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argh nightmare isnt it, bendin 2 sweep/pick things up, fill the washingmachine, dryer etc, it all makes me feel sick and leaves me wiv the worst heartburn ever!! layin down, heartburn, breathlessness, and a v active baby etc,
walkin= cramps, aches, tiredness, sore calfs,
pretty much means im uncomfortable no matter what i do nowadays!! :)
yeah i will defo let u kno what midwife says.
baby starts gettin into head down position from 26wks i think??? x
well everythin goin ok, baby is upside down too, lol measuring jus a lil tiny bit belw average, but apparently its norm 2 b a bit above of below the norm centile's. but babys usually catch up/slow down as they get nearer due date,
havin a pretty good day 2day, havent really done much, hahaa! lazy day! might aswell as im feelin tired :)
thats so exciting! how do they even check if baby in upside down? lol.

im thinking, didnt they initially set your due date ahead? maybe they set you ahead prematurely(ultrasound right after a growth spurt?) and you are actually right on target for your gestation, just didnt need your date set ahead!
yeah i am not too bothered bout the size thing, she told me its norm so i obv shudnt b worried in any way, apparently 99% of babies r slightly off target on the charts at 1st, they soon catch up/slow down,
she said she could tell from position of baby, (from feelin my tum) that baby is head down, but not engaged at all, all head is felt above pubic bone, (and symptoms like pain, un comfy, crampin, etc) they r all a good indication that weight is all in one area, most prob resting against one bone/muscle, but i am pretty sure baby moved again 2day, out of head-down position, feels like layin side-ways now, much mor comfy wiv walkin n everythin :)
yeah they had set my date a full week earlier than i thought i was, (that was based on 1st scan at 12wks)
as long as this baby is measuirn right btwn 32-38wks, im not too bothered, my daughter was prem and weighed 5lb3oz, which was a good weight, and my 1st, my son was 7lb 6oz,
i hav a feelin this baby will b around 8lbs if it isnt prem :)
i think my little one spent a few days upside-down too... but she seems to have flipped back up too.

thats crazy your preemie was 5 lb 3oz...i was 5lb 6oz, full term!

im with you or thinking these babies will be over 8 lbs...i feel like she is going to be huge lol!

i had my shower over the weekend! it was fun.
lol yeah she was a great weight 4 early baby! i think it made all the diffrence wiv her health,
my son was excactly 2wks over-due and only weighed 7lb 6oz,
omg i had the maddest dream, i had my baby (at 29wks) and i had no credit on my mobile phone, hahaha, and i cudnt tell any1, :/ wierdddd...think thats my anxiety over havin another early baby!!
*note 2 bump....stay in ther til at least 37wks! lol*
my baby is still movin all over, altho i did get a lil worried ystdy, i cudnt coax baby 2 make a movement, got all worried then bout an hour later i felt moving again, :) phew...
got a mad craving 4 ice cubes and frozen fruit juice again....

OH has put his foot down, im not allowed 2 hav a home birth, but we hav compromised, i am allowed 2 stay home as long as poss until i need 2 go in...(i dunno how he figures that out-who "KNOS" when the baby will com??) might end up wiv my home birth anyways!!! he is worried cos of my risk of heamoraggin (hppnd wiv both previous labours) :/

so did the bitchy women com 2 ur shower??? and what did u get?? lol glad u enjoyed it!!
i got the most bibs i have ever seen in my life! lol. some clothes, lots of blankets, a pack-n-play(playpen...not sure what they are called for you) towels, a few bottles, that kinda stuff! and haha, no bitches, all those women giving me crap were the women on this site actually.

it was scary though, my nephew went and saw my sister in law after the shower and(she is in the hospital with my niece, they didnt make it to the shower) and he said to her, "aunt beckys belly is really big, she is going to have the baby tomorrow." ahhhhh!!! i am so glad he was wrong! it freaked me out all sunday lol.

thats funny you had trouble feeling movement yesterday, i read for about an hour straight last night the importance of movements... but i never found when we are supposed to start monitoring it! do you know? i had a day like that last week, she wasnt moving even when i poked at her and i panicked...the next day she was back to dancing in there!

i'd be scared of a home birth...i totally understand why you want, with all the bad experiences you have had...but i would be afraid there is no way to know if baby is breach, or anything where baby would need immediate attention!

today is my first day of the third trimester :)
wooop- and thats ur answer, start of 3rd tri u start countin 10 movements a day ;) i usually get at least 10 1st thing in morn haha! while im laid in bed contemplatin gettin up,(or snoozin the evil alarm) haha!
oh i am glad that the bitches wernt at ur shower!! they wudda totally put a downer on it, i cud do wiv a shower, ill write a ist of what i want or accept CASH!!! HAHAHA no im jokin, probly not havin a baby shower,
yeah i really wna hom birth, the thought of a hosp makes me feel sick!! all the "superbugs" and "mrsa" diseases dnt help put my mind at rest either!!!
altho at the 1st sign of trouble, any bleedin, or anythin wierd and i will go hosp defo str8 away!! and of cors if labour starts b4 37th week!! and i wud kno if baby is breech cos i wud visit hosp/docs soon as labour starts jus 2 get checked 4 position, blood pressure,etc then back home if i can!!

