halloween costumes???


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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any1 going to or having a party??? wot u goin as...

ive been roped in2 goin as... vicky pollard, yer but no but yer!!!!!
Well we don't usually do anything, but Jade LOVES all the costumes and god knows what else, so I would like to do something this year............maybe a llittle fancy dress party
Going to a party in WALES lol DD is dressing up, but I dont need to muwhahahahahahahaha :twisted:
Cat you daft cow :rofl:
i cant w8 am getting sloshes agen woooooot!!!!!
You piss head, you are a disgrace to us all.............

Can I come? :oops:

lol im making up 4 2 close pregnancies!!!! plus missin ma 18th n 19 th bdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yvanne said:
lol im making up 4 2 close pregnancies!!!! plus missin ma 18th n 19 th bdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i know how that is!!! luckily....if this baby comes out on time i will still have my 19th!!!!! (am due dec 16th, and my 19th is dec 30th) !!!!!!!!!! btw have a drink for me on halloween?? please?? :oops: :lol:
i suppse i can manage 1 4 u ;) maybe 2 or even 3....
oh i intend 2 as soon as i find where sell cherry sourz mmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm off to a Fancy dress party.

Last year my Partner dressed up as The Crow (brandon lee) and i went as the Grim reaper. I'm thiking this year he can go as a Ninja and i can maybe go as a Scary fairy :lol: need to really get started on the costumes though i'm slacking with only 2 weeks left.

I'm not sure about the kids yet if they are coming i'll be dressing the oldest up as a devil as he's stropping right now. Little one might be an angel :lol: he's being good

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