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yeah a good baby bath is a must, chances r, if ur baby is anythin like my 2, she will HATE bathing, mine screamed and squirmed the whole time!!! they both HATED it! grew out of it in a few wks tho, but the 1st few wks, wiv a sore swollen chest, and painful nether-regions....the sink was a god-send, altho u cud jus buy a standard baby bath, and fill it nxt 2 the kitchen sink, then u wudnt hav 2 carry it anywher 2 empty it and its a good height 4 u 2 b comfy :)

so what does linea nigra say bout me? i jus hav a str8 line below my button.....not above....hmmmm....btw, i measured my belly, from my pubic bone 2 top of my uterus, and i got 37cms :/ im 34wks....mayb i measured wrong???

im not sure?? maybe there is a top line but its really faint? i cna see mine better in the mirror than i can in real life...

about the fundal height, it is poss you measure wrong... i know im laying down when mw measures mine....and to be honest i have never looked at my measurement, she always just says its good... i know if baby is breech at the time of the measurement it can make the fundal height greater too!
i was layin down and measured from the same point mw did, baby does feel breech tho- still doin cartwheels in ther....much 2 my discomfort!! lol so uncomfy when baby turns, i had hiccups really low down few wks ago, but since then they hav been at the side and right in the centre too, apparently wherever u feel hicccups, thats wher ther head is, so i kno my baby is still very mobile in ther!!

x x x
i was layin down and measured from the same point mw did, baby does feel breech tho- still doin cartwheels in ther....much 2 my discomfort!! lol so uncomfy when baby turns, i had hiccups really low down few wks ago, but since then they hav been at the side and right in the centre too, apparently wherever u feel hicccups, thats wher ther head is, so i kno my baby is still very mobile in ther!!

x x x

ive been getting the hiccups down low...i have to say they feel weirder down there! lol.
lol, agree. defo feels wierd down ther., my baby dnt stay in one position too long tho, must b a fidgetter, jus like me :) i hate bein still....

i am pretty much sorted now, sure feels good, got most of the things 4 my hosp bag ystdy, and got eveythin 4 baby, (not the bag tho, thats comin from america,with a few other things. like sum amazin minky blankets :) eeek so cute!! will b waitin a week or 2, then i can pack babys things :) so soooo excited, feel all prepared now :)
lol, agree. defo feels wierd down ther., my baby dnt stay in one position too long tho, must b a fidgetter, jus like me :) i hate bein still....

i am pretty much sorted now, sure feels good, got most of the things 4 my hosp bag ystdy, and got eveythin 4 baby, (not the bag tho, thats comin from america,with a few other things. like sum amazin minky blankets :) eeek so cute!! will b waitin a week or 2, then i can pack babys things :) so soooo excited, feel all prepared now :)

i have about everything too! i have it all sitting on my changing table though, lol...still needs to be packed. i dont have maternity pads yet but i cant think of anything else ive forgotten :) i dont work tomorrow so i am thinking of getting it all together and actually packed :)

i think i am getting sick again... i have had a sore throat for 3 days and today i looked in there and saw white spots :( i hope i dont get a fever again! i dont want to be a regular at labor and delivery lol!
oh no!! white spots on ur throat/tonsils, its tonsilitis defo!!
i hav had it several times but they wont take my tonsils out, lol

u will need antibiotics 4 that!!

i hav been out all day, since this morn, had a picnic by the canal nt far from my house, my son caught sum crayfish ((yuk)) and it was so hot and lush!!! amaze! thunk i hav a bit of a tan too, hehe!

my bags arent packed as im waitin 4 babys bag 2 b delivered, and i still need 2 buy a labour bag, (any excuse 2 buy a new bag right) lol, might go shoppin 4 one this week, hav m/w app 2moro morn, guna c if i find one i like after that :) x
oh no!! white spots on ur throat/tonsils, its tonsilitis defo!!
i hav had it several times but they wont take my tonsils out, lol

u will need antibiotics 4 that!!

