Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

well ladies im officially in the 2ww now and already going crazy with the wait! 10 days to go!
hey bees, i had the worst sore bbs, but only after my bfp, i was almost symptom free!!i was absolutely sure i wasnt!! i was mor thirsty and hungry, but i put that down 2 new yr/xmas over indulgence, lol-
i tested cycle day 23 i was approx 6-7dpo-(but my ov was random, all over place) so cuda been mor or less???
but i got a clear + on a clearblue, within 2mins, so i went str8 out 4 a digi, and got preg 1-2, i only tested cos im a posa!! but i was shocked when i got a pos!
Thanks for your help Kimberley.

I got my Cheri reading today and this is what I got -

"Thank you for being patient with me while I got back to your reading.

They show me a BOY and they relate him to APRIL so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. I am seeing him followed by a little girl (who actually looks alot like you but with longer hair) and shes related to OCTOBER so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

When ti comes to your son, hes always going to be the one that has something to say and really wants to have the last word. I think that you will at times find what he has to say not only insightful,, but at times funny. Hes pretty good with breaking up the tension in the room wtih some of the things that he says. He just wants people to have a good idea of what they are getting themselves into. Hes always honest about what he wants, and how he expects to achieve it. Hes always ambitious and is someone who is about to ensure that his goals are met. Not really "allowing" someone to step on his toes to try and get things better than him. Hes pretty good about being more assertive to allow that to happen.

hes someone who I would say is very competitive, hes always got an amazing throw and actually seems to be able to throw not only harder, but faster too. Most kids while playing against him are actually very intimidated by him pitching. Most parents when he is younger, are actually trying to encourage the coach to allow someone else to pitch because of the other kids standing so far back because of how fast he sails them through. (which he finds to be funny). Hes not easily discouraged or even intimidated.

They are showing him with brown colored hair. When hes born though, they are actually showing him being mostly bald. Hes in the low 7lb range. They are showing it a morning delivery and I do get the sense that this is "scheduled". Almost like you expected to be able to go into the hospital to have the baby that particular day. I see you and your husband walking into the hospital, him carrying the baby carrier and standing to your left, as you walk in, you are holding your stomach (which you have an adorable belly and gained pretty much your weight in that area only) but you are smiling and not appearing to be in pain (which also leads me to the fact that you were prepared for this particular day).

When ti comes to career paths, they show your son linked to working in accounting.

When it comes to marriage I am seeing him closer to 22. They will have three boys of their own."

I don't want to wait until April ! I am hoping that other readings I have had are right and this one isn't !

I tested again this morning with FMU, only about 6 hours because was up during the night using the bathroom and with weird dreams which I will get onto in a bit. But is the test, please be honest !
The pic was taken at 5 minutes so within the time limit....I am so tempted to do an FRER tomorrow morning !

Ok so onto my weird dream, I know most people have dreams about this but I never have before, I had a dream that my teeth were falling out and I remember thinking in the dream that "Humm, if this was a dream this would be really symbolic !" and also in the dream my brother was my boyfriend (weird or what) and I was really upset because he was flirting with another girl and not paying me any attention, also weird, my OH, in my dream, was my step-dad !!!!
messed up dreams are possibly down 2 a change in hormones, (disturbing, upsetting dreams can b down 2 stress aswell) so dnt get wound up, jus try and relax!! i cant c any lines on this test tho hun, but its still so early, dnt worry!!!
test again day b4 af due X
Thanks for your help Kimberley.

I got my Cheri reading today and this is what I got -

"Thank you for being patient with me while I got back to your reading.

They show me a BOY and they relate him to APRIL so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. I am seeing him followed by a little girl (who actually looks alot like you but with longer hair) and shes related to OCTOBER so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in

When ti comes to your son, hes always going to be the one that has something to say and really wants to have the last word. I think that you will at times find what he has to say not only insightful,, but at times funny. Hes pretty good with breaking up the tension in the room wtih some of the things that he says. He just wants people to have a good idea of what they are getting themselves into. Hes always honest about what he wants, and how he expects to achieve it. Hes always ambitious and is someone who is about to ensure that his goals are met. Not really "allowing" someone to step on his toes to try and get things better than him. Hes pretty good about being more assertive to allow that to happen.

hes someone who I would say is very competitive, hes always got an amazing throw and actually seems to be able to throw not only harder, but faster too. Most kids while playing against him are actually very intimidated by him pitching. Most parents when he is younger, are actually trying to encourage the coach to allow someone else to pitch because of the other kids standing so far back because of how fast he sails them through. (which he finds to be funny). Hes not easily discouraged or even intimidated.

