Thanks for all your feedback. I just hate all this weight gain! I gained another half a lb since yesterday. I just really hope it comes off after injections (well before I gain baby weight

Welcome Amber! Yay- 3 possible mature follicles is great! The only SE I have had is this freekin weight gain! Oh, and I could feel that something was going on with my ovaries- like a pulled muscle.
Alicatt, holy cow-30 follicles- that's awesome. I hope they all mature! Do you feel them on your ovaries?
Scerena, I typically started AF after 4-5 days after Provera but it can take up to 10. I hope it comes before that though- lord knows you waited long enough! My RE instructed me to take Provera since I may or may not ovulate on my own. I'm going to give it until tomorrow before taking them... Using OPKs- since I usually would O 2days after a positive (when on Clomid).
I do feel them! It seems to bother me just after the injections, like ohh.. FSH and LH just got pumped into them and they start to ache. I just started ganirelix today, and I am wondering if I am allergic to it? The injection site is all itchy and has swelled up like a bug bite. Maybe that is just a SE? IDK as this is the first day I have taken the ganirelix. I can't believe that there are 30 follicles, crazy. Dr did mention today that not all of them would continue to mature. I certainly hope not! That would be a lot! I wasn't expecting to have any extra to freeze, but now I'm wondering if I will? I guess it just depends on the number that fertilize and how many continue to grow and split after fertilization.
I finally figured out what ICSI and Assisted Hatching are. These are 2 things that my FS wants to employ to improve my chances.
ICSI - where they take a sperm and inject it into the egg. Basically forcing the fertilization to occur. This might be a good idea if your DH has low sperm count, or issues with motility or no sperm (and they have pulled a few from the testicles) or you are using donor sperm (ME).
Assisted Hatching - suggested when the female is over 37, or for women that have had more than 2 failed IVFs. They basically go in and make a tiny hole in the embryo a few hours before transfer. Apparently this is something that normally happens during implantation, and the embryo will break open and latch onto the uterus. Apparently has women age, their embryos often have too thick of a wall, and by giving it a head start, it is more able to latch.
Oh, and I finally figured out the difference between Menopur, Follistim, Gonal F, Bravelle was.
Menopur - a combination of LH and FSH at 50% each, this is supposed to help grow the follicles
Bravelle, Follistim, Gonal F - are mostly FSH with 10% LH, and these are supposed to get your ovaries to produce lots of follicles.
I guess that is why we went with 3 vials of Menopur and 3 vials of Bravelle, to help get lots of follicles (at the beginning) then we went to 4 Bravelle and 3 Menopur for 2 days, and I went from having 11 follicles to 30 follicles. Now I'm on pure Menopur 6 vials and the Ganirelix, and this is supposed to get my follicles to grow, and stop ovulation. Then once they reach the right size we'll do the hCG injection and 36 hours later do the egg retrieval.
WHEW! That was a lot! I hope that helps some of you to understand the IVF process and the drugs we are taking!