Good Morning & Hello!

Yeah, that really got me down the week after AF and then I decided it didn't happen I need to move on and think positive for this month! Which has worked semi-well but now with the negative OPK's each day is getting me worried!

Well I'm not sure how accurate your tag line is - but its showing 6 days - and my strips were negative.. negative.. negative.. VERY negative..oooh sort of maybe positive.. POSITIVE.. sorta.. negative.

(meaning - it can come on QUICKLY) so don't worry too much utnil you go a whole cycle.. and then remember - an average woman has 2-3 non ovulating cycles a year - so try and hang in there...

It being thanksgiving and all - what are we thankful for? (I read once you can't be thankful and mad / sad at the same time :) )
Morning ladies! Woke up to a :bfn: this im just bummed out and awaiting the wicked :witch:
I say let yourself be sad for.. a day? and then start focusing on how you want to be this month.. I think the hardest thing about TTC is trying to balance fears, hopes and sadness.. for me I'm tying to give myself time to be mad, sad, angry, fusterated.. but also working on letting it go and looking onward and forward.

I often look at the month I would deliver if I were to conceive and carry - and think about that time - it helps me get out of my funk.. but for each person it will be different. And with the hormones that rage - especially around AF time.. well we need to cut ourselves some slack!
Thanks guys! I am feeling more positive this weekend with it being thanksgiving just trying to be thanksful for what I do have. I had my sad day especially after going onto Facebook and seeing two more friends announce they are pregnant! But over it now and just keeping myself busy by redoing my kitchen myself :)

And my ticker is my average since my cycles have been from 34-47 days so I just keep testing and won't count myself out till af arrives!
Dilliapickle - remember too - average time is 12 months.. I know that sucks to hear - but try to be focused on the goal is a healthy baby.. not the goal of pregnant NOW.

I'm hoping for your positive OPK soon :) How nice to have it over thanksgiving weekend when hopefully you both are a bit more relaxed and have some quality time to bd?? :)

We will be using that time to re connect and have :sex: that is likely not BD but yet still important and vital!
Yeah I struggle with patience and my whole like all the women in my family said be careful because when you get off BC it will happen the first month! All the women in my family got pregnant first month off so I assumed... Which I know what that's makes me! Haha but I do remind myself of that and try to just enjoy the ride and not get too crazy! :)

And having time off this week will help with BD time :)
Good Morning my Thread Friends! And Happy Thanksgiving to you!! :hugs:

So, I am still confused as to my actual O day, but I think we managed to cover all of our bases....My OPK was positive on the 17th. We had managed to BD on the 16th & 18th.....And I also just FELT like I was O'ing...crampy on one side, etc.
So, according to the "program" on my phone, I was supposed to O on the 21st. Honestly, I THOUGHT I noticed some EWCM right around then, so we BD'd the 21st, 22nd & 23rd...Yup, we've been busy :happydance:

Now I am just waiting...Not sure how many DPO I am, but am definetly in the 2WW (or more?!) I am trying not to symptom spot...Sometimes I'm like, Oh, my nipples are sore (TMI, I know...)....And today when I wiped I thought I noticed a slight "tinge"...maybe Implantation bleeding?? I HOPE?!!!??

Anyway, just wanted to check in with everyone...Sending lots and lots of Thankful :dust: to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving :) I am very thankful today because I got a positive OPK! yay!

Chickadee, I have my FX for you hope this is your TWW and that you have a sticky bean :)
So now I am confused! I have had a positive OPK since thanksgiving, can that be right? Why would it be positive for three days?
Gosh, I have NO idea!!! I know the OPK predicts ovulation 12 to 48 hours prior using a surge of LH....but I have no idea about a surge for 3 days.....What have you found out since posting???
It has still been positive but tonight was at least a bit fainter than the rest! From what I have read now online it seems this can happen when your body tries to ovulate and it fails so it sends out more hormones to try again... I am hoping it goes away soon so I ovulate but now am worried this means I'm not or something is wrong! Luckily I have an appointment on the 6 that I made awhile ago for normal check up so I can ask and find out what is going on!
Ok first - I'm sorry I've been MIA!