i hav been out all day, since this morn, had a picnic by the canal nt far from my house, my son caught sum crayfish ((yuk)) and it was so hot and lush!!! amaze! thunk i hav a bit of a tan too, hehe!

my bags arent packed as im waitin 4 babys bag 2 b delivered, and i still need 2 buy a labour bag, (any excuse 2 buy a new bag right) lol, might go shoppin 4 one this week, hav m/w app 2moro morn, guna c if i find one i like after that :) x

ive been trying to casually get a new bag for myself for it too... i dont know how to do it without DH noticing and telling me i dont need it hehehe.

ive never had tonsilitis... some people were telling me strep thraot... but on the web it says strep is red not white, bit pics show it white...hmmmm! i was hoping to wake up feeling better. it didnt work out.

it sounds like you had a fun day! probably exhausting though... as much as i love the sun i feel so exhausted now after being out in it =/

i had a dream i got AF... but i was still the same pregnant... scary!!!
i am so over the scary/wierd dreams, i hav had them since i been preg, rangin from havin a white baby and hopin my black OH dnt notice, 2 havin stillborn, limbless, misscarryin,and even dreamin of my mum and OH havin an affair,!! oh my gosh, the dreams i hav had, im glad i can ignore them now and put it down 2 preg, lol, sum random stuff,

yeah, exhaustin, but i had 2 do the usual cleanin/cookin when i got bak, still gota make OH's sandwiches 4 work, lol, he is like a child too, lol

yeah i wanted a really nice bag i saw, but OH clicked on str8 away and said "u are not guna fit much in that, get summit mor practical" lol, i actually saw a really nice one in asda (think u call it walmart over ther) and it was only £6!! ($4.50)? big, stylish and it was leopard print! lol cheap as chips!!! but still nice! i may get that one and spend the change on summit else i want,
as much as i love bein preg, i am gettin eager 2 hav MY body bak, the weight gain and huge belly (and (.)(.)'s) mean i am strugglin 2 find things that fit, espesh as itll only b 4 a lil while now, no point buyin maternity wear jus 4 a few wks!!
OH says i deserve a big shoppin spree after i hav had baby, i will defo hold him 2 that!!!

as 4 the throat prb, tonsilitis is always white spots on bak of ur throat, and itll jus get worse and spread lower down ur throat :/ ice lollies wer a HUGE relief 4 me, not like i need any excuse nowadays 2 eat them tho, it seems 2 b my cravin, lol
i used to have the weird dreams about baby dying... i am glad those stopped...

but your dream about the baby coming out white cracked me up!! that would be funny... i mean not funny at all in the long run, but the initial looks on everyones faces would be hilarious!

ohh i love walmart! i got my travel system(stroller/carseat) and crib from there! i saved so much money! go for the leopard print... i love animal prints! my LO is getting a lot of animal print stuff :)

my throat still hurts, but its weird because its only on one side, and nothing is swollen. i can eat and all that. talking started to aggravate it at work yesterday when it was really busy and i did too much talking...but resting my voice helped. i cant help but wonder if its from all the heartburn? like if the acids that come up my throat made some kind of infection or damage.

its 11am over here and i have already made mini cheesecakes, pasta salad, and waffles. i am so tired from it! lol. my work is having a group baby shower because 3 of us are pregnant so i made my sidedishes... but man i think i need to nap before i go! i am getting more uncomfortable now...especially sleeping. im so ready, and so NOT ready for this baby!
yeah i never though of that, mayb the heartburn IS what is causin the throat probs, i ran out of heartburn tabs ystdy, and had the WORST night ever!!!

