Can I play even though I already know?
Both DH and I have always wanted a girl, but from the beginning of this pregnancy, I just knew it was a boy. I had dreams about a girl, I did a ton of old wive's tales tests and every single one pointed to girl, I craved sweets like nobody's business, and everyone around me said it was a girl. But I knew it was a boy, so much that when we picked out our names, I started calling him by the boy name and talking to him all the time. I fell in love with my little boy.
Then we had the scan and wouldn't you know it, girl!! Three white lines, clear as day. I actually was in shock for a while, and I felt a loss like I had lost my little boy. I actually started grieving a little bit. Until I decided to go out and buy a big pile of pink frilly baby clothes and dresses, and it started to get me excited to have a girl. Now both DH and I are over the moon about our little girl coming!