They are showing him with brown colored hair. When hes born though, they are actually showing him being mostly bald. Hes in the low 7lb range. They are showing it a morning delivery and I do get the sense that this is "scheduled". Almost like you expected to be able to go into the hospital to have the baby that particular day. I see you and your husband walking into the hospital, him carrying the baby carrier and standing to your left, as you walk in, you are holding your stomach (which you have an adorable belly and gained pretty much your weight in that area only) but you are smiling and not appearing to be in pain (which also leads me to the fact that you were prepared for this particular day).

When ti comes to career paths, they show your son linked to working in accounting.

When it comes to marriage I am seeing him closer to 22. They will have three boys of their own."

I don't want to wait until April ! I am hoping that other readings I have had are right and this one isn't !

I tested again this morning with FMU, only about 6 hours because was up during the night using the bathroom and with weird dreams which I will get onto in a bit. But is the test, please be honest !
The pic was taken at 5 minutes so within the time limit....I am so tempted to do an FRER tomorrow morning !

Ok so onto my weird dream, I know most people have dreams about this but I never have before, I had a dream that my teeth were falling out and I remember thinking in the dream that "Humm, if this was a dream this would be really symbolic !" and also in the dream my brother was my boyfriend (weird or what) and I was really upset because he was flirting with another girl and not paying me any attention, also weird, my OH, in my dream, was my step-dad !!!!

this is my first very early :bfp: on the same tests if you want to compare them:

Thanks, how many DPO were you ? I really hope this is gunna be my month !
12...but i have a longer cycle than you so i was 2 days before AF was due.
After is due for me in 2 days but I'm only 8 dpo so in still very early.
i didnt try testing before that either, so i dont know if a + would have come up or not.
Bee's I don't really see anything, I want to say I can tho!
It is still SUPER early, I would think 99% of people would get a BFN at this early stage. I do think you are putting yourself under mega stress though by keep testing so early. I have come to the conclusion that if you/me are then AF won't come...FACT! anything else is a BFN so why not let nature take it's course because keeping POAS is not really going to give you an answer anymore than when AF does or doesn't arrive!
Don't get me wrong, I feel like you to...wanting to test, hoping praying this month will be the one but I know that nothing I do now will change the outcome...it will be what it will be. In fact stress can actually delay AF even if you are not preggo, it happened to me once when I was around your age and convinced myself I was preggo.....I was so stressed as wouldn't have been planned and kept testing BFN...still completely convinced myself I was which ended up causing a vicious cycle....worry and stress stopped AF arriving on time by two weeks!!
God...I sound like a right Mum...fact is I am and the above advise is what I would give my oldest daughter....in a good few years of course as she's only 15!!

PS> your Cheri reading is nice and more detailed than mine! :winkwink:
well ladies im officially in the 2ww now and already going crazy with the wait! 10 days to go!

I am right there with you Gilmore, although no idea how many DPO I am :wacko: tested CD 14 with strongish line 18th Jan though not quite positive and then didn't test for two days as ran out of OPK's. Tested with OPK's since Friday and all neg, so can only assume I have already ovulated :shrug:
So will prob guesstimate ov time around 20th Jan so around 4/5DPO :shrug: Gawd I dunno...no idea weather I actually ov'd or not :dohh:
well ladies im officially in the 2ww now and already going crazy with the wait! 10 days to go!

I am right there with you Gilmore, although no idea how many DPO I am :wacko: tested CD 14 with strongish line 18th Jan though not quite positive and then didn't test for two days as ran out of OPK's. Tested with OPK's since Friday and all neg, so can only assume I have already ovulated :shrug:
So will prob guesstimate ov time around 20th Jan so around 4/5DPO :shrug: Gawd I dunno...no idea weather I actually ov'd or not :dohh:

I hate the 2ww! It's all I think about until I feel the symptoms of AF. How nice it would be to not have those symptoms show up? I don't know what I'd do! :wacko: I think I'm about 3dpo now.
Good luck everyone!

Bees - I wouldn't test again until you're at least 10dpo, but hold out until 11 or 12 if you can. I agree with Glowstar: too much stress is not good for your cycle, or body in general. I hope this is your month, your symptoms do sound good! :thumbup:
Hi girls. I'm really not sure if I ovulated either. This month will be interesting as I have always had a 28 day cycle last month it was 32 days. AF due this frid/sat. Already experiencing terrible back pain!! I am hoping the clearblue might just help me see things clearer. Good luck Bees try not stress too much. It will make you feel I'll. Take care. Night night I'll check in again tomorro.
Hi girls. I'm really not sure if I ovulated either. This month will be interesting as I have always had a 28 day cycle last month it was 32 days. AF due this frid/sat. Already experiencing terrible back pain!! I am hoping the clearblue might just help me see things clearer. Good luck Bees try not stress too much. It will make you feel I'll. Take care. Night night I'll check in again tomorro.

