I thought I would update you all with whats going on, basically this horrible period is staying as a brown bleed, very scanty and only when I am wiping. It feels like there is things wanting to come out but can't. It is everytime I wipe, yes I have done a pregnancy test this morning and it was negative but I spoke to my doctor (NHS) this morning and he was saying that there may be a small chance (not that I am keeping my hopes up) that this could just be implantation bleed or the follicles dying. He said that I had 4 good sized follicles and there may be a chance that 1 may have implanted...he said as long as it says brown and not turn to pink then we are in with a chance....i am pretty certain by the weekend this will all be heavy flow.
He wants to do a ultrasound scan after the bleeding has stopped so that he can have a look at my endometrial lining and see what the heck is going on....so lets keep our fingers and toes crossed
PS Chiles 24 hours to go until we all find out