Petitpas I got preggo quickly about a year ago but mc at 7 weeks. Nothing since then.

AFs have gradually got more painful and I get nasty cramps around ov. I also get backache, spotting old blood, terrible fatigue and occasional pain on BDing. I can't believe it's only mild, it feels anything but!
Consultant said there was no evidence that removing it would help the pain and it might do more harm than good to try and remove it from my ovary. It's only a little spot of it I think. She also did a hysteroscopy and all was fine, and the dye ran straight through my tubes, so no blockage.
I'm starting clomid next month, as I've got low progesterone and a LPD. Hope this does the trick. I'm terrified I won't be able to get pg again now I've been diagnosed with endo.
I got told not to ttc this month as the mc rate would be higher. Has anyone else been told this?
Hi Babybird.