Happiness and positivity while LTTC

Thankyou so much for thi lovley thread. Most of the time I feel more negative about ttc than I do positive which like you say cant be good!

I am going to take your advice on board and have a pma!

Good luck and thanks x x
Congratulations Janice! I am hoping that the third time is a charm for us, too!!

And thank you all for the kind words. I was able to get off of work a little early today and I went with DH up to the hospital to see SIL and the baby. It was really hard and I started tearing up a couple of times while we were there and really cried when we left, but I did it!! TTC has made me feel so weak, but now I know that I am strong. And the support from all of you ladies has helped tremendously! Thank you all so much for that!

And the good news is that I started DR'ing this morning!!! Yeah, I am on the way to my own little bundle of joy!!

Thanks you dear. I do hope your wishes and prayers come true this 3rd time. I know it's hard but do keep positive. Don't give up on your dream:)
Janice T, firstly can I say congratulations. Secondly, this advice is greatly appreciated. I am just about to start first cycle of ICSI due to malefactor. I commence stimms in August - not long now - ET approx 2nd Sept!!! About a month ago, I was really negative, and kept thinking what if it doesn't work. Now I realise that this kind of thinking won't get me anywhere....and I've actually started to enjoy life again. This thread is really helping me. I am just trying not to think about it all, and I have cut back on work too.

That said, I am abit apprehensive about treatment... especially how stimms/injectionsmake you feel. I get quite bad PMT - so will probably be a nightmare to live with at this time. I am also really worried about ET (going under general anesthetic.) Was it okay? Just need some reassurance on this.

Janice T, firstly can I say congratulations. Secondly, this advice is greatly appreciated. I am just about to start first cycle of ICSI due to malefactor. I commence stimms in August - not long now - ET approx 2nd Sept!!! About a month ago, I was really negative, and kept thinking what if it doesn't work. Now I realise that this kind of thinking won't get me anywhere....and I've actually started to enjoy life again. This thread is really helping me. I am just trying not to think about it all, and I have cut back on work too.

That said, I am abit apprehensive about treatment... especially how stimms/injectionsmake you feel. I get quite bad PMT - so will probably be a nightmare to live with at this time. I am also really worried about ET (going under general anesthetic.) Was it okay? Just need some reassurance on this.


Hi Inky, all the very best to your ICSI cycle :thumbup: It's good that you have cut back on work and also minimized the negativity. Everytime you fail to do that, just remind yourself of how much time, effort and money (if it's coming out of your pocket) you're investing in this. Also your OH's patience, support and love. If you're going to go through the cycle, might as well give it the very best chance :)

I went through the long protocol with 2 types of injectables. The Buseralin for down regulation was nasty. It gave me an exact idea of how I'm going to be when I have my menopause. Hot flashes, moody, tired. I took Gonal F for stims and it was fine for me. Take it one day at a time and it'll all be just fine :)

My Egg Collection (1st and 2nd ICSI) done under Doctor #1 was pain as hell. I have mild PCOS and even with low dosage stims, each time I had about 30 eggs collected.

3rd ICSI, I changed docs to a reputable doctor here and with very controlled stims amount, more than previously. Also put me on Metformin. EC was wonderful! It only hurt mildly for 1 day and was fine after. I was asleep throughout the 3 ECs.

Egg Transfer, do NOT worry! It's a breeze :) No pain for me at all. No anesthetic, was awake throughout. All the best to your upcoming ICSI!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying positive!! I'm getting very excited about the fact that I WILL be pregnant in about a month! Yeah!! (part of me feels like a psycho person with multiple personalities because I go from good moods to bad moods so easily; please tell me I'm not crazy!!!)

Keep it up ladies!!
Good luck Inky for your upcoming icsi! I'm just going through first ivf cycle now - have got EC on wednesday. Hope it all goes well for you when you start stimming :)
Last night I decided to start a LTTTC journal as we've got our first FS appointment next Monday and that's made me feel positive that I'm setting my thoughts down - cathartic y'know? I've only posted the once but I'll keep it updated, even if I'm the only one who reads it!

I do like this thread. Its something comforting to come back to when you are having a bad day and a place you can spead your positive energy for others when its oozing out of you. Kind of like a positive energy bank!! lol

Im hoping to absorb some of your positivity right now, as mine is a little low at the moment since we found out hubbys morphology went from 8% to 4%. Doh!