I think that is the frustrating thing...not actually knowing what the hell your body is doing and not being able to control it either :wacko:

You're not out yet tho :hugs:
well ladies im officially in the 2ww now and already going crazy with the wait! 10 days to go!

I am right there with you Gilmore, although no idea how many DPO I am :wacko: tested CD 14 with strongish line 18th Jan though not quite positive and then didn't test for two days as ran out of OPK's. Tested with OPK's since Friday and all neg, so can only assume I have already ovulated :shrug:
So will prob guesstimate ov time around 20th Jan so around 4/5DPO :shrug: Gawd I dunno...no idea weather I actually ov'd or not :dohh:

i dont actually know when i ovulated either so i just work from the average 14 day lp but i am gonna start temping next month (hopefully wont need to though!)
Hi girls. I'm really not sure if I ovulated either. This month will be interesting as I have always had a 28 day cycle last month it was 32 days. AF due this frid/sat. Already experiencing terrible back pain!! I am hoping the clearblue might just help me see things clearer. Good luck Bees try not stress too much. It will make you feel I'll. Take care. Night night I'll check in again tomorro.

Fx'd for you Morgans! Back pain is a good sign. :thumbup: Keep us posted.
I feel like SHITE !
I am feeling so ill and not knowing if it's a bug or a bean is killing me.
I have a major headache, I'm knackered and slept over 14 hours last night.
I ache all over and keep thinking I am going to be sick.
I am due to start spotting tomorrow and then full blown AF thursday so I guess we'll see what's gunna happen.

How is everyone else doing ? When you all planning on testing ?
OH is still trying to download PSP so I can make some blinkies, not sure when it will be but I'll give him a swift boot up the poop shoot try and make him hurry up =)
Been shopping tonight...stocked up on Vit B6 and Soy!!! Kind of hoping I won't need it but it makes me feel better because I feel like I am dealing with the disappointment by already preparing for the next cycle....daft eh?

I did a massive food shop and was actually struggling to move the trolley, really bad cramps low down and feel like my stomach muscles have been doing sit ups. Apart from that not really any symptoms to report, slightly sore nipples...but had that last month and BFN so not really counting that as a true symptom for me. Had a feel for my cervix.....which feels pretty high...I can touch it just, again don't think it's a big indicator of anything :shrug:

Symptoms anyone?? apart from Bee's who FX'd has loads!!!
Been shopping tonight...stocked up on Vit B6 and Soy!!! Kind of hoping I won't need it but it makes me feel better because I feel like I am dealing with the disappointment by already preparing for the next cycle....daft eh?

I did a massive food shop and was actually struggling to move the trolley, really bad cramps low down and feel like my stomach muscles have been doing sit ups. Apart from that not really any symptoms to report, slightly sore nipples...but had that last month and BFN so not really counting that as a true symptom for me. Had a feel for my cervix.....which feels pretty high...I can touch it just, again don't think it's a big indicator of anything :shrug:

Symptoms anyone?? apart from Bee's who FX'd has loads!!!

a few days before i got my :bfp: my stomach muscles were really sore! it hurt to stand fully straight...i hope this is it for you!:dust:
HI girls! Sorry for dissapearing, m/s kicked in and had trouble coping with the nausea. It's a little better now, although I don't feel like myself anymore. I am not in the mood to do anything, every day I seem to pick up different food aversions, I am tired and lazy most of the time. Ahh, the perks of pregnancy! hehe!

Bees, when I got my BFP I also had vivid weird dreams but other than that had no other real symptoms. My symptoms started 1 week after BFP was supposed to arrive. I wouldn't stress so much about it. Just wait for a few more days and you'll find out soon enough.

I would also like to welcome a Glamamama newbie Morgan19! Let us know when you will be testing Morgan so I can add you on the list.

Lisa40 I am really, truly sorry to hear AF got you. I know how dissapointed you feel. I had plenty of those before my BFP. I highly recommend you use preseed next cycle, along with soy and EPO capsules. After a very long time trying, that's what helped me conceive.

Kimberley, 2 more days till our Drs appointment! YAY!! I am soo nervous!!!

How about the rest of you, how are you?

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