I'm guessing you've posted this after a really tough day huh? You sound exactly like me.
The first 5 months of my baby's life were hell. I hated a lot of it. I thought I'd made a mistake, I didn't bond with my LO very well (although deep down in the back of my mind I knew I loved her somehow and I also felt very protective over her) and I certainly didn't like her personality - she screamed 24/7, she had severe reflux, refused feeding, didn't sleep, wouldn't even look at (never mind be held by) ANYONE else. I couldn't get out the house and day in I watched the clock until my OH could come home and take her off my hands. We argued daily. How can anyone be expected to enjoy this?
I was diagnosed with PND and given anti-depressants. Do I think I had true PND? No. I think I had a very difficult demanding baby (nobody will ever understand these babies until they have 1 of their own), and very little support. However, I would say speak to your GP as the anti-depressants I was given really didn't lift my mood even if I wasn't truly depressed.
Things started to look up for me when LO was 5months and I'd say by the time she was 7months things were much better. By the time of her first birthday I loved her more than anything in the world and I haven't regretted anything. I'm working part-time now, inh the morning I bring her into bed for snuggles and kisses, we go to toddler groups every week, go long walks, we feed the swans, we build up blocks and knock them down and laugh, we cuddle while watching teletubbies.
I just want to say it will get better, one day a time. My LO is still very challenging but you do adjust and my mantra is "This too shall pass".
I found it easier once I started to accept my LO as she is and embrace her personality and her character. I remind myself that it's not her fault, it's the way she is and it's my job as her Mummy to love and protect her as well as help her turn into a happy, secure and confident child/teenager/adult. When LO is being really difficult I tell myself that she doesn't choose it and she needs me as her mother to be there for her and guide her in the right direction and support her through anything.
Does your husband help at night?? Do you have parents/inlaws who can give you an evening and overnight break once a week? It will really help xx