Going from 1 to 2.



Hey, folks. I'm a mum to an amazing 5 yr old boy and am now pregnant with baby #2. I'd love to hear your stories about transitioning from having one child to two children, and any advice you may have. The thought is a little overwhelming!
Congratulations on your pregnancy.

I found being pregnant with no2 overwhelming . I was worried how I would cope. How DD1 would cope etc.

DD2 has fitted in perfectly . Its like we have always had her. The first few weeks were hard adjusting with a newborn and toddler plus we were all sick then DD2 got sick.

Your son will be in full time school (sorry if iam just assuming this). if he is. You should get lots of rest in the day.

My best tip is just be organised . Get everything ready the night before. Keep a basket of baby stuff upstairs and down so you can just get things quickly.

Now DD1 is nearly 4 and DD2 just turned one its amazing watching them play. They are so close!

Try and take time for yourself and dont stress if the household chores don't get done on certain days. Enjoy your son and new baby. Good Luck!.
Thanks so much! Prepping the night before is a great idea.
I actually found going from 1 to 2 really tricky (not to scare you but just being honest) but I look back now and don't know why! I had a 2 1/2 year age gap so ds1 was starting to be independent which helped but I felt like he didn't get enough attention when all I had to do was put baby in his Moses basket and he'd have been quite happy.

I found being organised like pp said made getting out easier especially if you have a school run to do in the morning and then just in general getting out and about as much as possible made things easier too.

We brought presents from the baby for ds1 so he felt like part of the family still but your age gap is different so that might not be appropriate.

Good luck, I hope everything comes together for you x x
I found going from one to two much easier than I imagined, it got much harder when my youngest became a toddler however but my two have a 19 month age gap so have similar needs (a.k.a. tantrums :haha: ) at the same time and fight a lot of the time. I imagine having a bigger age gap will be much, much different, though!

I also agree with the organisation tips! Having stuff ready the night before is a life saver, otherwise I find myself scrambling around in the morning trying to sort out two lots of things instead of just one and it's unnecessary stress! Good luck, even if it takes some time things will fall into place! :)
Emotionally I struggled a little. My first is Mama's boy and I wasn't sure how I could give him what he needed and look after and love a newborn. Any and all questions about that dissolved when my first came to visit us in the hospital!

We had hard days for sure but looking back even now they don't seem so bad!

Fill your freezer with food so you (or OH) can reheat quickly!

I found a rhythm that worked for us pretty quickly and I'm sure you will too.
I've found it easy so far. When big one is at school and just me and baby it's like da ja vu. Then the big one comes home and you look thinking, where did you come from.
One to two wasn't so bad. My ds1 didn't get into too much mischief by himself! 2-3, I'm still struggling with that!
I've found it really hard tbh. But I'm not sure if that's because we've gone 1-2 or because we now have to run our life's around a school schedule. I honestly think it's the school rota mixed with the numerous hospital apps we have. But I can only comment on my experience

I would not have a 5yr gap again. My eldest just isn't interested in the Baby and I'm already worried about days out that appeal to both as they get older
Mine were all back to back and 9yrs ago so i cant remember but what I do remember was 1 to 2 wasnt hard, it was 2-3 that was hard!
1-2 was hard for me.

I planned for baby and prepared dd for his arrival. I felt fairly confident (ish!!) with the baby stuff and thought I would manage.

I did manage!! But some days it felt just like "managing". I hadn't anticipated that I'm not brilliant at multitasking whilst dd is chatting away and ds is trying to leap off the sofa (upside down!). I also invested dd in a few too many activities whilst ds was little - she loves swimming, gymnastics and ballet. However, keeping an 18 month old entertained when he can't join in at those activities is very different to keeping a baby in my arms. And dd loves them all so it seems unfair to make her stop now.

We don't have family support though so I do it all myself when oh is at work.

My advice would be to be prepared. Batch cook meals. Get a sling for the early days. Have a shower when #1 is in bed in the evening & someone else can have baby for half an hour. Prepare sandwiches for lunch the night before. Do internet shopping. Get a list of local parks - the outdoors is your friend when either of your kids is unsettled.

And never expect too much from yourself!! Be kind :)

& don't read this post & think it's not also wonderful! It is wonderful!!! It's just hard work too at times.
Like some of the others I found 1-2 easy and 2-3 brutally hard! In the first months, even the first year, for me it comes down to how well the baby sleeps. It's so hard to function and pay proper attention to your other kids when baby has you up all night.

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