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Good news!

I think I would find it more weird having my doctor check (well midwife) just because she does home visits, and I would feel SO weird lying on my bed with my undies off and her doing her thing haha.

Aw, it's cold as here! I am so glad I am big during winter, I couldn't imagine being this big and it being summer :dohh:

Haha I am going to do lots of :holly: and I just walked up and down 21 flights of stairs, swung on some swings and did some running and I had a spicy pie for lunch :lol: so hopefully that has helped her move along a bit more!

I give you lots of :dust: the magical faeries of labor dust are going to make you go into labor tomorrow I have decided!
Haha yeah, I've gotten used to it already but still it's pretty weird lol.
I wish it was winter! I was barely pregnant during the winter time... Didn't help me at all lol! :lol:

Dang girl, you are dedicated! Hehe I'm just going to walk again today, I'll walk until I can't walk anymore!!!!! :bodyb: Oh I hope soooo. <3
All modesty goes out the window when you hear the nurse say "You're ten centimeters. Time to start pushing!" Honestly, I was sooo shy about being checked & such... but you quickly get over it! :thumbup: I wore pretty socks during labor (from Target... weird, I know) and I just stared at my socks while I was being checked & when I was pushing. :haha: Good distraction, I suppose.

Annddd, YIPPEEEEEE! :wohoo: I am so excited for you to have Jace! I'm going to be going insane waiting for updates when you actually go into labor! ;) Oh, regarding the water breaking bit, my waters started leaking when they induced me-- I was 3cm. The majority of my waters came out when I pushed her out though. & because my epi didn't work, I could feel it... and it felt SO weird! Just, gushy. :haha: I look back on my labor and LOVE it, like the whole process. I know that is weird... but, yeah. I hope that you have a really good experience, Chrissy! :hugs:

:holly: :flow:
I'll be sure to wear my best of long socks! :rofl: I've got tons! Some with polka dots, stripes, Christmas designs lmao!

I'm going insane waiting for labor! :D Haha weirrrrddddd. I wanna experience my water break! Awh thanks, I really hope I have a good experience. I don't wanna end up being one of those people who never wanna have babies again because labor was so horrible. :shock: But, as long as Jace is happy, healthy and arrives safety it'll be a good experience I'm sure. :oops:
Awh thanks, I really hope I have a good experience. I don't wanna end up being one of those people who never wanna have babies again because labor was so horrible.

I think a lot of this depends on your attitude (some girls though have had very traumatic births with ventouse and extensive tearing etc, but that's not what I'm referring to! Dont want to offend anyone).

Keep an open mind, take your doctor's advice into consideration but stick to your own guns too about how you want your labor to be...but if baby is in danger, obviously the safest option is best! If you have to have a c-section try not to be super hard on yourself, etc. :flower:

I was lucky and had a super smooth 15 hour labor and I'm honestly excited to do it again in the future! I hope you experience the same.

Similar to the socks, I had my toe nails painted and all the nurses commented. :haha:
Good Luck Chrissy.
What Daphne said about C-sections, Don't personally take it hard on yourself if you have to have one.
I had to have one and I cried and cried becasue I thought I let my daughter down but then I thought this is for the safety of my daughter and to make sure she lives.
Go in when your going to have Jace and be calm. Think Im going to have my baby here soon.
Dont be like me and freak the heck out lol
Awh thank you Daphne and Leah! :hugs:

I will do my best to stay in a positive mind set, I'm already pretty positive and open minded but a c-section is one thing that terrifies me and upsets me for many reasons, but I just have to keep telling myself whatever happens is for my baby and so he will be safe. So regardless of how Jace arrives, as long as he is safe and sound I'll be happy! :flow: I know its easier said than done (about staying calm) but I'll do my best! Thank y'all for the encouraging words!

Maybe I can find those long socks that look like gloves for your feet! Hehe.
Good luck! AH im actualy so excited for you, keep us updated :flower: xxxx
I think I would find it more weird having my doctor check (well midwife) just because she does home visits, and I would feel SO weird lying on my bed with my undies off and her doing her thing haha.

Aw, it's cold as here! I am so glad I am big during winter, I couldn't imagine being this big and it being summer :dohh:

Haha I am going to do lots of :holly: and I just walked up and down 21 flights of stairs, swung on some swings and did some running and I had a spicy pie for lunch :lol: so hopefully that has helped her move along a bit more!