Will try and inject some positivity and good vibes back into this thread when im on top of things
Love fluffy xx
fluffystar... LOTS of positive vibes over to you! I've got plenty to spare so please help yourself :)

Worry not about the morphology, it'll change and may go up the next time. Is he eating foods that are conducive to sperm production? Does he smoke? If he does...oooohh time to quit :)

I really hope that everyone here get a BFP and your dreams come true.
Starbright I just know it is going to work for you. Hope you are feeling okay with injections. I start on the 6th August - long protocol. Keep us all updated.

Haven't been on here much this week, have been really busy. I have a day off today, which is always dangerous for me because I think too much. Coming on here helps....it also makes you realise you are not the only person to go through this.

Hi leila, seeing the FS feels like a step forward. I felt relief when we actually went at the beginning of the year. Hope it all goes well for you. I read your journal, I'm in a similiar situation, we have been trying for nearly 2 years....we'll get there in the end.

Anyway, must dash. Take care everyone. And...remember to treat and pamper yourselves xx
I start down regging today with injections and have been put on an intense load of drugs because of my low follicle count. I woke this morning feeling so positive, yay!!!! x
I had a dream last night that I was preggo!!! I really feel like this could be my month. On cd1 from provera now, start 100mg of clomid days 5-9 and then I go in for a scan on 8/12 to see if clomid is making anything happen for me. I'm feeling good about this month. Not stressing, just thinking positive!
I love those dreams ermm23a! Keep up the positive thoughts.

We're so excited about Monday's appointment. DH and I have sat down and discussed what we want to get out of it - including the worst case scenario that they say there's nothing they can do. I've got my list of things I want to make sure we cover so we're ready and waiting! Now I need to keep thinking good thoughts :thumbup:
I had a really hard day today and am really trying to feel happy and positive. My head is telling me to be positive, but my heart is just crying. Had to go to the clinic for some tests and to discuss this next round. I don't know what it was, but I got really emotional. Maybe because that stupid test hurt really bad and made me cry! Or maybe because DH keeps bringing up his sister that's going to be induced next week. I've got to keep having my head tell my heart to be strong!

I forget who mentioned the Sarah's Laughter daily devotional, but thank you for that. It does make me feel better, but I just wish that somewhere in there it told me that I was going to get pregnant. I just want to know that there's going to be a happy ending for me.

Aaaarrrggghh!!! Be Happy, Be Happy, Be Happy, Be Happy............

I :cloud9: Love Sarah's Laughter, I ran across the website about 3 months ago, and they have helped me so much!!!

It's so ironic that I ran across this thread today because I was just thinking that I needed to take a more positive attitude on this ttc thing. We have been ttc'ing for 2.5 years and there have been so many challanges. When I see babies when we are out and about, I can't help but stare, and wonder when my time is coming. Most days I try to remain positive but like many of you have said, it gets really hard. But I am committed to believing that it is going to happen. Thanks for this thread.

hi there..this is very random but i just had to tell you that i absolutely love love love your dress...you look stunning in it!!!! hopefully soon you will be wearing a maternity version !!! good luck xxx
How are everybody's positivity levels doing? Just checking up on you all as its gone a little quiet
Fluffy xx
Hi Fluffystar,

I've just found this thread, its great!! I struggle to stay positive alot, I've been ttc for 2 years an it gets harder with every month :nope: Harder still when so many around me are getting pg.
I'm trying meditation, and I've had a look at your visualiation from an earlier post, which I'm going to try.
I really think positivity is important and I hope I can keep it up.

Hope everyone is doing well! I've really been focusing on saying my prayers and giving God my burden. I'm such a worrier in general, so it's so hard to let it all go. So I've decided that since I always need something to think about, I'm going to think about how to decorate a nursery! What would I do if I had a boy or a girl, or boy/girl twins or same sex twins. It keeps me busy and it's fun! It's much more fun than worrying over my cycle, since I can't control it.

Anyhow. I hope everyone is staying positive and hopeful!
DH and I had our first FS appointment on Monday and we've got a load of tests lined up. Now we're 'in' the system I feel that we're actually doing something! Other than the obvious of course :blush:
Hi Fluffystar,

I'm trying meditation, and I've had a look at your visualiation from an earlier post, which I'm going to try.
I really think positivity is important and I hope I can keep it up.


Yay, im glad someone read my visualisation! I must try to do it more often myself!

Fluffy xx

ps if anyone else want to read it, you can find it in my blog link below
I printed out your visualisation and keep it by my bed, I just need to find the time to sit and relax and use it! :flower:

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