Oh Gem, how nice to hear from you! Congratulations on your gorgeous little boy

Fingers crossed that he will be eligible for the implants as I can only imagine how joyful it will be for you to introduce him to the world of sound...
My update is that after 5 losses we finally found the right treatment for me! I was already on heparin, aspirin and progesterone but my fifth loss was tested for genetic abnormalities and came back as normal. It was proof that the existing treatment was just not enough. My DH and I then went to see a new specialist who tested me for natural killer cells. Basically, it is an immune issue where the body is too aggressive and attacks the foetus as if it were a foreign body. The problem is supposedly more common with women who have other immune issues such as... yes: endometriosis!
The research on this topic and the treatment is still ongoing but DH and I took a leap of faith. All I had to do was take steroids for the first three months in pregnancy (in addition to everything else I was already on, which I need for a clotting problem) and now I am 25 weeks pregnant with a little boy!
How is everyone else on here doing?
Onearth, may I suggest that you get a second opinion from a gynae who specialises in endometriosis? I don't know how your RE could diagnose you without actually opening you up as that is usually the only way to confirm endometriosis

In any case, a second opinion might give you other options or just give you the opportunity to get someone else's perspective on reopening your existing scar. Good luck with everything