Happy experiences after miscarriage

Thank you for a fab thread. I so hope that one day I can post in a thread like this with a happy story of my own.

I just wanted to say thank you ladies,
I hope to add to this soon it has given me so much hope!
I wanted to add that my SIL had a miscarriage at 12 weeks
and went on to have my beautiful niece and my Handsome nephew :)
Once again thank you so much for sharing and giving us hope :hug:
This a great thread for all of us who are TTC with the baggage of m/c. I don't know if I said this on here already, but an old co-worker of mines/supervisor about 2 years ago conceived a healthy baby girl after 6 m/c's and she was an older woman. It rocked her world each time, and it was crazy to hear....wouldn't think i'd face similar challenges, but at the end she got her pot of gold. So please hold on ladies :hugs:
I lost my daughter Courtney Jayne on the 2nd February 2008. She wasn't planned but certainly wasn't a mistake! I had to give birth to her at 21weeks due to a lot of complications...they classed her as a miscarriage even though she was practically all formed!! I thought that I would never get pregnant again and a year after loosing her I'm now nearly 6weeks pregnant with no.2 I'm so scared the same thing will happen again but I'm going to be closely monitored throughout this pregnancy. There is always hope of having another child after loosing one. Never give up! I look at it as though I obviously wasn't ready to have Courtney Jayne hopefully this time around it'll be my time!
hello ladies,
i am so sorry to hear of everyone's losses ..... it makes me mad and sad that life can be so unfair.

i just wanted to share that I had a mc at 7 weeks over a year ago .... we had a long break before feeling ready to TTC again, I didn't feel I had really grieved or got over it, then finding this forum really really helped me move on. We started TTC'ing again and I just got my BFP this week. Although I am nervous, I feel fairly positive (hopefully rightfully so ....) and pleased that we conceived again ... I hope that this one will be a much happier story.

:hug: to all
Good luck Ellie =] I'm sure everything will be okay with this baby! I know how you feel with worrying about loosing this baby... like I said I'm worried and will be up until the day this little one is born! I'm sure if we all stay positive everything will be okay! Chins up girls! xxx
firstly what a lovely thread xxx

mine started at 12 years old wen i was seen by a specialist for my extremly heavy and never ending periods.. i was told i more than likely had endemetrious and was put on the ocp to try and control the bleeding..

at 18 i was finally given an investigative surgery which confirmed that i did in fact have endemetrious :( i was warned this could have an effect on my fertility...

3 months after the diagnois i fell pregnant it wasnt planned and was one hell of a shock, despite my age i knew instantly i would make it work after being told i would struggle to concieve etc..

at 6 weeks i had terrible pains and was admitted to a&e.. the doctors suspected i was having an eptopic pregnancy and prepared to investigate.. within mins my bp dropped and they decided there was a chance the tube had ruptured and took me for emergency major surgery to remove the tube and baby.. i had major surgery which has left me with a c section scar.. never the less the pregnancy was not eptopic but in the womb... within 30 mins of being back on the ward i began to bleed heavily and the next day it was confirmed i had misscarried...

i went on to have another 3 misscarriges at 13 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks..

i was seen at the recurrent misscarriage clinic but after 4 misscarriages in 2 years and being only 20 i decided to wait until i was strong enough to undergo the tests etc...

in july last year i came off my ocp and my period didnt arrive after 10 days i decided to take a test..

the pain i felt as i saw tht positive result was unbearable and i prepared myself for the worst... i saw my gp who confirmed my fears.. as the pregnancy was unplanned chances were slim...

i went into hospital with pain at 5weeks 2 days (3 days after my bfp) and basically waited to misscarry..

my hgc levels increased but did not double, a scan i had a day after admission showed nothing but a yolk sac..

my consultnant came to see me and started me on two types of drugs.. clexane injections and cyclogest pessaries..

the clexane thins the blood treating a condition called hughs syndrome which is quite commonly the cause in repeated m/cs..
the cyclogest s a hormone tht some woman lack n the frst trmester whch is needed to prolong the pregnancy..

i was told there was no guarentee the treatment would work...

7 days after admission i had another scan which showed the fetal pole and a heartbeat...

i have never cried so hard in my life!!!

i am now 7 months pregnant with a little girl.. the pregnancy has been anything but easy.. i still have to inject daily with clexane, i had a bleed at 9 weeks and then again at 26 weeks, a heavy uti at 26 weeks tht started pre term labour.. and now at 31 weeks bubs is engaged!!!

sorry tht was a long one!!

but from someone who honestly thought there was no chance i would ever have children of my own i cannot begin to explain hopw it feels to feel this child move.. every day is terrifing but one step closer.. i will never truly believe it untill she is in my arms...

please dont ever give up hope and thank you if you read this far!!!


i just wanted to come back and share our sucess... i said i would never truly believe it till she was in my arms... well she is as o type :cloud9:

the last 8 weeks of my pregnancy were further complicated since my above post...

we had a growth scan at 34 weeks just to see how she was doing etc since the uti..

