :)
Well I'm 40+2 and I'm fed up, a few nights ago I had some contractions that woke me in the night, which tapered off by morning, then nothing since, I was duper emotional last night with dh going from being angry, to frustrated then to crying! Then apologising for crying! I'm so ready for this baby to make an appearance, this morning I woke up tho and I swear I think the baby has spun round so I think it maybe back to back now, even tho I've been doing everything to let that not happen gggrrr, I turned down a sweep last week which should have been happening tomorrow and now that can't got me in now, so just have to go to my normal appointment on Thursday with the midwife, fingers crossed I don't make it that far 😬xxx
Had my 39 week check with the midwife this morning, baby is back to back :( she said it's normal with a 3rd baby to have all the ' practice contractions' I've been having. She said all what I've been experiencing probably has thinned my cervix a little and I could have dilated, but they don't check you like they do in USA until you are in labour.
He's fully engaged though now and right down in my pelvis :)

Had contractions again this morning from 5-6am then they stopped and nothing all day!!.
Hope this doesn't carry on for another week !!.
I just wanted to update. I had Charlie at 40+1 on 4/3. I woke up, peed, then laid back down and thought, "hey kid, if you want to have a 4/4 birthday, we gotta get this show on the road!" Literally right then I felt a small gush. And I knew it was my waters leaking. I guess he heard me! After that, I took a shower, we ran some errands, I planted some plants, and waited for labor to begin. From 6am to about 1:30 pm, contractions were livable and about 5/6 mins apart. I lost my mucous plug slowly all through labor. Then, they got bad very fast. They were in my back and I kept feeling like I had to poop, so I would go to the restroom. The pain started just being pretty constant with the contractions being in my back as well as my front. No comfortable position could be found and no massage or counter pressure helped. Every time I moved, I'd have another contraction - no rest! We finally went to the hospital at 4:30 and got there around 4:45-5. They said I was 100% effaced but 1 cm dilated due to scarring on my cervix. They said once it breaks the scar tissue, I should go fast. At that point, the pain was too much for too long and I asked for an epi. Finally got it at 6:30 pm. They checked me and I was 8cm. At 7:30 I was 10 and ready to push. Started pushing at 8:30 (hospital slow) and they turned off the epi. Feeling came back about an hour in. Pushed for 2 and my love was born at 10:25 pm. 6 lbs 6 oz, 19 in long. 😊
With my first labor I woke up in the morning with obvious contractions-felt like period cramps- everything 3 minutes and regular. I lost my plug in a huge chunk at some point either just before or just after that. I also lost another bit several hours later when I had a cleanout. So having the plug stay intact doesn't mean labor won't start on its own in my experience.
Congrats DD80, what a great birth story! Hope all you other ladies are making progress too :)

Update on me: my waters broke at midnite last nite, I was standing talking to my mother in law and I felt a small uncontrollable gush, similar to a period flow and then water ran down my legs and made a small puddle. It wasnt very much fluid, maybe about an ounce but I wearing a pantiliner. At first I thought I had peed myself a little 😳 but it kept happening after bigger contractions and was clear and odourless so I wore an incontinence diaper which worked great lol. I went to bed and continued having the same contractions I've been having since thurs, with a few strong ones waking me up. This morning I waited until they got more frequent and intense and headed to the hospital when they were about 3-4 mins apart and 40sec-1 min in duration. I was 2.5 cm dilated and was admitted :) this was around 2:30 pm. I got my epidural at 4ish and immediately felt soooo much better. I got a pitocin drip as 4 hrs later I only dilated to 3.5 but things are moving along now thankfully, nurse thinks baby Juliana will arrive around 1-2 am :)
I'm going to join this thread so that I feel somewhat productive (plus reading about what everyone else is going through is very helpful!)

I am down to 9 days until my due date, but my doctors were confident that I would go before then, even though I'm a ftm. =/ but idk - things seem to not be moving that fast to me....

I was 2cm and 50% on April 1st, and then (still) 2cm but 80% on April 7th. Next appointment is on the 15th - and I really hope I've moved past 2cm! I'm still working full-time, and its getting harder everyday to go :(
Well I'm still pregnant. I had quite a bit of cramping yesterday and even some contractions that were about 15 minutes apart, but then they stopped. I'm telling myself I'll probably go overdue and just mentally preparing for three more weeks of pregnancy. >.>
Hi I'd like to join please :)

I'm due tomorrow!! And hopefully won't go to much over (5 days with DD) I had a few cramps/contractions last night but where more like period pains coming and going about every 10 mins but only lasting about 20 seconds. They seemed to die down I think or j just haven't noticed cz u have been up half the night with DD having chicken pox so I'm knackered. I have my first sweep tomorrow so I can't wait hoping that brings it on ASAP. Has anyone tried anything to "bring on labour" xxxx
Hi & welcome sarahdavies & Hulu.

Well no more ' practice contractions' since Sunday, but I've been having a ' clear out' ( runny poos... Sorry TMI) today. I had this the day before I had my last DS so hopefully he will be here soon!!.
Good luck everyone xx
Ditto on the cramps, especially this morning. Kept layed down and they settled after 40 mins or so, also had lower back pain. Hope its just our bodies gearing up for the big day :winkwink: xx
I'm hoping my my sweep tomoz will get me going fingers crossed xxx
Cramping with back pain this morning but not much since. Walking & dtd to try to encourage things. Doctor said we could try the sweep again on Friday if I want but I don't know that I'm up for another failed one, that hurt like a b!! :p
Waters have gone and we're fulling the pool as we speak. Midwives have been informed and on their way soon xx

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