(pack n play playpen thing, we call them "travel-cots" here in uk, )
10 individual kicks, rolls whatever, not 10 seperate "bursts of movement" lol usually i can tick my 10 1st thing in morn...not that i am actually countin, jus if u feel baby has been "quiet" then u shud make sure u feel 10 kicks, but dnt worry about countin them each and every day
184 days til xmas, and i have already got 3 gifts hidden away,
who else i gettin ready 4 xmas...?
im not! lol, i have my best friends baby shower, DH's cousin's baby shower, and my sisters wedding gifts all i should be doing first...i usually start my xmas shopping about october time. although i am sure it wont be as easy thins year lol.
oh defo not, thats why i start early every year, my 2 will no doubt ask 4 the most popular toys, it then becomes "survival of the fittest in the toys stores, mothers fightin and hair pullin their way 2 the last "action figure" or toy, lol
i like 2 b organised, haha, altho OH reckons he is capping each kids present total at £200each, (erm not likely!) lol,
im pretty sure i can hide a few hundred pounds worth of gifts around the house, hehe!
altho i am completely stuck as what u buy a 3mnth old baby, (if baby comes on time), im sure i will think of sumit, :)
how is every1 doin??
bees, how u doin hun? r u all recovered?
glowstar, hows the bump2be comin along?
prettymachine, hows the bump?

i have the maddest craving 4 icelollies, ice poles, but hate ice-cream, blergghh!
i am literally eatin a box of fruit lollies a day, (i hav some which are jus 33kcals per lolly :) luckily, lol- currently at 11st 8/9lb!!! omg, i dnt wana gain anymor!!!
we hav had 2 astronically hot days here in uk, (after a so called wet summer) so the ice lollies r a life saver!

anyhooooo! hope u ladies r all well!
how is every1 doin??
bees, how u doin hun? r u all recovered?
glowstar, hows the bump2be comin along?
prettymachine, hows the bump?

i have the maddest craving 4 icelollies, ice poles, but hate ice-cream, blergghh!
i am literally eatin a box of fruit lollies a day, (i hav some which are jus 33kcals per lolly :) luckily, lol- currently at 11st 8/9lb!!! omg, i dnt wana gain anymor!!!
we hav had 2 astronically hot days here in uk, (after a so called wet summer) so the ice lollies r a life saver!

anyhooooo! hope u ladies r all well!

my bump is good! i am starting to get tired again...wahhh! like the sleepy kind of tired, feeling like i have no energy even after doing nothing at all. boo! she's been kicking all day though, maybe all her energy is taking mine lol.

mostly i have been busy! thats why i havent posted in a few days...there are not enough hours in the day!

how are you? and dont worry about your weight...i am more than you! if i am doing my math correctly(lol) i am 12 stone 4 lbs. im probably shorter too lol.

and im sad to say glowstar's bump grew wings :cry: i believe she is on holiday right now...when she comes back i am sure she will fill you in on her story.
oh dear, bees and glowstar?? why does this happen?? it seems so unfair, hopin they all feel better soon, hopin glowstar is fully recovered and well after her holiday, :(

i am only 5ft2inches, i am really short, lol hopin 2 stay under 12st 4 the duration of this pregnancy i am fed up of bein heavy already, my OH bought me bak KFC and a mcflurry ice cream (yes he went 2 both mcds and kfc) but i refused it, i wont eat after 6pm now, its workin and i havent gained any weight in a few wks!! altho i havent lost any!!!
apparently once u hit 30wks the weight gain slows a bit again,.....
oh really? im 5'5... in a picture you had of yourself before, i think your last bump pic, you looked so tall!

i hear ya, i feel so fat! i know its mostly baby but the scale is depressing!

so we will gain weight less after 30 weeks? or not as easy?
......I think I'm pregnant again.......AF is now 2 days late and today I got two of these.....


...am I going crazy.....does anyone else see it ?

Am testing again tomorrow morning. Am so nervous especially after last cycle !
......I think I'm pregnant again.......AF is now 2 days late and today I got two of these.....


...am I going crazy.....does anyone else see it ?

Am testing again tomorrow morning. Am so nervous especially after last cycle !

i kinda see it... how long has it been since mc? i think its been awhile...just making sure it isnt left over hormones from the last one. do you have a digi??
not sure, jus said weight gain slows a bit at 30wks, (mayb our appetita drops a bit?)
yeah i am tiny, my mum is 4ft11inch, and my sis is too- wierd huh! i feel like a giant wiv them, lol
i c it bees, its faint but its defo ther!! i really hope this is it, and that it sticks 4 u, stay off the vitamins tho!!! jus take plain folic acid....

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