scan showed her est weight to be less than the previous scan at 32 weeks and her animotic fluid to be low we was admitted to the ward with a view to deliver within 48 hours.. they suspected my placenta was starting to fail :cry: she was approx 4lbs... we had twice daily monitoring and all appeared fine.. a scan a week later showed she had grown!!! :happydance:

we was discharged on condition tht we return once a week for a scan.. and twice a week for monitoring..

my induction was booked for my due date but after a large amount of begging was brought forward to 3 days prior.. dr agreed my anixity over the last few days were not good for me or baby...

so i was induced last friday evening and our lilmiricale was born at 21.49 on sat 28th march :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

all i have done since she arrived is panic tht something might happen to her!!

we have invested in a monitor tht alarms if it fails to detect her breathing and i have slowly gone fromstaring at her in her moses basket to staring at the monitor:dohh:

she truly is perfect and a blessing i will always count more than once..

i never thought i would be a mummy and yet here she is.. please for those of you still trying never give up hope

sorry i have waffled again! and made myself cry!

i had a mmc in jan 08 and went on the fall pregnant again the following month xx i now have a beautiful baby boy, have faith and things will work out for the best in the end xxx
congrats fierceangel and brockie ... so good to hear when things turn out well!
Fierce Angel, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You deserve it. Make sure you enjoy her too, even though they are so precious and delicate. she's here now and will be ok I'm sure
Hi All
I lost me first beautiful daughter at 24 weeks she was born sleeping, I felt I had been having contractions on + off from 20 weeks bur Dr's said I wasn't. I had called the Dr out and said I ty=hought I was in labour and he said it was mechanical pian, it wasn't by the time I had a huge bleed,got to hospital it was too late to try + stop anything. Emily was born sleeping 20/3/99.

I got pregant pretty quickly and had my gorgeous Millie at 35 weeks 9/2/00 again had contraction on + off from 22 weeks was labelled "anxious mother" by an arsehole Dr but had to have an ermengency c-section as she got stuck and it was discovered I have a bocornate uterus (heartshaped) so the babies were getting squashed on one side and this was irritating my uterus.

Then split with my fella- he was a knob!! Met my lovely hubby and had endometrosis + cysts had an op and was told to get pregnant ASAP, got pregnant with by gorgous boy on the 4th month he was born at 36 weeks after a difficult pregnancy, he was ventilated for a few weeks but is fine.

So, i have an angel daughter and two little rugrats who I love SOOOOOO much!
There is hope after a loss, I needed to know it when I was heartbroken after Emily. It's 10 years now and I do think about her probably daily but I live with the pain, in a way I don't want it to totally go because she's my first child and she was prefect + special, just a bit impatient like her mother!
Good luck to you for :bfp: and stcky beans
my happy experience was this morning.......i got to see a heartbeat at my scan......i cried my eyes out.....

it's still early days for me....but i honestly thought i would never even see a heartbeat.....

lots of hugs for everyone else reading this thread....i hope that you all get a happy experience very soon.......:hugs:
I'd love this to be made into a sticky thread, as it is so inspirational... do you know how you can get it done? Would they consider this type of thread?
Hi All,

I would like to share my story with you all if thats ok.....

I firstly got pregnant in Jan 2008 but I miscarried on the 14th March 08 at 11 weeks. I was devastated and totally shocked. I had an ERPOC and after my first period wanted to try again. To my total surprise I conceived first cycle, the first twelve weeks I was so nervous but as the weeks went on I finally started to believe that things would be ok and my daughter was born on the 15th Jan this year.

I would just like to say that this is a wonderful thread and I wish you all the very best xxx
I had my first m/c in August 05 and then fell pregnant again in Jan 06 only to miscarry again. I was devestated to say the least but when AF never turned up I started to wonder and took a test and there before my eyes was our BFP! And 8 months later our son was born healthy on his due date :)

Unfortunately I suffered another miscarriage last March and we got our first BFP since that loss only last month to have to suffer the same tragic event of having another m/c. I had a scan on Tuesday and was told I was having an incomplete miscarriage as they could still see the gestational sac although it was collapsing and I had to come home and wait for nature to takes its course. Today I have passed the sac which has left me feeling very emotional but also relieved that my body hopefully can now heal and we can aim towards getting our much wanted baby. It would be wonderful for us to be lucky again and get our 3rd time charm like we did before so I am keeping everything crossed.

Good luck hun xx
Hey girls, as most of you know me and my story, well I am happy and scared to say I have a happy experience after all this bad that has been going on with me.

Here the past few weeks I have just been feeling terrible and was tossing it up to all the dates that have come around. Well I found out this Yesterday Morning that we have:bfp:.. I am scared to even go here again. This was not planned as we were not thinking we would go here again. But as I have said before I am a avid believer in everything happens for a reason. Thanks to all you ladies who have been here for me on this terrible road and I will be hoping the best for all of you!!

I'd love this to be made into a sticky thread, as it is so inspirational... do you know how you can get it done? Would they consider this type of thread?

I did actually ask Wobbles (one of the B&B Admin) but no response!!! Bit rude I thought. She could have at least replied!
thanks hun... i may try 'reporting' my post above and see if that gets us anywhere!!!
Worth a try. Maybe try someone other than Wobbles. I'm sure I've pm'd her before about something else and had no response.

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