I give you lots of :dust: the magical faeries of labor dust are going to make you go into labor tomorrow I have decided!
Haha yeah, I've gotten used to it already but still it's pretty weird lol.
I wish it was winter! I was barely pregnant during the winter time... Didn't help me at all lol! :lol:

Dang girl, you are dedicated! Hehe I'm just going to walk again today, I'll walk until I can't walk anymore!!!!! :bodyb: Oh I hope soooo. <3

Haha it was oppisote for me I was barely pregnant in summer, which was good cause I still went swimming heaps and nobody could tell I was pregnant :thumbup:

Haha I am so dedicated to getting my LO out! I am in pain, she's moving like a acrobat in there and it hurts! I think she needs to come out into the world :winkwink: aw your getting so close Chrissy! You're definitely going to go into labor anytime!

I am super excited cause I am officially FULL TERM today :happydance: come on baby time to come out :flower:
good luck!! yay hopefully he is here soon!

i had a c-section and its not the end of the world, all i cared was that she came safely into the world. I'm sure you'll do great! lots of labor dust!!!
Haha it was oppisote for me I was barely pregnant in summer, which was good cause I still went swimming heaps and nobody could tell I was pregnant :thumbup:

Haha I am so dedicated to getting my LO out! I am in pain, she's moving like a acrobat in there and it hurts! I think she needs to come out into the world :winkwink: aw your getting so close Chrissy! You're definitely going to go into labor anytime!

I am super excited cause I am officially FULL TERM today :happydance: come on baby time to come out :flower:
Lucky! I LOVE swimming, it makes me feel so light and it takes all the pressure/pain away! :) Now I don't really swim cause my stretch marks have gotten really bad, especially since I scratched the hell out of them... I just couldn't help it... :( I had NO idea how bad they could itch until now lol. Gosh I hope so! I try not to get too excited but I'm very hopeful. :flow:

Meeeee toooooo, I just want him OUT! I've never been more uncomfortable in my life and it all just gets worse everyday lol. Ugh.

I know! Congrats! Labor dust for both of us! :) :) :)
Haha it was oppisote for me I was barely pregnant in summer, which was good cause I still went swimming heaps and nobody could tell I was pregnant :thumbup:

Haha I am so dedicated to getting my LO out! I am in pain, she's moving like a acrobat in there and it hurts! I think she needs to come out into the world :winkwink: aw your getting so close Chrissy! You're definitely going to go into labor anytime!

I am super excited cause I am officially FULL TERM today :happydance: come on baby time to come out :flower:
Lucky! I LOVE swimming, it makes me feel so light and it takes all the pressure/pain away! :) Now I don't really swim cause my stretch marks have gotten really bad, especially since I scratched the hell out of them... I just couldn't help it... :( I had NO idea how bad they could itch until now lol. Gosh I hope so! I try not to get too excited but I'm very hopeful. :flow:

Meeeee toooooo, I just want him OUT! I've never been more uncomfortable in my life and it all just gets worse everyday lol. Ugh.

I know! Congrats! Labor dust for both of us! :) :) :)

I want to go swimming now to see what it's like swimming with a big belly! But it's too cold to go swimming lol Ugh I only started getting stretch marks like a week or so ago and my god are they itchy! They drive me insane! I wish there was a soothing non-itch lotion we could put on our bellies.

Lots of labor dust for us!

Have you had any contractions or anything? Have you lost your plug?
I haven't lost my plug at all, I have ZILCH labor signs, even with all the exercise i'm doing :lol:
Chrissy, you are now more pregnant than I ever was. :haha:

Get yourself out, Jace!
have a curry with 2 extra extra hot chillys it helped evacutate my little one after being 2 cm dilated for 3 weeks !!! i just saw you bump photo and your about the same size i was i just pray you dont have a 10 pound 9 oz baby good luck tho !!
I'm getting soooo fed up! Ugh. Been having irregular contractions everyday, all freaking day and I'm having horrible cramps. I just want my baby!!! :brat:
I want to go swimming now to see what it's like swimming with a big belly! But it's too cold to go swimming lol Ugh I only started getting stretch marks like a week or so ago and my god are they itchy! They drive me insane! I wish there was a soothing non-itch lotion we could put on our bellies.

Lots of labor dust for us!

Have you had any contractions or anything? Have you lost your plug?
I haven't lost my plug at all, I have ZILCH labor signs, even with all the exercise i'm doing :lol:
Indoor pool? :lol:

I started getting stretch marks at like 34 or 35... But they got freaking horrible at 37 and now they just get worse and worse. I knowwwww it's horrible how itchy they are!

Yes. A ton, but they're always irregular. And yes I have! I get SO many signs, I think that's why I get so frustrated, everything points to baby but it never happens. :( :( :( :(

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