Going to college while pregnant rant.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2014
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I will be graduating next fall, 2015, if I stay on the class schedule that I have prepared. I went off of birth control in January thinking it would take me a while to get pregnant because I'd been on them for 6 years...2 months later I got my BFP! :happydance: I didn't even think of how it would affect my schooling.

As I get closer, though, people keep asking me "how do you plan on finishing this fall!?" "do you really think you can do it?" I even had a professor tell me "well, participation is half of your grade so be prepared for that". I have had NO issues with this pregnancy so far, and I don't see bed rest in my future. I am due November 20th, and the semester ends 3 weeks later so I would only miss 3 classes. I understand I will be IMMENSELY uncomfortable but dangit, I want to graduate on time! Plus, if I don't go back this fall I will probably never go back. I'm on an adrenaline kick with school right now. I don't want to go, but keeping this momentum is helping. I don't want to give up so close to the finish line.

All of these naysayers are just really bringing me down. Has anyone else had to go through this? I want to know if it is doable, or if I should just quit while I'm ahead?
I am going through it now. I finish completely August 10th and am due the 26th. Lately it has been difficult to get the house ready for baby, do coursework and homework. I think you can, it just takes A LOT of energy. I am doing my coursework online, aside from my practicum hours. Good luck :)
Thanks! I feel like that is a large part of it - I will be taking on-campus classes, and will also be student teaching. So that will be nice and awkward haha!
You can do it! I plan to work until I go into labor and I have a very physically demanding job. It is tiring. I am exhausted at the end of day and the week. It does get hard to get stuff done around the house at times. But it is not impossible.
You'll be fine! With my first I worked full time as a teacher till 39+1 and only stopped then because it was school holiday. I had a great pregnancy and so long as you feel ok you'll be ok. It is tiring on your body carrying the extra weight around but your brain will still work fine!
I'm also worried. This fall I have the last of my two prerequisites for my nursing degree. I'm honestly not sure how I'll do the actual 40 hr program with a newborn and toddler, so I imagine I'll have to take yet another break. :nope: I really don't want to...
I went through it with my first and going through it again this time. My first was due the first week of spring semester so I just took spring 2013 off. I went back in fall, but it wasn't an option for me. I never thought about not going back, regardless of how much I didn't want to. School is important.

This semester, or fall I guess, I am due finals week and I will just have to talk to my professors about when to take my finals.

Going to school while pregnant is difficult, going with a kid is even harder, two kids under two will probably be the death of me. Lol but I am determined to finish. I have been in school for five years..time to finish up.
You can do it.

I was pregnant at uni with my first, no-one thought I would actually finish my degree with baby being due 4 days after my last exam but I was determined to prove them all wrong! It is possible just stay focussed. X
My university days are long behind me, so I can't comment from experience. However, there was a girl in my year who was pregnant during third year, then had a baby to care for throughout fourth year, and graduated with us on schedule at the end of fourth year.

I wasn't really friends with her so don't know the ins and outs, but she obviously managed her third year work heavily pregnant, and then a dissertation and full body of BA(Hons) degree work with a little baby, so it's doable! I think her timings were quite good, she gave birth and had a new born over the summer, which probably made her life a lot easier.

I'm sure the majority of people would end up dropping out, but it can be done.
Thank you everyone! It's so refreshing to hear positive experiences :)
You can do it, with my first lo I finished at 37 weeks and gave birth at 39 and I was teaching.
Don't worry about what others say. Do what you feel is best.

When I was pregnant with DS, I was going through my second year at a community college. I went through just fine during fall semester but I had to take off for spring semester, because I was due Feb 6th, and had him Feb 13th. I took that semester off to adjust to being a new mom. I did not go back, but when I was 22 y/o (had him at 19), I did get my CNA license through a job I go, though the same community college.
You can do it!

I done it when I was pregnant with my first - I had him right in the middle of my final semester of fourth year at uni studying for a bsc(hons) degree. I was in uni until the day I gave birth. I took 2 weeks off after having my him, then went back and finished my classes, completed my exams, wrote my dissertation and graduated that autumn with a 1st class honours degree with distinction. It definitely can be done trust me! I had a lot of negativity while I was pregnant from students and lecturers alike telling me it couldn't be done and I should defer and to be honest I think it motivated me more!

It definitely is not easy but it can be done. My son never missed out on anything, I still managed to give him what he needed, still breastfed (expressed a lot though!) and was with him as soon as I wasn't in classes. Stay positive and keep in mind that you're doing it for both your futures - short term measure for a better life. Good luck! Xxx
I did it. But I switched to online classes towards the end. And then I had my dd very unexpectedly at 30 weeks. I didn't drop my classes, like you I knew if I stopped I'd never finish. My dd was in the NICU for 5 weeks and I stayed in class. I was recovering from the c-section, pumping every 2 hours and through the night, visiting my dd in the hospital every single day, getting the baby's room set up because none of that was even done yet... and still managed to do all my assignments, readings, study for tests, etc. and I passed all of my classes and graduated on time. I was really proud of myself, and it wasn't easy by any means, I was EXHAUSTED every day and many times I wanted to quit but I'm SO glad I stuck it through and got it over with. Then I was done and it was such a weight off my shoulders and I could enjoy my time with my new baby once she came home.

It can be done! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Let their negative comments be more motivation to prove them wrong.

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