Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

:thumbup: onwards and upwards.......I know you will get there :hugs:
Hi, Was at the hospital today, Nurse was lovely and explained everything - hubbie to have another SA done and had bloods taken to check for thyroid, also been advised to give up smoking! I was then taken and given an ovary scan - was ok - not half as bad as a smear test and very interesting - could see both ovaries, all ok, could even tell I was about to ovulate. She advised me to throw CBFM away! and BD 3 times a week!! :happydance: I like the CBFM though so will use it for the time being! I have to have more bloods taken when next AF arrives, while bleeding - need to look up why cos I cant remember, lots to take in and now have to wait for more test results and see what happens.

hopefully there is no next AF now that they know you are about to ovulate ;)
ooh yeah, if only we had the tech at home, lol- we wud b constantly scannin, probing haha- least it wudnt feel like a shot in the dark, of leavin it 2 "luck"
i wudda dun anythin while i was tryin,
ur hosp seems great, im sure they dn do all that here in uk!!!

how r u doin becky??
i'm good... my stomach has been bugging me more lately though. i dont know why lol. i've been sooo tired too lol. our weather has been very gloomy and dreary which may be contributing, but i think its mostly this little girl inside me lol.

how are you feeling?
Where's Bees. Hope your ok

Hospital were great. She even said if my surgery won't take bloods at short notice I've to call her and she will take them at hospital. Onwards and upwards on day 10 now
lol ur hosp sounds fab. so helpful!! :) im thinkin of goin private, 4 midwife appts and 2 scans doesnt seem enuff :/ but that is all i get in the uk!! grrr!

@ becky, im feelin worse too- i hav had abit of nausea very day!! i neeed 2 nap each day, lol speakin of which- i fell asleep at 5ish this afternoon and slept 2 hrs, i feel rotten sick now tho :( i dint get this much sicky feelings in the 1st 3mnths!! :
nappin is a no-no from now, cos i feel awful when i wake!!
scan in 11 days!! oooh so excited!!
and surprisingly weather is fab here in uk, it was about 18-20 degreed celsius!! which is summer weather here, and our weather is rarely hot!! yay!
Where's Bees. Hope your ok

I'm here =D Now on CD14 and waiting to ovulate. OPK's getting darker and am very wet which has to be a good thing. Have been BDing with Preseed since CD12 so am hoping that I fall this month.

I have the doctors tomorrow about the extreme pain I've been having near my right ovary and I saw an emergency doctor on Monday and he thinks it might be fibroids so tomorrow I am going to my GP and get them to send me for a scan to see if I have fibroids and if so if they are what is causing the pain and if they could me stopping me from getting pregnant. Am hoping nothing is wrong with me but I think because I have been trying for six months they are more likely to rush me through the scan, also because I've been in so much pain I've been missing loads of lectures which isn't good because I have exams coming up next month.

I was googling about fibriods and I found something that I am going to try if I do have them and if I don't fall this month and this is castor oil, you soak a towel in castor oil and then put it on your lower abdomen and then put a hot water bottle on top of it and leave it there for between 30 minutes and an hour and apparently it can actually dissolve the fibroids. Apparently it also helps with ovarian cyst, PCOS and blockages of the fallopian tube. So am gunna try that, have nothing to lose !

I have some good news ! Remember I applied to midwifery but didn't get in but was put on the reserve list ? Well....I got a phone call two days ago from the university telling me a place has become available at a hospital near my home town (in fact the hospital both me and OH were born in) and if I wanted to take the place......I was like "OMG yes so much please yes." She must have thought I was high lol I am so excited. I start in Feb 2012 (unless I get pregnant in which case I would put it off for a year but tbh I don't see it happening).

How is everyone ?
lol ur hosp sounds fab. so helpful!! :) im thinkin of goin private, 4 midwife appts and 2 scans doesnt seem enuff :/ but that is all i get in the uk!! grrr!