Dillapickle - keep in mind that 1 it takes your body sometimes up to a year :wacko: to stabilize after BC and 2 it stated that every woman has 2--3 cycles a year that they don't actually ovulate during.

For me - I stopped testing after I got a positive and a decline - so for all I know I had the same issue :(

As I'm going with the - I am pregnant this month statement (hoping the positive thinking can lend to good results) I'm starting to notice all sorts of changes - but it always leaves me wondering- are they real? I'm due for AF on Thursday but will try to resist any testing until Saturday if :witch: doesn't get me first :)
I like your positive thinking, Opaque!! I will think positive with you and will have my FX that you get to see a nice BFP on Saturday!! :)
I'm trying to stay positive - I'm having some odd cramping (which could be ibs but this is different) - so I'm hoping that implantation? Goodness who knows anymore - everything can be so many different things.

Just watched sister wives from yesterday - birth of the newest baby - made me cry of course - but also realize that it was such a blessing to be present at two births by my best friend (who I'm forcing to not get "fixed" in case I do have fertility issues - we know she doesn't! And she will be a surrogate if I ask :) - yes thats almost morbid to think about .. but anyway)

As you can also tell - I'm highly emotional and irrational - which could just be a woman - but could be a sign too.. so we'll see.. four more days.. then I'll know more..
Here is what is going on with me: Today there was DEF. a pink tinge every time I wiped....I am peeing ALOT, although I did drink a lot of water....And I am crampy :wacko: I am not due for AF until the 5th of Dec (I O'd early and have a long cycle), so I am so hoping this is Implantation :headspin:
I don't have a history of spotting at all, let alone a week early...

UGH, I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot......I can't wish the next week away fast enough!!! :haha:
Here is what is going on with me: Today there was DEF. a pink tinge every time I wiped....I am peeing ALOT, although I did drink a lot of water....And I am crampy :wacko: I am not due for AF until the 5th of Dec (I O'd early and have a long cycle), so I am so hoping this is Implantation :headspin:
I don't have a history of spotting at all, let alone a week early...

UGH, I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot......I can't wish the next week away fast enough!!! :haha:

OH thank goodness you are!! :) I'm DEFINITELY cramping and when I just went to the rest room - there was pinkish as well (had to re create it just to be sure! sorry for the TMI). Just think.. if we are preggos - this is the start and we should enjoy it.. all of it :) :dust:
Here is what is going on with me: Today there was DEF. a pink tinge every time I wiped....I am peeing ALOT, although I did drink a lot of water....And I am crampy :wacko: I am not due for AF until the 5th of Dec (I O'd early and have a long cycle), so I am so hoping this is Implantation :headspin:
I don't have a history of spotting at all, let alone a week early...

UGH, I promised myself I wouldn't symptom spot......I can't wish the next week away fast enough!!! :haha:

OH thank goodness you are!! :) I'm DEFINITELY cramping and when I just went to the rest room - there was pinkish as well (had to re create it just to be sure! sorry for the TMI). Just think.. if we are preggos - this is the start and we should enjoy it.. all of it :) :dust:

Sticky Beans AND :dust: is what we need!!! When are you going to test?? I have been POAS for about 5 days, because they are cheepies and it gives me something to do (how weird is that?!)...Now that I have possible implantation bleeding...I am reluctant to test for a bit....I am going to try not to get my hopes up so high, BUT have positive thoughts too :hugs: for all of us!!!!!
Aw, guys that sounds like some exciting stuff that is happening for you two!! I have my fingers crossed for you both!! When are you planning to test?? So excited for you guys! :flower:
Aw, guys that sounds like some exciting stuff that is happening for you two!! I have my fingers crossed for you both!! When are you planning to test?? So excited for you guys! :flower:

I am going to TRY to wait at least until Friday...that should give my system enough time to show it.......TRY being the key word here.. :haha:

What's going on in your world???? :hugs:
I'm going to try and hold off until Saturday when both DH and I will be home and up around the same time...

My best friend (fertile mertile) says everytime she got pregnant the month before she'd have pregnancy symptoms and be sure she was (my mom says this too) and then the next month - WAM - so... there is hope even if we don't get a :bfp:

right? :)

Uggh.. why don't we just have a faster way of knowing?

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