I just received the HCG trigger injection on Thursday at noon. Doctor told us to BD that day and as much as possible on Friday. I keep reading how you are supposed to ovulate about 36 hours post HCG trigger. and I am wondering why I was told to start BDing so quickly. :/ I will say though that I was in so much pain Thursday and Friday, I know it sounds crazy, but I think I felt my ovaries working. So I don't know, maybe I O'd on Friday. CM was stringy and consisted of an egg white. We BD Thursday night, Friday after work and before bed, then again on Saturday morning. I am hoping we timed it alright! Any info or feedback is very much appreciated! Also, if any of you have any success stories from having the HCG trigger shot with Clomid, please share your stories! They are encouraging!

Baby dust to you all!!
First off holy crap we took our trigger shots on the same day! And second my doctor told me to BD 24 and 36 hours after taking the shot but of course I did it 24, 36, and 48 to be sure!
I'm not doing clomid though. I am on the gonal f pen and I had a ton of follicles this month. I mean when the nurse is giving you a ultra sound and says: "WOW" Thats gotta mean somehting right?!
I felt nothing on my first round but this time OMG! I have this feeling down there in my lower abdomen that hasn't went away and because of that I feel this might be my month. I also have the whole tired feeling, sore breast and nipples, headaches, lower back cramps, and all that. I had a super sniffer before so the fact I can smell good doesn't mean anything to me.
I am crossing my fingers for you! Let me know how things work out!!