Go GLAMAMAMAS!! **The most wonderful, beautiful and Lucky women**

good thinki, my iron is low but my tabs make me sick now, and giv me chapped lips! and cant go 2 the loooo when ive taken them!! :/ bluerrghh! guna c doc bout gettin summit else, feelin really tired lately, had a bit of trouble gettin 2 sleep, but no trouble whatsoever STAYIN asleep, slept like a baby lastnight!!! ah lovely, still tired 2day tho! :(

com on u 7wks! (9 for u pretty) jus wana say "hello baby" and "goodby belly" lol,

i bet you are extra tired from not having the iron! i take mine at night so they dont bother my stomach.
Hi Girls, Just to let you know I am reading about how your both doing and want to wish you lots of luck with your births. xx
thanx morgans, how r u keeping?
we havent got long now! it feels like it has gon really quik! but last wks going 2 drag arent they!!
i kno i should take my iron, but it is hard when they make u feel so crap all day, if i take them at night i am woken up wiv feelin sick, :( i kno i hav 2 take them wiv food, and if i eat right b4 bed i also get the WORST heartburn!
ill speak 2 doc, i havent been no way as bad as i was wiv my other 2 pregnancies, i had iron and blood transfusions!! after bein kept in hosp! cos my blood count was so low!
i kno that i am not anywher near that bad yet! jus need sum diff tabs, that wont make me sick!
i take mine with dinner, not at bed time!

i know if i take them in the AM i will throw up for sure!
its orrible, i got an app 2moz c if they cant giv me summit diff, if i dnt take them wiv food id b vomittin about 30mins later! they jus dnt agree wiv me!!
not much they can do with the iron tabs, taken my blood again 2 c if its gon up or down, :(
doc has jus told me 2 "TRY and keep em down" (hmmm cos i really enjoy vomittin right?) idiot!
jus guna try and eat lots of iron rich food, fortified cereal etc, i am not puttin myself thru the discomfort of feelin sick all day and vomittin, that must b doin way mor harm than good,
c what my latest blood results com bak as :/ hopin they arent too low, i been so lucky so far, my other pregs my aneamia was REALLY bad!

how u doin anyway pretty?? how u feelin, (hey my baby is now the size of a honeydew melon, :) was the size of a squash 4 ages!!)cant wait 2 meet my lil baby! :) gettin impatient!
not much they can do with the iron tabs, taken my blood again 2 c if its gon up or down, :(
doc has jus told me 2 "TRY and keep em down" (hmmm cos i really enjoy vomittin right?) idiot!
jus guna try and eat lots of iron rich food, fortified cereal etc, i am not puttin myself thru the discomfort of feelin sick all day and vomittin, that must b doin way mor harm than good,
c what my latest blood results com bak as :/ hopin they arent too low, i been so lucky so far, my other pregs my aneamia was REALLY bad!

how u doin anyway pretty?? how u feelin, (hey my baby is now the size of a honeydew melon, :) was the size of a squash 4 ages!!)cant wait 2 meet my lil baby! :) gettin impatient!

i'm good...tired!! still congested, but no more fever...going back to work this morning :(

i eat the iron rich food and take my pill everyday... somehow mine hasnt gone up at all...how does that work? lol.

i think our comparisions of size are hilarious right now... my baby is supposed to be 16 inches, or a squash... i have NEVER seen a 16 inch squash LOL! and i defintely havent seen a honeydew that big either... i think the last one i bought was like 6 inches? haha. its still cute though... i cant wait to meet my baby either. but then again i can... i have things i need to get done first that i feel will never happen...like DH and i only have one car, and we need that fixed by then...but i dont think it is going to happen!
we hav 2 cars, mor trouble than its worth, OH works ridic hours, so he can never drive me anywher!! (i dnt hav a licence) hate it, plus the added cost of repairs and tax mot, im sick of hearin him say "yes, we'll get it once ive got such-n-such 4 the car" grrrr
hopin 2 kno my iron 2moro, i feel crummy, i must b low! :/ but not muh else i can do now ! :(
we still gota buy a pram and cot, got everythin else!!!
but had a few money issues lately, (mainly cos of 1 car needin new shocks) which cost a fortune!! i hate not bein able 2 jus go out and splurge! lol

yeah i thought my baby must actually b bigger than a honeydew, i was holdin a honeydew in tesco this mornin thinkin "hmmmm, i hope not" hahah, plus the melons wer a variety of sizes anyway, im so eager 2 meet baby!! :) soon as i got pram n cot ill b over the mooooon! :)
but the pram/travel system i want is £700 :)
we hav 2 cars, mor trouble than its worth, OH works ridic hours, so he can never drive me anywher!! (i dnt hav a licence) hate it, plus the added cost of repairs and tax mot, im sick of hearin him say "yes, we'll get it once ive got such-n-such 4 the car" grrrr
hopin 2 kno my iron 2moro, i feel crummy, i must b low! :/ but not muh else i can do now ! :(
we still gota buy a pram and cot, got everythin else!!!
but had a few money issues lately, (mainly cos of 1 car needin new shocks) which cost a fortune!! i hate not bein able 2 jus go out and splurge! lol