yeah the dream was funny, but no-one seemed 2 notice, OH keeps sayin "what if the baby has freckles" not that it wud b a big deal, i hav freckles haha! not bad ones, jus faint, they go darker in summer, lol, as i hav a large birthmark on my cheek, i do always worry if my kids will get summit similar, its about the size of a 50p piece, and bang central in the middle of my cheek haha, i used 2 hate it and try n cover it wiv make up, but i dnt mind so much no mor,mainly cos i saw a surgeon about havin it removed and apparently it wud cos £4700!! and i wud prob b left wiv scarrin anyway..... :/

awww bakin cheesecake mmmmmm my fave, especially lemon n orange cheesecake! yum!! i havent hav a baby shower ! :(
i slept in this morn- til 10am, (OH dnt work on sunday so leaves me 2 sleep in) and then i feel asleep again at about 1pm, for an hour!! lol been feelin so tired lately, apparently my blood is good tho!! so i kno it isnt aneamia makin me tired, blood tests said my iron count was rising :) woohoo!
defo very uncomfy now, even sitting is uncomfy, sleepin is a nightmare, (im either hot, bein bothered by heartburn, bein kicked in the ribs, wakin 2 pee, or jus plain uncomfy!!)

had quite a few "painful" braxton hicks too, annoyin cos i get all worried about another early baby!!

yeah we hav walmart here but we call it asda, i need 2 go ther sum time and get few bits, i love animal print too, always hav, bought a few animal things 4 my baby too- cute blankets and sum romper suits too-lovely :)

im eager 2 not be preg, and sleep comfy etc, but actualy dreadin the pain thing, i was actually excited last time, but this time im absolutely dreadin it, i am actually scared haha
i keep forgetting to respond lol! pregnancy brain, haha.

i would die if i ran out of my heartburn medicine...they get me through the day! for the most part.

i see my MW in 2 days... i will ask her what she thinks about my sore throat =/

i am glad your anemia is better! mine wont get checked again until 36 weeks.

i'm not sure if i am scared of the pain... i am trying not to think about it lol. i am more scared of something going wrong and needing a c-section, or something wrong happening to baby(cord around the neck, etc.) or baby being early. ill try to not think about the oain too lol.

so i am once again fed up with your health care system over there... DH's aunt is in the hospital there because she had broke her toe 6 weeks or so ago and they wouldnt treat her because they had "more important" cases... in the time her foot got infected, as she was STILL waiting for an appointment, and now that she cant feel her feet they finally hospitalized her and its not looking good :( they are somewhere near lincolnshire.
oh dear ur poor aunt, yeah the hosps here r some-what slack, waiting lists 4 everthing, i suppose u get tht when its a free service tho, :/ i hav been waitin over 2yrs 4 my hernia 2 b repaired, haha! ridiculous, but it isnt deemed as "important"
im actually surprised they deliver a baby wivout a waitin list!!!
altho a friend of mine got moved 2 the nxt nearest hosp, mid labour as they had no delivery rooms available...!!

i am pleased my blood is rising, and i actually feel much better, :) not so tired, got way mor energy now!
i c midwife on 12th aug, every 2wk apps now- he said baby was head down and prob wudnt turn, but im pretty sure baby has turned completely again, feet r now on the other side!!!

i had 2 really quite painful BRAX's ystdy, one aftr another! that kinda pain, it bought it all bak, i am dreadin it so bad!!! i was excited 4 it all 2 start wiv the other 2......not this time, im jus scared!! haha,
accordin 2 weight estimate last week (at 34wks), baby was 5lb 9oz already, i had my daughter at 35wks, and she was only 5lb 3oz! so now im dreadin this baby bein a big one!!! *(i kno the estimates r not always accurate tho)

rather a big one full term than a small one pre term tho :/

altho one thing i am relived about. i am 35wks, still hav my waters, and no baby yet!! so its hangin on in ther, im officially past the stage i got 2 wiv my daughter, :/ jus gota take it easy now!

