Gonal Girls

Mizuno - just goes to show that everyone is different... Maybe that's why the first cycle failed, they might need to do some fine-tuning. I know it's really hard, but don't give up hope!

Kmae - do you mean immature follicles? In that case I have tons! I'm not even sure how many. On my first gonal-f cycle, I think I had 1 mature and a few "maybe mature" follicles - that cycle failed - BFN. On my second cycle, after stimulating for almost 3 weeks at slowly increasing doses, I was responding very little and very slowly. Near the end of that time, we decided to convert to an IVF cycle. With IVF, they don't care if you have tons of follicles- the more the better! I had about 8 retrieved, but only 3 of those had mature eggs, and only one got fertilized. But it implanted! It was such a wonderful surprise. In my head I was already planning my next cycle. Anyway, I wish you all the best - is this your first cycle?
Kmae thanks I have had them all my life :dohh: onto provera tonight :)
I'm sorry I have been MIA for a while.. So I had my consultation with the Dr this morning, and he looked at my chart with me, and he said the scary words.. IVF. I was worried he was going to say that, but I expected it to happen.

So he did the US and things look good. My left ovary looks awesome, and my right, well it never wants to come to the party (it was hiding today, but seen, barely). I spent about 3 hours at the Dr's office getting everything organized for the IVF this month. WOW, yes this month!

The first thing they had to do was a trial embryo transfer, they do this to make sure they can get the embryos up there when its the real deal. Well guess what? He said I had stenosis of the cervix, and that he has to do surgery to dilate it. I'm like wahhhh? So I'm having surgery tomorrow morning at 7am to make my cervix open better, then I will start on a course of injectibles tomorrow afternoon: Menopur 225 iu and Bravelle 225 iu each day and we'll go from there. We are forecasting the embryo retrieval to be on Sept 11th and the embryo transfer to be 3 days later.

I'm a little overwhelmed right now, I kind of feel like its all happening so fast. Thing is that I need to jump on this, and get it done! Wish me luck!!
Alicat, Yah, a day like that would overwhelm anyone! Is your insurance paying for the IVF? Just curious what it costs out of pocket. I think it is great that your RE is so proactive! I am so nervous and excited for you!

Curlie, Yes, I was referring to immature follicles. This is my first time on injectables. I go in to do a "mature" follicle check on Monday- so we'll see how I respond. I would have been doubtful to if I were told only 1 got fertilized. What a great feeling it must have been to find out you were pg from that little guy!
Alicat, Yah, a day like that would overwhelm anyone! Is your insurance paying for the IVF? Just curious what it costs out of pocket. I think it is great that your RE is so proactive! I am so nervous and excited for you!

Curlie, Yes, I was referring to immature follicles. This is my first time on injectables. I go in to do a "mature" follicle check on Monday- so we'll see how I respond. I would have been doubtful to if I were told only 1 got fertilized. What a great feeling it must have been to find out you were pg from that little guy!

No unfortunately the IVF is not covered by my insurance. They are charging me a lot of money! It is insane how much it will cost. I have already paid a $5000 deposit, and $4000 in drugs, and the dilation procedure they are doing tomorrow morning is $1600 (I haven't met my deductible yet). I think there are still some more charges to be had along the way. Probably another $6000-7000 on top of what I've listed above. OUCH! Now some of that is not necessary for ALL IVF's but I'm almost 40 (5 weeks until my b-day) and because of that they are suggesting that I do ICSI and some other thing to help the egg and sperm meet. The FS explained it as hatching the egg to let the sperm in to fertilize. I guess older women have have tougher eggs to crack! Plus this helps the sperm, it doesn't need to do as much work!
So I started my blood work and ultrasound monitoring for this gonal-f cycle today. I am on cycle day 7 and tonight was day #4 of stims. After 3 nights of stims my right ovary had two follicles measuring 11 and 9 and my left ovary had 4 follicles measuring 10,10,9,8. My endo was measuring 6. My current dose of gonal-f is 100iui. It is the same dose as last cycle but I seem to be responding a bit slower this cycle. Last cycle on day 8 I had 3 follicles on my right measuring 18,16 and 15 and my left had 3 measuring 12, 11 and 11 and my endo measured 9. I stimmed that night again and then did the trigger shot on day 9 and iui on day 10 and 11. I ovulated on day 11....which is super early for me. I usually ovulate on day 16 when I was taking clomid.