@ becky, im feelin worse too- i hav had abit of nausea very day!! i neeed 2 nap each day, lol speakin of which- i fell asleep at 5ish this afternoon and slept 2 hrs, i feel rotten sick now tho :( i dint get this much sicky feelings in the 1st 3mnths!! :
nappin is a no-no from now, cos i feel awful when i wake!!
scan in 11 days!! oooh so excited!!

did you decide to get the gender, i know you were tossing it around again lol.

i have an appointment monday but i doubt i get scanned that day, but i have an actual scan at the hospital in 17 days :)

we had some nice warm sunny days here for about a week. now we are expecting a COLD winter storm :( i live in san diego, which is the very bottom of california...we arent supposed to get cold lol! we have had record breaking rain and cold this year--i hate it hahah.
Where's Bees. Hope your ok

I'm here =D Now on CD14 and waiting to ovulate. OPK's getting darker and am very wet which has to be a good thing. Have been BDing with Preseed since CD12 so am hoping that I fall this month.

I have the doctors tomorrow about the extreme pain I've been having near my right ovary and I saw an emergency doctor on Monday and he thinks it might be fibroids so tomorrow I am going to my GP and get them to send me for a scan to see if I have fibroids and if so if they are what is causing the pain and if they could me stopping me from getting pregnant. Am hoping nothing is wrong with me but I think because I have been trying for six months they are more likely to rush me through the scan, also because I've been in so much pain I've been missing loads of lectures which isn't good because I have exams coming up next month.

I was googling about fibriods and I found something that I am going to try if I do have them and if I don't fall this month and this is castor oil, you soak a towel in castor oil and then put it on your lower abdomen and then put a hot water bottle on top of it and leave it there for between 30 minutes and an hour and apparently it can actually dissolve the fibroids. Apparently it also helps with ovarian cyst, PCOS and blockages of the fallopian tube. So am gunna try that, have nothing to lose !

I have some good news ! Remember I applied to midwifery but didn't get in but was put on the reserve list ? Well....I got a phone call two days ago from the university telling me a place has become available at a hospital near my home town (in fact the hospital both me and OH were born in) and if I wanted to take the place......I was like "OMG yes so much please yes." She must have thought I was high lol I am so excited. I start in Feb 2012 (unless I get pregnant in which case I would put it off for a year but tbh I don't see it happening).

How is everyone ?

i hope you arent getting fibroids or cysts! maybe its bad period pains? hopefully. or, the one time i had really bad pains we thought were an ovarian cyst based on how they felt and where it was--it turned out to be constipation. no joke, i guess your small intestine is right by your ovaries. hopefully they figure it out!

good luck with the midwife thing, how exciting!
lol no we r not findin out gender, oh wants the surprise, and id blab if i knew, so we both not findin out, lol

im so excited 2 hav the scan tho- even tho i hav been feelin sick and nausea a lot lately :/
i want to be scanned too...i love seeing how much they have grown! and how much more and more they look like little people :)
Hi bees glad your ok. Nurse said I had a small fibroids only a cm in size so nothing to worry about. She wasn't concerned at all. I'm on cd 11 no peak yet. Have a good weekend ladies
I went to doctor again today and saw a lovely nurse who took some cervical swabs and had a feel around and is going to send me off for a transvaginal ultrasound to see what it wrong. I have been in so much pain today but seeing that nurse made me feel so much better, she was so sweet she even took my mobile number so she could call me when the results from my swabs are back which I thought was really nice as not a lot of doctors or nurses do that !

I had a MASSIVE temp drop today so thought I might be ovulating but all my OPK's are still negative ! In fact, they are lighter today than they were yesterday ! Is it possible that the temp drop means I ovulated today even though the OPKs are negative ? Could the OPK's be negative because I haven't done anything today, do you need to be active in order for the LH to build up ?

In any case, me and OH have been DTD with Preseed so hopefully we will catch the egg if it's there.

I can't believe how far along you girls are ! It only seems like yesterday you were announcing your BFP. Wow time travels fast. Have you decided on names yet ? I bet you are getting so excited ! Have you felt any kicks yet or like movements ? It must be amazing !!!

God I want to be pregnant soooo badly !!!
mine will be Sydney Rhiannon Page. Sydney is after DH's grandpa Sidney that passed away(i made it the girlier version), Rhiannon is in honor of my mom that passed 9 years ago today--she LOVED LOVED LOVED Fleetwood Mac(if you guys know who that is) so i went with Rhiannon. and my last name is Page lol.

