I would and I did when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have it every year because I'm asthmatic (and I've been in hospital enough times with pneumonia in my life that I wouldn't want that to happen when I was pregnant, so it was an easy decision for me). There is actually some research that came out a couple years ago that shows a correlation between getting flu in pregnancy and autism, so that women who got the jab tended to have significantly lower risk of having a child with autism (it has to do with the risk of high fever in pregnancy, which seems to cause neurological changes in baby, which can go on to cause developmental issues). In all the years I've gotten mine though, I never had a bad reaction once (maybe a bit of soreness in my arm for a day?). I did have the flu last year though because last year's version wasn't very effective because it missed out on a few key strains and it was pure hell. Something I wouldn't wish on anyone, especially being pregnant.