I am not sure how to feel about this cycle yet. I don't know if a slower response is better or not? PArt of me is trying to say yes it is, because it will mean I will ovulate a bit later in my cycle like I usually do. But then part of me is wondering why I am having a different response to the same dose???
Alicat, yah, I hate how much IVF costs! I think if insurance helped out with the cost then ladies wouldn't have so many multiples- it cost so much that most decide to have several eggs implanted so they get a better chance of success and of not having to pay that much again.:dohh: Well I am very excited for you! I can't wait to hear your updates!

Llampie, I hope this is your magical round. It's crazy that our bodies can be So inconsistent sometimes. How big do they want follies to be before they typically have you trigger?

This is my first round of injectables. I'm actually doing 100mg Clomid cd3-7 then 75iui of Menopur cd 8-10. I did my first injection last night- it wasn't bad at all. I have my first u/s to see how things are progressing this Monday (cd11). I really hope my follies are growing!
Kmae- My FS likes to see at least one follicle at 18mm before I can trigger. At my appointment today they he had a really hard time getting a good image of my follicles due to the position of my uterus and ovaries. I have a tilted uterus and sometimes my ovaries hide in behind it. I don't think the measurements were as accurate as they should have been today, but my left ovary has a 17mm and 16mm follicle and my right has 4 follicles under 12mm. I am hoping that tomorrow they will have grown and I will be ready to trigger either tomorrow or tuesday.
Kmae- My FS likes to see at least one follicle at 18mm before I can trigger. At my appointment today they he had a really hard time getting a good image of my follicles due to the position of my uterus and ovaries. I have a tilted uterus and sometimes my ovaries hide in behind it. I don't think the measurements were as accurate as they should have been today, but my left ovary has a 17mm and 16mm follicle and my right has 4 follicles under 12mm. I am hoping that tomorrow they will have grown and I will be ready to trigger either tomorrow or tuesday.

Sounds like you are getting close! I bet you'll trigger tomorrow.

I love your profile picture, it looks like home to me (I have a cottage in Muskoka). The lab in the drivers seat is just too cute!

Best of luck to you! :dust:
Can I still stay in this thread even though I'm not using Gonal F? My FS has put me on Bravelle and Menopur this month for IVF. Just finished day 3 of meds, and I go in on Tuesday for my first ultrasound.
Good Luck Allicat with IVF, and we would love for you to stay on this thread so we can keep up with you. I was actually planning on doing IVF myself. It is very expensive...my insurance would have covered it though. I know you are very thankful that you can afford to foot that bill. tons of :dust: to you.

I am trying to catch up with everyone!!! I have been MIA for a minute here. I hope all is well and goodluck to everyone with their new cycles, and testing etc.

Scerena- I miss you :hugs: I always have to use provera to jumpstart me so I know you will do fine!!!!

Welcome again Kmae llampie and Goodluck to you ladies :dust:
Kmae- My FS likes to see at least one follicle at 18mm before I can trigger. At my appointment today they he had a really hard time getting a good image of my follicles due to the position of my uterus and ovaries. I have a tilted uterus and sometimes my ovaries hide in behind it. I don't think the measurements were as accurate as they should have been today, but my left ovary has a 17mm and 16mm follicle and my right has 4 follicles under 12mm. I am hoping that tomorrow they will have grown and I will be ready to trigger either tomorrow or tuesday.

Looks like you are on track to trigger very soon!:thumbup: Keep us updated! I have a tilted uterus too so it will be interesting to see if they have a hard time determining with me as well. Tomorrow I get checked for my follicle size for the first time. I hope I got a couple of mature ones growing!

