Hi Girls
I'm wondering if I can joint this thread for a little support. To give you a little background I was on BC for 14 years from 16-30 & then we decided to try for a baby, 2 years later & nothing had happened so we went to the docs, they found a cyst on my ovary & booked my in to have it removed. In the meantime they found that my OH has motility issues with his

& thought that our issues were down to that.
I have had very light very regular periods, both on the pill and off, 2-3 days max & no pain at all (I'm so sorry for some of you ladies who suffer terribly, my friend in work suffers with the pain & it's awful) so we presumed I was all ok apart from the cyst. Anyway I had the operation on 5th Jan this year & all went well.
I had my follow up appt today with the surgeon who did my laparoscapy in January & I was soooo looking forward to telling him that he'd worked a miracle & we were pg... but, before I had chance he basically said that when he was operating to remove the cyst he had found that I had severe endometriosis, so bad that it had stuck my ovaries to my pelvic wall

& that although they had initially thought it was my OH

issues causing our problem, that he thought even without that I would have real trouble conceiving naturally...
At that point I said... but I'm 8 weeks today

but he just looked shocked & kept saying "but I don't think that's possible" I had to get my scan out to show him.
He was really pleased for us in the end but had to get another consultant in to check that they had the right patient as he said it was less than a 0.5% chance that this could happen given both of our problems!!
However, after leaving the office and going back to work, I told my workmates what had happened & they asked if it would cause any problems with the pregnancy, I hadn't even asked that & now I'm googling & it seems to just be a minefield of different information
Basically it looks at though there is an increased chance of miscarriage, high blood pressure, pre eclampsia and pre term birth, which is now scaring the life out of me. It's just very weird as I have had very light, very regular periods and no period pain ever, whereas a friend of mine in work has endo & has really bad problems every month!
Ah well nothing I can do about it now, what will be will be, I just pray my little flump hangs on & seeing your stories on this thread has given me hope that all may be ok
Wish me luck girls


to all of you