so what is ur biggest concern/worry, and what r u most excited about??
ok, slightly worried, woke this morn and had blood, yes BLOOD! went 2 the toilet 2 check it all out and ther was FRESH blood, not browny/pinky/discharge it was blood which had lil clots in, only about half a teaspoon, but i am so worried, i cant go hosp or docs, im stuck home 2wiv 2kids, (summer hols) its pissin it down and my OH isnt talkin 2 me following an arguement the other night.......is this jus stress related?? is it a show?? is it sumthin i shd b really worried about???
or cud it b jus nothin??

i hav no pain, no bleedin since this morn, (jus the one bit) baby is active n movin too
have you called anyone, the hospital or midwife? OH can START talking to you because if something is wrong with baby, its HIS baby too! i would get his ass over there and take the kids with you to the hospital...he can watch them while you get checked... i would definitely call your midwife or hospital and if they say come in, then do it! the placenta could be tearing away or part of your plug? plus, if blood come out it means your cervix was open.

blood is nothin to mess around with even if it stopped :(

as far as my bigget fear--either having to have a c-section... or tearing way too much. not even knowing i am in labor? lol. after the baby is born, never sleeping... or thinking i know how to care for baby but being wrong. or of course, the dreaded stillborn :(

biggest excitement? seeing what she looks like! holding her. and i am excited to breastfeed... i am going to relax a lot when i know i can do it successfully lol. also the way she is going to look at me, and depend on me.

please let me know what happens for you!
hey....spoke 2 m/w, says it is prob jus a "bloody show" if i get any pains, crampin or any mor bleedin i shud go str8 2 delivery @ hosp,
wanted me 2 go into hosp 2day but i explained im home alone wiv the other 2 kids and hav no-one 2 watch them (i actually dnt hav any1)
asked me if baby was active, moving normal amount etc, did i hav temp, or feel sick n dizzy/lightheaded.
as i feel fine n myself, he does think i shudda gon hosp, but as nothin has happnd all day they prob wudda jus monitored me 4 z couple hours n sent me home anyway,

but as it is prob a show, i will mor than likely hav baby within nxt 2 wks.....if i get any cramp or contractions i hav 2 go 2 L&D,
the last thing i wanted was a early baby, and another hosp delivery, looks like im not gettin my own way

OH dnt kno, havent told him, no point now, as it seems im ok. he isnt talkin 2 me still ignorin me, great! jus what i wanted, added stress, he is such a child, <3
well if LO holds on 2 weeks you will be full term! it wont be early! try taking it really easy, keep him/her in there as long as possible!

i keep hearing about the "bloody show" but no one has explained it to me so i hope they eventualy tell me what to watch for lol.

your OH is a pain in my A-S-S. i would tell him, tell him its caused by stress, let him feel guilty ;)

i saw my MW today and she does think i have had tonsilitis...but like everything, "just take tylenol." (like your parcetemol) no antibiotics or anything. she said hopefully it'll go away soon....ughhh haha, i want it to go away now! she also thinks i am slowly losing my mucus plug... didnt seem concerned...i wonder if this means i will go into labor on my own! and not have to be induced or anything. i also am on the "high end" of amniotic fluid, which is a good thing! i also saw my little girls parts, she is definitely a girl! yay! lol...i wont have a boy in pink. im at almost 40lbs weight gain though and she wasnt happy :( but if i have all that amniotic fluid, it has to be partially that! lol.

if you go into labor, leave a post so i know where you are and you are ok!
yeah i will defo let u kno,

cant believe u can only take tylenol, surprised they wont giv u antibiotic spray or anythin :/ thats a shame, it might b ther 4 quite a while,

so why does ur mw think u loosin ur plug already?

yeah my OH is a TOTAL ass! im not tellin him anythin yet, im too mad at him now, (we still need a cot n pram!!) but he went and got an IPHONE 4 and A IPAD2!!!!
said they wer "free" hmmmm......not sure what 2 think.....but i am mad still!

