Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

As I'm kinda like your little sister here. I was wondering if I could ask you all a pretty embarrassing question ? Thing is, how do you know if your OH actually....finished his job....if you know what I mean ? I ask because, in my fertile period, it seem OH reacts differently when he 'finishes' that he does the when I'm not in my fertile period. It makes me wonder if he is faking it. I know I could go prodding about and investigate if he actually did .....but I don't want to disturb the swimmers. I have spoken to him about it and he says that he does and that I should stop worrying, but I do worry.
Thing is I don't know if it's all in my head because in a way I don't believe I could get pregnant, it seems like something that is way too amazing to happen to me so I don't know wether it is all in my head.
Please bare in mind I have only ever slept with my OH and he has only ever slept with me so I am not very experienced lol.

Well hello baby sis :winkwink: ...well when DH is finishes inside me I just know because I can feel the swimmers bursting out inside me...if that makes sense. :blush: However, I do feel that you are worrying and analysing too much which, trust me, does little good when TTC! Go with the flow, relax try to BD as often as you can, and it will happen! Remember you are only 20 yrs old and the probabilities of you conceiving are much greater at a younger age!

NOw go back to :sex:

Glad I'm not the only one who can feel when he finishes i really thought I was weird :blush:
I guess I do feel it and also I can feel it ooze out of me (gross i know) but I just worry too much and end up thinking, is that his stuff oozing or am I very very very wet lol.
hi ladies :wave: how is everyone doing?

well not had a very good weekend, we got a phone call from OH little brother saying that he was going to be a dad. This has come as a big shock as far as we knew he wasn't in a relationship. It turns out that they have only being going out for 4 months and she is now 3 months pregnant!! I just burst into tears i didn't know what else to do.

We're meant to be meeting her for the first time this weekend and I don't know if I will be able to get through it.
Aww hun. Just stay strong. Your time will come ! Just try to stay positive !
aww im sure they will b gr8 parents, and a baby is a blessing anyway, u will have 1 soon too- when i was ttc a girl i kno who already has 5 kids, annouced on facebook, that she was well annoyed 2 b preg again!!! i thought u ungrateful cow!!! lol i was so angry. if she dint want 1, she shudda been on sum kinda birth control! tut tut! ah well,
we all hav r moments, and it is annoying when u r ttc 4 a while, and every1 around u gets preg jus like that wivout all the hard work chartin temps, cm, takin pills, lool-
it will happn soon tho- and u will b so pleased and grateful!! <3
I guess I do feel it and also I can feel it ooze out of me (gross i know) but I just worry too much and end up thinking, is that his stuff oozing or am I very very very wet lol.

lol, it feels different...his will be much warmer ;)
hi ladies :wave: how is everyone doing?

well not had a very good weekend, we got a phone call from OH little brother saying that he was going to be a dad. This has come as a big shock as far as we knew he wasn't in a relationship. It turns out that they have only being going out for 4 months and she is now 3 months pregnant!! I just burst into tears i didn't know what else to do.

We're meant to be meeting her for the first time this weekend and I don't know if I will be able to get through it.

i know how you feel, right after my last :bfn: i found out my sister, who didnt even want kids, and broke up with her OH months ago, was pregnant! and the next day my DH's cousin announced she was pregnant too...and everyone was happy for her and I just left the room =/ but 2 weeks later, I got my :bfp: FINALLY! maybe these pregnant women around us are good omen's...GL!
hi ladies :wave: how is everyone doing?

well not had a very good weekend, we got a phone call from OH little brother saying that he was going to be a dad. This has come as a big shock as far as we knew he wasn't in a relationship. It turns out that they have only being going out for 4 months and she is now 3 months pregnant!! I just burst into tears i didn't know what else to do.

We're meant to be meeting her for the first time this weekend and I don't know if I will be able to get through it.

i know how you feel, right after my last :bfn: i found out my sister, who didnt even want kids, and broke up with her OH months ago, was pregnant! and the next day my DH's cousin announced she was pregnant too...and everyone was happy for her and I just left the room =/ but 2 weeks later, I got my :bfp: FINALLY! maybe these pregnant women around us are good omen's...GL!

i hope so, i'm feeling better about it now though more because I'm not going to have to see them all the time so it won't be in my face everyday and hopefully by the time the baby is due i will be cooking my own anyway!!

so how are all the rest you doing?
I have decided to keep a blog/vlog to help me get through my TWW. I will post a link on here if the video ever decides to upload. It is a juttery awkward video because I have never done it before.
Hi gals! How is everyone? I tend to go MIA over the weekend, since I'm on the computer so much during the week. At least I didn't miss too much.