Alicat, Gonal-F is very similar to the meds you are taking- they are all meant ti grow more mature folllicles. I am actually taking Menopur for injections too! I hope you decide to stay with this thread! I am looking forward to following your IVF journey!

Hi Chilies! I hope all is well with you. How are you feeling?
Alicatt of course you can I'm on Merional (Menopur) but im on this thread :) be lovely to follow you IVF journey :)
How is your injections going?

Chiles- sorry I have been MIA :hugs: just feel boring with no updates :dohh: I take my last provera tab tonight so hoping af hurries after :) picking up my meds today :)
How are you doing??
Congrats for having a baby girl hunni :happydance: extremely happy for you :hugs:

Llampie- gl my fs triggers from 16mm so you will be triggering very soon by the sound of things good luck hunni :)

Kmae gl with your scan tomorrow I hope there are a couple of nice big follicles :)
Thanks again scerena!!!!

@kmae- I have been great, just anxiously waiting for the weeks to pass on by! And until then I will be cheering on you ladies, I want us all to have a 2013 baby/ or babies. I am here to keep the drive going.
Chiles- You definately are Hun and we all appreciate it :)
Be great to all have 2013 babies :)

I just went to pick up my vials for the next cycle, there was a 40min wait, so will pick them up tomoz as I'm in no rush for them af isn't even here yet!
Hey All..

Thanks Chiles, so nice to see a success story out there!

scerena - any sign of AF yet? I hope she arrives soon so you can start! Better get those meds :thumbup: On what day will you start stimming?

llampie - have you triggered yet? What was the final count and size of your follicles?

Kmae - wow, sounds like menopur is a popular drug! How did your first scan go?

AFM - I have my first scan tomorrow after taking menopur and bravelle 225 iu (each) for the past 4 days. Does anyone else have extreme lower back pain? It hurts so much, its strange though, it doesn't feel like a strained muscle, its just different somehow. Anyway, it hurts a lot :cry: I was reading the side effects of menopur and back pain is a side effect. I was curious to see if anyone else has had the pain. I also wonder if it is due to the dose I am taking? Last month I was taking menopur, but I was only on 1 vial, not 3! Course last month we were doing an IUI, not IVF. I've been reading about all the different steps of IVF and it is enough to make your head spin! My latest concern (besides my back feeling like its broken) is that I didn't downreg. I know I pushed for us to start immediately on this cycle, but I'm worried that we missed an important step? Anyone know about downreg'ing and whether it is mission critical?
alicatt- I stim on day 3 when I have my scan to check for cysts, I need af to hurry!!!

The highest dose I have taken is 112iu of merional (menopur) I cant remember if I had backache or not :dohh: I hope you feel better soon :hugs:
I hope they can give you more info at your scan tomorrow, I have never done ivf so I wouldn't have a clue sorry hun :hugs:
alicatt- I stim on day 3 when I have my scan to check for cysts, I need af to hurry!!!

The highest dose I have taken is 112iu of merional (menopur) I cant remember if I had backache or not :dohh: I hope you feel better soon :hugs:
I hope they can give you more info at your scan tomorrow, I have never done ivf so I wouldn't have a clue sorry hun :hugs:

Thanks! Never thought I would say this, but I hope AF hurries up and shows for you soon!!! Then it will only be a few more days before you get to start. :hug:
alicatt- :haha: I know right the days when we wished af to stay away :haha: I feel so bored and lost I NEED to be doing something :dohh:

I really hope your pain eases up, have you tried taking some paracetamol (theyre safe ttc) It might help take the edge off it??
alicatt- :haha: I know right the days when we wished af to stay away :haha: I feel so bored and lost I NEED to be doing something :dohh:

I really hope your pain eases up, have you tried taking some paracetamol (theyre safe ttc) It might help take the edge off it??

I did take some Tylenol which is the US version of paracetamol, it helped a tiny bit.. enough to get up and do something, but wow.. it hurts!

I know the feeling.. you just want to start! I am looking forward to tomorrow my first scan!

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