I have been feeling some little movements, it seems lots more today. this morning my cat was laying on my belly and when she started purring i started feeling movements/kicks...she must have felt the purring :) then this evening i was eating flaming hot cheetos(spicy chips) and within a couple minutes she was going insane in there...guess she doesnt like spicy hehehe.

you will be pregnant soon :) i am thinking if you're opks are lighter it could be your peak passed...which means OV happened between that time and 48 hours after. remember that once you get a positive OPK it could take 24-48 hours before you OV. so put in some more BD and once the OPK goes blank, give it one more shot for good measure ;)
lol bees i kno what u mean, it has been soo quik, i hav felt movements, it feels like sum1 flickin me from inside my tum, lol-
we like theo (after ohs mum) (his fam r african)
or Anya for a girl. i will prob change my mind a million times b4 baby is born, lol, and maybe it jus wont look like a anya or theo.....i had a dream last night that my baby was born white, completly white, and oh never noticed, ?? wierd!! lol
i love the names, caleb, jared, reuben, theo, lol- richie, (my oh) was adamant that the baby had 2 hav an "african" name, (HIS NAME IS RICHARD, NOT V AFRICAN!!) LOL but his sisters r called thenjiwe, spiwe, and kudzi?? im glad he likes THEO!! (it means "gift from god")
anya means gracious and merciful...
i really liked the name savannah until i read the meaning, it jus means "open field"??
i love the name u hav chosen becky! i named my 1st child after all the men n my fam, (jack after my great grampy, charlie after my grampy, and obv he had my fathers last name)
i was so stuck 4 girls names, alicia dint hav a name 4 2days!! i cudnt think of anythin thta suited her, asia was my 1st choice, (she has jet black hair and eyes) then a friend came and suggested alicia, which i loved, and jade 4 her middle name (i love alicia keys, such a strong amazing woman, beautiful singer, and she seems lovely, she does loads 4 charity and u dnt c her falling out of bars flashin her knickers) lol

so bees, it really looks like they r movin u along wiv check ups now, hopin they get 2 the root of the prob and figure out what is causing u pain??
im sure its nothin, but i kno ull b relieved 2 hear a doctor or proffessional tell u that, are u catching up wiv all the coursework u got behind with?
and congrts gettin on the midwife thing in ur hosp!! well don! sounds like an experience!! im not sure i cud do midwifery, tooo gory and the ups n downs, nooo way, lol
but i wish u all the best in it, i bet u hab a stronger stomach thn me, lol
Awww bless, such cute names ! Kim, my name is African and my mum has a lot of African friends because she lived in Nigeria when she was little, where about is your OH from in Africa then ? There are some beautiful African names, the thing I like about a lot of them is they have really sweet meanings. Becky, I love that name, it's nice because whether your girl turns out to be a girly girl or a bit of a tom boy it still suits.
So have you guys been getting any major cravings ? My mum craved spicy foods with both me and my sister (who ended up as a miscarriage) and with my brother she craved chalk and talc !
lol his family r from zimbabwe, the capital harare, they live in a giant house, wiv massive grounds and gardeners and maids, lol!!!
i hav had mor aversions than cravings, but lovin slushys and ice-pops anything that is frozen really, wiv my daughter i craved lamb chops, ice cubes, and green beans....
wiv my son, ice cubes, pickles (beetroot, onions, gherkins, pickalli,cabbage anythin pickled even tho it gave me the worst indigestion!) MUD!! although i never ate it, i really wanted to!!! wierd, jus that fresh earthy smell made me wana eat it???? how wierd, lol
no major cravings really, gon of my bfs cookin, he makes it too salty, im lovin cold fruit and veg tho, (salad, grapes,) as long as they r cold!!!! i hav 2 eat cold stuff??.....
cravin chalk and talc is odd, lol although i read about a woman who ate washing detergent/powder and had a friend who liked 2 chew old rubber bands?? bleeuurrgghh!
i'm with kimberley--more aversions than cravings... for me it'll be more like i see something on TV or someone talks about a food, then i HAVE to have it, but once i have had it once i'm good. the longest ones have been: kool-aid, lasted about 4 days. macaroni salad, about a week. lol.

hey fruit was all i would eat to for a long while, and i have a girl, and old wives tales say fruit and sweet cravings are girls and salty cravings are boys.

i had no idea theo was an african name? i have known one theo and he was greek lol.
Bees, dont worry about the transvaginal ultrasound it was really easy nothing to worry about :thumbup:

I am on Day 12 - very light 2nd line on the OPK tonight but CBFM still on high, think I could get peak tomorrow/monday

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