Janice T, firstly can I say congratulations. Secondly, this advice is greatly appreciated. I am just about to start first cycle of ICSI due to malefactor. I commence stimms in August - not long now - ET approx 2nd Sept!!! About a month ago, I was really negative, and kept thinking what if it doesn't work. Now I realise that this kind of thinking won't get me anywhere....and I've actually started to enjoy life again. This thread is really helping me. I am just trying not to think about it all, and I have cut back on work too.
That said, I am abit apprehensive about treatment... especially how stimms/injectionsmake you feel. I get quite bad PMT - so will probably be a nightmare to live with at this time. I am also really worried about ET (going under general anesthetic.) Was it okay? Just need some reassurance on this.
Hi Inky, all the very best to your ICSI cycle

It's good that you have cut back on work and also minimized the negativity. Everytime you fail to do that, just remind yourself of how much time, effort and money (if it's coming out of your pocket) you're investing in this. Also your OH's patience, support and love. If you're going to go through the cycle, might as well give it the very best chance
I went through the long protocol with 2 types of injectables. The Buseralin for down regulation was nasty. It gave me an exact idea of how I'm going to be when I have my menopause. Hot flashes, moody, tired. I took Gonal F for stims and it was fine for me. Take it one day at a time and it'll all be just fine
My Egg Collection (1st and 2nd ICSI) done under Doctor #1 was pain as hell. I have mild PCOS and even with low dosage stims, each time I had about 30 eggs collected.
3rd ICSI, I changed docs to a reputable doctor here and with very controlled stims amount, more than previously. Also put me on Metformin. EC was wonderful! It only hurt mildly for 1 day and was fine after. I was asleep throughout the 3 ECs.
Egg Transfer, do NOT worry! It's a breeze

No pain for me at all. No anesthetic, was awake throughout. All the best to your upcoming ICSI!