yeah i thought my baby must actually b bigger than a honeydew, i was holdin a honeydew in tesco this mornin thinkin "hmmmm, i hope not" hahah, plus the melons wer a variety of sizes anyway, im so eager 2 meet baby!! :) soon as i got pram n cot ill b over the mooooon! :)
but the pram/travel system i want is £700 :)

well if you dont drive then yes, 2 cars make no sense! if you dont think you will get your license any time soon i say sell one! use it for the baby stuff. i know what you mean though, technically we have 2... one that wont pass smog(not sure if you deal with that over there) and we've put about 800 dollars in it and it hasnt helped.. but now the registration tags are for 2009 lol so if we drive it it will get taken away. but if we dont how do we fix it?? i would love to get rid of it!

i think at your weeks your baby should be about 17 inches and almost 5 lbs :)

i hope they let you know your iron soon... i think i get mine re-checked at 32 weeks. so soon. i hope mine has gone up a little!
yeah, i was supposed 2 start my driving lessons, but kept puttin it off, always summit else 2 sort 1st arghhh annoyin, both are really good cars, and OH has spent a lot of money on them, addin and modifyin etc! think he should sell 1! defo! cud really use the money right now, :/ he has jus started his nxt level in accountancy, which is goin 2 cost afortune too!!! arghh!! lol, always summmit goin on, annoyin
hopin my iron hasnt gon down too much, or ill hav 2 grin n bear it wiv the tabs, wether or not they make me sick, even tho it means ill feel crummy 4 the last 7wks !:(
if you gotta take them just make sure its in the evening and with food! make it as easy on yourself as possible!

im kinda over the braxton hicks...they are so uncomfortable!
yeah they really are! less room inside, feels mor n mor uncomfy as the weeks go on,
been shoppin 4 sum baby bits 2day, i jus love buyin tiny clothes, no kinda clothes shoppin is as fun as baby clothes shoppin :)
altho i buy stuff "jus cause its cute" instead of ticking things off my list, :/ love it!
altho i hav tons of cute hats n sox, no way am i ever guna used all the stuff i bought! :/ im guna b grateful off all my preg friends, plenty 2 pass down
ps....this baby better hav a head full of hair, all the heartburn i been gettin!! its guna hav a lot! lol, if only that was tru eh!!
i know! baby stuff is so cute!

i hear ya on the heartburn! i actually had to get up in the middle of the night last night and take medicine for it! i take soo much every day! i dont know if i believe my baby would come out with a full head of hair, seeing as i had none until i was like 3 lol! we will see!

so i am not sure if i have said where i work, but i am a supervisor at a bank. today we got robbed :( in my window! i had the worst cramps for hours afterwards :(
no way that is awful!!!!!!!!!
ur in america right??? stuff like that dnt happen round wher i live, i dunno how i wud manage after!! i hate ppl who r so selfish as 2 put a preg woman in that situation, hope they catch those responsible!!
and the heartburn is jus annoyin, if i bend, i get that horrible acid in my throat....always, anythin vigorous, same and baby always seems 2 kick me in the stomach when im already feelin sick from all the heartburn!!!
bleeugghh! meanie! sleepin slughtly better now, mainly from the sheer exhaustion, been put every day this week, visitin all diff shoppin centres, 4 groceries, bday gifts, garden toys/equip 4 my 2 kids, and then baby things too, been mad busy, but it makes me sleepy :)
no way that is awful!!!!!!!!!
ur in america right??? stuff like that dnt happen round wher i live, i dunno how i wud manage after!! i hate ppl who r so selfish as 2 put a preg woman in that situation, hope they catch those responsible!!
and the heartburn is jus annoyin, if i bend, i get that horrible acid in my throat....always, anythin vigorous, same and baby always seems 2 kick me in the stomach when im already feelin sick from all the heartburn!!!
bleeugghh! meanie! sleepin slughtly better now, mainly from the sheer exhaustion, been put every day this week, visitin all diff shoppin centres, 4 groceries, bday gifts, garden toys/equip 4 my 2 kids, and then baby things too, been mad busy, but it makes me sleepy :)

i am in america.

i know what you mean about bending over making the heartburn worse. bending over also usually makes me have to pee lol.

so i am in las vegas right now, i am sure you have heard of it... my sister got married here tonight... i am so exhausted too! been staying up til 12 in the morning which is way after my bed time lol. and its like 105 degrees out and we were running around trying to find her a cake today and stuff. i actually feel asleep for 2 hours in my hotel room in the middle of the day lol.