Bees - Don't read too much into it; I'm sure it's all real. You can feel it coming out of you later and it's very wet and slippery.

Gilmore - So sorry to hear about that. It's always tough to watch other people around you get pregnant when you can't; especially when they aren't even trying! Your time will come. :hugs:

So, I'm on CD 15 and still no + opk yet. This is the lastest it's ever been, so I don't know if I will O at all this month. I wonder if my ankle injury has anything to do with it or the pain pills I've been taking for it. I'm going to stop taking those and see if it helps. I know I'm grasping at straws here, but it's so weird for me to not have the + yet. :growlmad:
Hi Ladies,

Annabelle I am a couple of days behind you cycle wise and hoping for an earlier +OPK. I didn't get one until CD17/18 last cycle. After taking the Soy I think I might 'O' earlier this cycle which is what I wanted. Typical tho, only got one OPK test left :wacko: but had a fairly decent line on one today CD13 but not strong enough so hoping CD14/15 should be 'O' time.
I have read that meds and illness/stress can prevent Ov so maybe stopping the meds will give you a big LH surge FX'd.

Gilmore: I have a friend in the same situation as you and it's hard but keep positive because your time will come and yours will be made with LOVE :kiss:

Bees: a video diary would be nice to look back on. Try not to worry too much about TTC as that can prevent it happening. You are in your prime with regular cycles, they do say the average is 6-12 months so have that mind set and it makes any disappointment easier to handle :winkwink:

Is it just me....or do you feel like you can't win the men!!! they moan when they don't get sex and then when you are handing it to them on a plate on a daily basis, they moan about that too....what is with that :growlmad:
Then you get the sob story....'you only want me for my sperm...blah..blah'.
I am sure we would ALL love for things to just 'happen' that's a perfect scenario but the harsh reality is we don't live in romance novels.
I have one thing up my sleeve my OH can't resist tho....doesn't matter how tired he is...he would NEVER turn this act down :icecream:......evil I know but hey...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do :devil:
Hi Ladies,

Annabelle I am a couple of days behind you cycle wise and hoping for an earlier +OPK. I didn't get one until CD17/18 last cycle. After taking the Soy I think I might 'O' earlier this cycle which is what I wanted. Typical tho, only got one OPK test left :wacko: but had a fairly decent line on one today CD13 but not strong enough so hoping CD14/15 should be 'O' time.
I have read that meds and illness/stress can prevent Ov so maybe stopping the meds will give you a big LH surge FX'd.

Gilmore: I have a friend in the same situation as you and it's hard but keep positive because your time will come and yours will be made with LOVE :kiss:

Bees: a video diary would be nice to look back on. Try not to worry too much about TTC as that can prevent it happening. You are in your prime with regular cycles, they do say the average is 6-12 months so have that mind set and it makes any disappointment easier to handle :winkwink:

Is it just me....or do you feel like you can't win the men!!! they moan when they don't get sex and then when you are handing it to them on a plate on a daily basis, they moan about that too....what is with that :growlmad:
Then you get the sob story....'you only want me for my sperm...blah..blah'.
I am sure we would ALL love for things to just 'happen' that's a perfect scenario but the harsh reality is we don't live in romance novels.
I have one thing up my sleeve my OH can't resist tho....doesn't matter how tired he is...he would NEVER turn this act down :icecream:......evil I know but hey...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do :devil:

i took soy my last cycle, and around CD13 as well i ran out of opks! it had been dark, but probably would have been darker... i just BD one more day to be safe, and bam! got my :bfp: fingers crossed for you!

i also agree with you that they moan when they dont get it, then they moan when they do. men.:nope:
hi ladies :wave: how is everyone doing?

well not had a very good weekend, we got a phone call from OH little brother saying that he was going to be a dad. This has come as a big shock as far as we knew he wasn't in a relationship. It turns out that they have only being going out for 4 months and she is now 3 months pregnant!! I just burst into tears i didn't know what else to do.

We're meant to be meeting her for the first time this weekend and I don't know if I will be able to get through it.

awww, hang in there sweetie. I know how it feels both my BFF's got pregnant (one wasn't even trying and the other on her first try) when I was worrying whether I would be able to conceive. It sucks! I know! But it will happen. Show some faith.:hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Annabelle I am a couple of days behind you cycle wise and hoping for an earlier +OPK. I didn't get one until CD17/18 last cycle. After taking the Soy I think I might 'O' earlier this cycle which is what I wanted. Typical tho, only got one OPK test left :wacko: but had a fairly decent line on one today CD13 but not strong enough so hoping CD14/15 should be 'O' time.
I have read that meds and illness/stress can prevent Ov so maybe stopping the meds will give you a big LH surge FX'd.

