Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Wow 37 weeks, doesn't sound real!

The only symptom I get now that is like first tri is queasiness after eating, which is no bother to me as I was throwing up on a daily basis back then lol. Recently I've felt like AF is gonna show though, been so crampy with horrible back ache. The braxton hicks I've been getting are really starting to irritate me. In my file it says to ring L&D if you experience more than 6 in an hour, if I did that, my phone bill would sky rocket!

From what I've been reading, the more pre-labour symptoms you get, apparently you will have a speedier established labour, I'm not sure how much truth there is in that, but I hope it is because everyone has been saying I'm getting all the signs that labour is near :happydance: Now I say that I'll probably go 10 days over :rofl:

I have a nocturnal baby, he barely moves through the day and scares me, then I go to bed and he won't stay still :dohh:

Notnic, loving the thread name, big fan of the movie too lol. I don't know how, but I've managed to get stretch marks only on the left side of bump and the back of my left thigh lmao...although I have one above my belly button that is sore and stinging now as it was previously pierced, aloe vera really eases it though so maybe you could give that a go.

I'm in a fantastic mood today, compared to the other day when I sat and cried most of the day for no reason lol- Happy term day to the watermelons, hope everyone is keeping well xx
Loving the title!
Sounds like everyone is doing well!
Well I'm just plodding along, not really got any updates! Been napping every day recently! My girl and I had a three hour one yesterday! Oops. Getting a lot of braxton hicks with this one, didn't feel any with my girl.
Congratulations to all you watermelons! Xx
YAY to all of you Watermelons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means your are officially FULL-TERM.

Mcsmyth1- Glad your feeling good that always a plus when your preggers, and Fx that the amount of braxton hicks your having jump starts the real ones.

Admiral765- Thumbs Up on catching up on some much needed sleep you and LO really need it, so enjoy while you can because coming up very quickly those napping days are numbered.

Notic- So loving the title very catchy!!!!I'm sorry that your getting that neausous feelingI hated that its awful. And being gassy I can so relate I do it and I don't even notice its coming so embarrassing LOL...But the sounds of its sounds like your body is gearing up and prepping for the arrival of your LO, baby is engaging and your gastrointestinal tract is changing good signs of impending labor.
Nooo akerie. We need to slow this baby down :D I might have to start spending time standing on my head to reverse gravity! Pip cannot arrive until we've moved or at least we have carpets :haha:

Great to hear that people are in good moods. Long may the good feelings continue! :)
A happy day for everyone, sounds like! :flower:

Sunshine - I've got the carpal tunnel too, isn't it awful? Every time I wake up in the night I have to hold my hands up in the air to drain them and get the feeling back. OH says I look like I'm having a little rave party when he catches me at it!! I can't do a couple of the yoga postures at my class because of it, so I sulk on my ball while everyone else gets a good stretch. :haha:

I'll find out Monday how my lump is doing for fundal height - hopefully still growing. I've had a massive clearout today, and the lump is putting on the pressure down low. AF cramps and lower backache tonight, too. I know this can last for weeks and I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's nice to feel progress. Actually it better not kick off for real tonight - I want to go to my work goodbye lunch tomorrow!!!
bumpycat, sounds very hopeful, I hope this is the beginning of more to to come for you. and you are FULL-TERM Congrats its so close.
congrats to all the watermelons! Update on me is that I am still dialated a 1 and still thick but baby is engaged and I lost my plug this morning! Getting very excited and can't wait to meet this little one~! Glad to see everyone is doing well and can't wait to see who is our first baby on this thread:) :hug: and love to all have a great day everyone!
Oh wow, IAB, plug gone already?? I've only lost little shreds so far. Does it happen earlier with 2nd & subsequent pregnancies?

I had a great work goodbye lunch today, almost had me in tears, my boss and co-workers were so nice. Awesome card with lovely messages, and they gave me a pink lining yummy mummy bag with red butterflies!! I never thought of myself as the type to like that kind of thing, but it's just gorgeous and goes great with the red pram. :happydance:

I've totally cheered right up yesterday and today. Lump's moving lots (bum push-ups into the ribs anyone?), it's been sunny, I feel REALLY pregnant again, and I've spent half the time napping. :haha:
Bumpy - what a thoughtful present!

IAB - how exciting! I just can't tell who will be first now. So many of the ladies are so close to having their baby!

