Hello ladies!
I am back after a few month break. Another IUI cycle with gonal f, but this time i am also taking metformin. Hoping third times a charm
Baby dust to all!!
Ok ladies 3DPO and my estrogen is 2000! And progesterone is greater than 60! So hoping that's a good thing. I know I sure felt ovulation! It was very painful but I got through it! Hoping this is our month!
dbluett hope the metformin does the trick!!! FX for you!!
Alicatt how are things with you?
bonnotron any news on the follies?
Well ladies I have at least 5 follies!! My RE lowered my gonal dose from 250 to 187.5 because my ovaries are doing so well! I go back in on Thursday. Hoping to trigger this weekend while hubby is home so he can do it and I won't have toShe only measured 5 follies but it looked like there may be more....I'm so nervous about OHSS. I had very intense O pains during my last medicated cycle. Just hoping and praying this is our month!
Cycle has been canceled.Too many follicles.
Cycle has been canceled.Too many follicles.
It's been a while since I've been on this board as I've moved onto to IVF, but I still lurk (especially now cuz I'm on the 2ww!!). Just wanted to say that your situation sounds a lot like a gal who used to post here named "chiles". If I'm remembering correctly her cycle was cancelled for too many follies and she threw caution to the wind, did the deed and got pregnant with a singleton. If you back up to around page 80 or so I think you might be able to read her story. I apologize in advance if I'm off my rocker...I just thought you could use some good news!!