Gilmore: I have a friend in the same situation as you and it's hard but keep positive because your time will come and yours will be made with LOVE :kiss:

Bees: a video diary would be nice to look back on. Try not to worry too much about TTC as that can prevent it happening. You are in your prime with regular cycles, they do say the average is 6-12 months so have that mind set and it makes any disappointment easier to handle :winkwink:

Is it just me....or do you feel like you can't win the men!!! they moan when they don't get sex and then when you are handing it to them on a plate on a daily basis, they moan about that too....what is with that :growlmad:
Then you get the sob story....'you only want me for my sperm...blah..blah'.
I am sure we would ALL love for things to just 'happen' that's a perfect scenario but the harsh reality is we don't live in romance novels.
I have one thing up my sleeve my OH can't resist tho....doesn't matter how tired he is...he would NEVER turn this act down :icecream:......evil I know but hey...a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do :devil:

LOL! Tell me about it! My DH was huffing and puffing during O time because `i wanted to BD all the time and when I wasn't in the mood he would complain that I only want to have sex with him because I want his sperm! Blahh! Goes in one ear and out the other:coffee:
So, girl I went to the Drs yesterday. He did a Vaginal u/s and although we clearly saw the yolk sac we did not see the embryo. I was a little worried to say the least but he was re-assuring telling me it's too soon thus to come back in 10 days. He did a PAP test asked a few questions and that was it. I still worried and have been frantically googling whether not seeing an embryo and heartbeat at 6 weeks is normal which led me to believe that googling is bad for my psychological state.

Those of you who have children, when was the first time you were able to see the embryo and hear it's heartbeat?

These are going to be the longest 10 days of my life! aaaarghhh
cant hep ther blu- i always was left until i was at least 8wks, but im sure the doc wud tell u the truth, he isnt allowed 2 lie 2 u, jus 2 stop u bein upset, if he says its norm, then it is!!! try not 2 worry, u will c that ther is a embryo and a heartbeat when u go bak, mayb ur a bit less preg than u thought???
jus b reassured by doc tellin u its norm, dont google, its the WORST thing 2 do!! lol- i panic once ive googles things, so i wont do it anymor,
as 4 men, ther genuinely is no way 2 keep them happy, i giv up wiv mine, if i dnt get sex whn i want it, he dnt get dinner when he wants it....simple.....he is totally creeped out by the thought of sex atm, he refuses 2 go "on top" sayin he feels like he is guna hurt/squash the baby, ????? i keep reassurin him the baby is fine, all safe n not guna get hurt but he is jud wierded out by it i guess, what a plonker...???men eh! lol
Oh, I forgot to mention! The past couple of days nausea kicked in and I am experiencing severe food aversion.

You are right! I should stop googling! I am hoping and praying all goes well!! I soo want this baby!!

Kimbereley what day is your appointment? Mine is on the 28th which is DH's Bday, so I am hoping our little beanie gives him the best pressie ever!!

In the meantime, I am kinda off sex for a while. I guess it's coz I am stressing so much about this pregnancy. I promised DH that if the next u/s goes well "we 'll be doing it like they do it on Discovery Channel" as the song goes.:winkwink:
lol- blu-doin it like discovery channel, yeah i kno what ur sayin, if u worried sex is last thing on ur mind, :( but fair nuff, im sure ur oh understands, x

my 1st appointment is also on the 28th!!! :) at 9-30am,

i got "waves" of feelin sick, and also quite strong in morn now, was awful ystdy, my daughter wanted 2 RUN all the way 2 school!! lol- i was feelin so ill but i had 2 run 2 keep up wiv her, i was sure i was guna hurl! lol- i get it at diff times of day, mainly evenin atm tho- and defo mornin- a quik lay down and sum cold water seems to help tho
Kim...on the 28th??? How many more coincidences??! Loving it!! Mine is at 11am.

My "waves" of nausea have been quite strong in the morning too and have been having them on and off during the day. Today was a bad day, I felt so ill I stayed in today and slept during the entire afternoon. I just had some boiled potatoes (because they are odourless it's the only thing I can cook and eat these days) to eat and I do feel better.

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