AFM - I am exhausted. Stupidly I spent all day decorating and I'm suffering for it now. My back hurts and my legs and feet are so swollen. My face is all red too so I don't know I'd I managed to eat something I'm allergic to :shrug: I'm pretty sure that Pip has moved down even more. Lots of cervix pressure and I realised this morning that I am needing to do my bra up on a tighter clasp. Sorry for the TMI question, but ladies who have lost their plug did you have increased CM or was it noticeably your plug? I think I have been losing bits of mine for a while, but I'm not sure. xx
Hi girls!
I am moody today! Lol! I have been getting so many period type pains in my back the last couple of days and it's making me miserable! I never noticed losing my plug with my girl but this time I think I am slowly, sometimes when I wipe there is thick clear sticky stuff! Lol! I didn't get any backache with my girl too. So funny how it can be so different! Sorry for my moaning girls! Have a good day xx
Good morning ladies and for some good evening:) Well I lost more plug by evening yesterday and I am still here with no baby lol. I am so ready I can't tell you ladies...admiral see you aren't the only one moaning.Anyway how is everyone else doing? I can't believe how close we all are. Kinda feel sorry for those ladies that were before us and some of them are still left with no baby yet and weeks over due. I am sure I won't go overdue because my docs won't allow it. NotNic-I do love the name of the thread seeeeee you do much better then I. And like Sunshine I have watched dirty dancing probably well over 200 times. My most favorite movie in the world.:)So are there any new updates ??? Just curious who our first baby will be and as NotNic said I imagine it will be you Sunhine!!!!! Not sure why but there is that feeling. Anyway ladies have a good day and will be checking in soon! :hug: and love to all:)
I'm in so much pain today, mostly on the right side. If I walk too much, contractions come on with pain -- but technically I'm not supposed to be walking around much since I'm still slightly preterm and it's best for Derek to stay in a bit longer. I haven't noticed any plug. I am waiting for bloody show or water breaking before I go to the hospital this time -- I don't want them keeping me for two days again with no sign of baby like they did the last time I had threatened preterm labour. :nope:

I'm sorry for my whining, but I'm just miserable. Low back hurts, low front hurts, feels like Derek is trying to screw his head into my pelvic bones. I have morning sickness back a bit -- I seem to throw up at least once a day or every other day. And I'm confined to a couch in my house... :cry:
Serenity-soon enough we will be holding our little ones and won't have to deal with this craziness anymore. This is the hardest part of pregnancy but just remember temporary! I have had a ton of morning sickness. I hate it and I have a sinus infection that doesn't seem to be going away! 3 more days serenity, you will be full term but the longer the better. My docs keep asking me if I am suprised i am still pregnant and I always tell them yes. They obviously think that me being on my 9th kiddo that I should be having her by now! Anyway hang in there serenity and it will all be done soon!:):hug:
Serenity, hang in there! Only a few more days to go till term ... :hugs:

I'm on the couch, too - I'm so drained this week it's like lump has just sucked all the energy out of me (it's still very active most days). But at the same time, I'm having these niggles like I ought to be up and cleaning. I keep noticing dust or little things out of place and it's bothering me. Maybe that fabled nesting thing is going to happen after all.

The last few nights when I've been on my side, I've been having this odd sensation like the lump is pushing hard into my lower hipbone. Last night it was so much pressure I had to get up on my knees and breathe through it. Is it trying to engage and just getting the direction slightly wrong?? This came after about two hours of painful Braxton Hicks and really bad lower back ache - paracetemol and a heat pack didn't help much. After that all stopped I did mostly sleep through the night, but I'm feeling more pressure down below this morning, hoping lump did get it right eventually and engage a little more.

I'm so hoping this is going to be over soon, but not counting on it. I've made 41 weeks my heart-set-on-it date, which is still ages away. Right now I'm aiming for my 38 week midwife appointment on Monday. That's only 4 sleeps away ... :haha:
Serenity sorry to hear you are feeling crap.
Bumpy, nice one on the pink lining bag. They are lush! Sorry to hear you are drained.

Ive not started losing my plug yet. No sign of it whatsoever. I rarely get any CM either. I think its great that you guys think Im going to go first but I reckon I will be last! I think bubs is getting lower down but I dont think he is in any hurry whatsoever to come out. I reckon at least a week overdue for me. I think Notnic is going to be the first! I cant wait until the first one of us announces that THIS IS IT!!! Hugs to all . xxx
Hope your ok Serenity.
So tired too Bumpy, posted on your other thread. Hope you had a nice relaxing day.I want a yummy mummy bag!
Sound like your doing well IAB, you must be so relieved you have come this far!
Hope your ok now Notnic, I have decorating to do next week and I am not looking forward to it!