i sprung the dreaded stretch marks on my stomach today :cry:
oh nooooo. stretchies!!! jus drink plenty of water, no amount of moisuriser or cocoa lotion or anythin is guna stop those, but hydrated skin is ur best defence, i was so lucky, i only got very faint ones, on top of my thighs and jus above my pubic bone, but they r tiny, barely visable,
yeah cor i herd of vegas, i wana get married ther!!! lol, love it! never been tho- wud ;luv 2- and u shud b resting mor, make sure u eat n sleep plenty!!!
i am tryin 2 buy them "final" bits now, like all my hospital bag items, got all baby's bits already, and i need nursing bras......and i found the most amazin baby diaper bags, comes wiv all the matchin accesories, like bottle bag, change mat, bag, pacifier pod, car seat cover, its amaze! a lil mor than i wa sguna spend but i want them!! they r by "jj cole" and com in loadsa diff styles, :)
vegas is not the way movies make it out to be! its scummy and trashy and full of trashy people! and their weddings are 30 minutes and they kick you out... seriously you arent missing out on anything!

i know i need to rest more, i just dont have time!

i mostly just need stuff for my baby bag still too... some maternity pads and such. i just this weekend got some big cheap underwear for it... that was recommeded to me because you apparently ruin them lol. i have a lot of things now but my bag isnt actually packed! i should do that. i ordered my nursing bras last week, i havent checked if they have come on.

for baby i need a bath for her still. and maybe just more grooming stuff so i am stocked up. i need to actually set everything up though.

do you have a linea nigra? (sp?) i have been told a gender theory based on it and so far it has seemed true for everyone... if you have one is it straight from top, past your belly button? or does it not line up/the bottom is crooked? ill tell you what i think you are having based on it if you have one :)
i hav v faint linea nigra, jus str8 up and stops at my belly button, not crooked :/ oooh i wonder,....
yeah buy underwear u jus wana throw away, cos they defo get ruined, u can actually buy sum that r disposable, but they r papery and sound scrunchy......lol

i still need 2 get hosp bag bits, guna buy all the cutesy travel sized things, hehe,
still gota get cot n pram, now its gettin kinda scray, cos wiv my daughter i had actually already lost my waters at this stage.....and labour had started, scary stuff, i jus want this baby 2 stay put 4 now.

i hav builders here 2day, repairing sum plasterwork and fittin my new doors,...

i also need nursing bras, not particularly cheap tho considerin u wont b usin them again! but i suppose the comfort durin the breastfeedin in priceless???

and i gota get a bath too, but buyin the support that goes into normal bath or sink, as they baby baths r actually quite a nuisance, i actually bathed both mine in the kitchen sink, as it was too uncomfy stoopin over the bath.... and felt safer stood holdin baby :)

fingers crossed, jus 6 wks 4 me to go now!!!!!! eeeek!
i hav v faint linea nigra, jus str8 up and stops at my belly button, not crooked :/ oooh i wonder,....
yeah buy underwear u jus wana throw away, cos they defo get ruined, u can actually buy sum that r disposable, but they r papery and sound scrunchy......lol

i still need 2 get hosp bag bits, guna buy all the cutesy travel sized things, hehe,
still gota get cot n pram, now its gettin kinda scray, cos wiv my daughter i had actually already lost my waters at this stage.....and labour had started, scary stuff, i jus want this baby 2 stay put 4 now.

i hav builders here 2day, repairing sum plasterwork and fittin my new doors,...

i also need nursing bras, not particularly cheap tho considerin u wont b usin them again! but i suppose the comfort durin the breastfeedin in priceless???

and i gota get a bath too, but buyin the support that goes into normal bath or sink, as they baby baths r actually quite a nuisance, i actually bathed both mine in the kitchen sink, as it was too uncomfy stoopin over the bath.... and felt safer stood holdin baby :)

fingers crossed, jus 6 wks 4 me to go now!!!!!! eeeek!

wellll.... the theory has said, if the top line and bottom line line up perfectly, its a boy. and if the bottom does not line up, its a girl. mine does not line up, and we know mine is a girl! same for my friend. and the person who told me about it has one boy and one girl and said it was accurate for both for her!

i havent decided on what kind of bath yet... i dont think there is room in our kitchen sink...which makes me sad because i know how much easier that would be! but i agree leaning over the bathtub would be hard. i am hoping i can find one that would sit over the sink in the kitchen lol.
yeah a good baby bath is a must, chances r, if ur baby is anythin like my 2, she will HATE bathing, mine screamed and squirmed the whole time!!! they both HATED it! grew out of it in a few wks tho, but the 1st few wks, wiv a sore swollen chest, and painful nether-regions....the sink was a god-send, altho u cud jus buy a standard baby bath, and fill it nxt 2 the kitchen sink, then u wudnt hav 2 carry it anywher 2 empty it and its a good height 4 u 2 b comfy :)

so what does linea nigra say bout me? i jus hav a str8 line below my button.....not above....hmmmm....btw, i measured my belly, from my pubic bone 2 top of my uterus, and i got 37cms :/ im 34wks....mayb i measured wrong???

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