i will defo let u kno if i go into labour!! i will post :)
if baby hangs on 2 wks from 2day, ill b 37wks 5days, not so bad! ill b fine wiv that! lol

ok i was 9st 6lb b4 i got preg, now im 11st 4lbs, that 26lbs?? im not sure,but i feel HUGE! not jus the belly, im sure half the weight is in my chest, they r blimmin huge, haha! not as much fun as i thought it wud b tho, they r always hot and a bit achey!
guna b so nice when u get 2 c ur lil girl, i cant wait 2 meet my baby!! well...i can, i defo dnt wana hav baby 2day haha!
im guessin my fluid is norm, they havent said anythin about it anyway....?
hey thinkin bout it, 1 wk n 2days, ill b full term officially, but my lil girls bday on monday, i was hopin baby wud com on time, or late, haha! i dnt want 2 bdays within the space of a week, or in the same month even.!!
and i defo wudnt wana b stuck in hosp on my lil girls 6th bday!
she thinks i am losing my mucus plug because i have been having very watery discharge... thats why she checked my fluids... and since they were so high and the way i described the smell(like semen lol) she said its likely my plug slowly going. she said usually people lose it a little bit at a time over the course of a couple weeks a little at a time, as opposed to all at once like people assume.

where is OH staying right now? and ughhh i cant stand apple/mac &the iphones and ipads... they are so much $$$ just for the name. you could always test him...if they were free he has money for the cot&pram still... call him up and tell him you are going shopping for your cot & pram... if he is suddenly broke... then you know! you should at least pretend to not be mad at him, so you have him available when you go into labor =/ it sucks you have to depend on him for that.

hopefully your LO hangs on til a good distance past your girl's bday... DHs bday is spetember 10th so there is a good chance he could share his bday with his daughter...he thinks its fine but i think it sucks cuz neither of them have their own day! i also have my wedding anniversary on sept 18th and i wouldnt really want to have her that day... obviously the day will be for her every year. it would make it hard to go out every year on our anniversary, etc.
me and OH live 2geva, money is kinda shared, he works 2 jobs, i havent worked 4 a yr, seemed pointless after ttc and moving house, he said he will buy the cot/pram on 22-28th aug, thats payday, so hopin we get it then, he said he dint hav the money ths month (bit like last month and month b4) altho we hjav had trouble wiv the cars, coilovers and new wheels, and sum other stuff needed doin, err! hate them!

but either way, he says he "blagged the iphone and ipad 2 free" but i dunno, mayb he did mayb he dint???
and i dnt hav 2 pretend 2 b happy or anythin, if i go into labour and he isnt ther it jus shows what kinda father he will b! he is so immature, but i do kno if ther was an emergency or summt he wud defo b by my side, he wudnt expect me 2 b on my own or jus "ignore" me cos we had fallen out, i dont think 4 1 min he wud let a sily argument get THAT blown out of proportion!

who knos,....i guess we will kno soon right,haha!

yeah i want baby 2 b a sept baby now, i dnt want another aug one, lol altho it will b outta my hands, we ment visitin a safari park on sunday (day b4 lil girls bday) so i am not doin too much in one day, big wooden climbing frame gets delivered actually on her bday (its nt a bday present tho) and a lil party etc, so if i had 2 do all that in one day i wud b wiped out!!

WOW! about ur plug!
when i lost mine wiv my son i freaked, haha! i was 10days overdue, and was actually at hosp, bein monitored, and i went 2 do a wee sample, and noticed in my underwear what looked like a blob of "pork-pie jelly" (you kno that stuff u get in pork pies, around the meat, think they call it aspic) or sumit, haha
i went 2 the nurse and i was like "i hav no clu what has jus happnd but it was gross, haha, she jus said that "pork-pie jelly" was the best description she had ever heard, lol, i still dint hav my son 4 a further four days!
i dnt actually feel like i hav much fluid, it feels like jus baby in ther , all squished up, its gettin painful when i get kicked, (seems 2 prefer 1 area) it feels so bruised!!

cant believe i am guna b full term in like.....10days!!
arghh! baby needs 2 hang on til 22-28th aug, when we get pram n cot, hahaha!

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