Sorry that I don't have a positive update but I am so f**ked off today!lol! I just feel really overwhelmed with everything. We are renting our flat out by the end of this month and we have to sort it all out, my Dad is currently living there and is pi**ing me right off! Not only had I taken viewings with my toddler at 8 months pregnant, but I had to clean it every time before hand because my Dad is such a tramp! He decorated it all without telling us so now we have to redecorate it. I will have to blitz the place at 8 1/2 months pregnant for our tenant. My dad has asked to store all his s**t in our garage now and he has had his new bathroom and kitchen delivered to our house and his mail redirected to our house! Just waiting for him to ask to move in for a while coz his place isnt ready! argh!
On top of that we have to get our place ready and I am throwing my Nan's 80th Birthday party here in two weeks! Too much is happening and I just want to chill! I am getting awful pains in my back now.
Sorry for the rant! lol!
On a lighter note my guess is wither IAB or NotNic to go first! (apart from Akerie-lol) I will narrow it down by end of this week, need to have a good think! xx
I will let you go first IAB! :) You're the pro when it comes to these things. :D Part of me is surprised that I have gone this far though. My Mum's prediction is that I have another week and I really hope she's right. We move next Wednesday!

We went to view the birthing suite tonight at my preferred hospital. Now I'm 37 weeks my mw has given me the green light to go ahead and have Pip there which I'm very happy about. YAY! They also want my iron count in writing, but I've requested that and they are posting it out to me. My count is 11.9 which is good enough and very good with the weird blood thing I have. How is yours doing Sunshine? Will you be going back for more testing?

I do have another MIL grumble though. We told her today that we were off to view my preferred hospital, and she had to stick her nose in and say "Even though you're moving down here?" and tried to tell me that it wasn't practical for me to go to this other hospital, which got hubby chipping in too. Twice I had to say to them in a half jokey manner: "I'm the one pushing here guys!". What I really felt like doing was telling her to shove off! This other hospital is about 15-20mins further on in the car than the one they think I should go to. They don't seem to get that I want a Birthing Suite birth (the birthing suites near our new house are a longer drive away than the place I want to go to) or the fact that I do not have a doctor or a midwife down in Kent yet, so I can't book in and by the time I'm registered with both, Pip will be here anyway! She makes me so cross with the way she always gets hubby to change his mind or create problems with us. Clearly if my contractions are coming too quickly then I won't drive straight past one hospital, but no birth plan is a plan. It's just a preference and I would prefer to go there! Also I know it's mean of me, but I'm going to put a note in my birthing plan that there is to be no visitors at the hospital except my Mum and my sisters. This is my family's first Grandchild and I don't think anyone should meet Pip before my Mum does and I know what his Mum and his sister is like. So far they have spoilt every special adult moment my Mum has had with me and I don't want them taking this away from her too.

Admiral - You have so much on your plate I can't blame you for being p'd off. Surely your Dad must realise that now really isn't a great time and a birthday party that close to your due date?! My gosh I think I would go into a melt down! :)

Hope everyone else is well. Oddori if you're about - happy watermelon day too! xx
I had painful contractions (I have a relatively high pain tolerance) and tons of pressure all of yesterday. Finally broke down and went back to OB triage at the hospital late last night. Contractions were three minutes apart - monitor confirmed that, but I'm no more than that dinky 1 CM dilated. They eased up overnight thankfully; I asked to go home last night rather than stay in the hospital. Is this kind of thing normal!? I can't imagine having this kind of pain off and on for another three weeks!
Loving the Dirty Dancing title :)

Went to see my GP yesterday as I had a mentally sore eye. She sent me to A&E. I somehow managed to scratch my cornea. Just what I need on top of all the pregnancy aches & pains. Was in & out in an hour though! Unheard of! Got some drops so hope they work.

Thinking of you all :hugs:
Serenity-I believe you may be our first baby in thread! Wow you have gone through alot lately. 2 more days and your full term ..hang in there. Oddori-That must be painful as I just watched my 16yo go through that exact same thing with her eye. NotNic-why should I go first lol. I am all good right now although the same as serenity-1 cm and lots of pressure and contractions . Oh well it will be soon enough! Glad all is going well for everyone oh yes and Sunshine you might be the first. You never know lol. Anyway hope everyone has a great weekend! Sorry I am not personalizing to everyone but I am just here for a quick second. Know i am thinking of each of you! :hug: and love to all!:)

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