Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Happy Birthday admiral! Sounds like you're having a lovely day, lucky girl :thumbup: x
Happy birthday!

I just got home yesterday from the hospital. Turns out I was in preterm labor on Tuesday. I'm 1 cm dilated now but still not effaced. They gave me fluids in an IV and that arrested the labor. Now I'm home with orders for bed rest, which is difficult because I have so much I need to do... I wasn't ready for the possibility of preterm labor and didn't even have bags packed.
Admiral 765,

I want to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! I hope that your day is fun and enjoyable you so deserve it after all you been through this year like growing a HUMAN thats a lot of work!!!!!!! ENJOY its your DAY!!!!!
Happy birthday!

I just got home yesterday from the hospital. Turns out I was in preterm labor on Tuesday. I'm 1 cm dilated now but still not effaced. They gave me fluids in an IV and that arrested the labor. Now I'm home with orders for bed rest, which is difficult because I have so much I need to do... I wasn't ready for the possibility of preterm labor and didn't even have bags packed.

I am sorry that you were in the Hospital and facing Pre-term labor thats so scary, I hope LO stays put for atleast a little while longer, term for you is not far away. And I know its hard but please rest and try not to stress, maybe a family member could help you get bags packed and things more organized for you just incase and at the very least you will be ready, I will be looking for an update and please keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy bday admiral! Hope you have a wonderful day!serenity that must have been scary but try and take it easy!hugs
Sorry to hear that Serenity. Take care of yourself hun. :(

Happy Birthday Admiral. xx
Hope your ok serenity.

Thanx girls, had such a lovely day! My husband is cooking a three course meal tomorrow for me, my mum, my sister and her husband so that will be nice. He has made me non alcoholic cocktails tonight so I don't feel left out bless him! So lucky!
Have a great weekend everyone xx
Admiral - where can we get husbands like yours? Or do you have the number of his trainer? :haha:

Serenity - So sorry to hear that you were in hospital. How are you feeling now? I take it bags are now ready to go? Don't stress about everything else. Baby Serenity will have no idea if things aren't ready and as long as you have the absolute basics - nappies, a few clothes and bottles and milk if you're ff, then you're good to go.

There is definitely something in the water in this thread. All our babies are desperately trying to come in May and keep us on our toes! I can fully imagine that Sunshine's will be the first though. I think I'm right in saying it's the only one that hasn't tried to have a dress rehearsal so far, so I can see it sneaking up from behind to take that title. Lets hope and pray that these babies stay put for two more weeks at least! xxx
Admiral - where can we get husbands like yours? Or do you have the number of his trainer? :haha:

Serenity - So sorry to hear that you were in hospital. How are you feeling now? I take it bags are now ready to go? Don't stress about everything else. Baby Serenity will have no idea if things aren't ready and as long as you have the absolute basics - nappies, a few clothes and bottles and milk if you're ff, then you're good to go.

There is definitely something in the water in this thread. All our babies are desperately trying to come in May and keep us on our toes! I can fully imagine that Sunshine's will be the first though. I think I'm right in saying it's the only one that hasn't tried to have a dress rehearsal so far, so I can see it sneaking up from behind to take that title. Lets hope and pray that these babies stay put for two more weeks at least! xxx

lol. I wouldnt mind having him any time after 38 weeks but I have a weird feeling Im going to go overdue. Hope not thought!! x
Admiral-happy birthday!

Has any ones babies dropped yet? My lo did last night, and oooooo weeeee the pelvic pressure was enormous!!!! I called the midwife I was so nervous. I don't think I'll make it to June, I've always felt my whole pregnancy that she's gonna come early! My CM has changed too (tmi, sorry) and I feel it coming! I am surprised they are stopping labor on you guys, perhaps it just depends where you're at, because my midwife told me at this point they dont try to stop it...all I need is her to stay in there till like the 25th. Haha...I have my graduation ceremony next weekend and we are moving as well. I get to do a nursery!!! Yaaaay!!!! Just hope it's done before she is! :) 9 months pregnant tomorrow, wow that is crazy! I dunno about you all, but I can't wait to be a mommy <3 :X
Sorry to hear you were in hospital Serenity, hope your LO stays put for another few weeks :hugs:

Kuriazuri I know the feeling. Baby dropped lasy week and I've found myself using the birth ball twice as much to ease some of the pelvic pain, although the relief from heartburn has been fantastic and I can eat way bigger meals now lol.

I've lost all motivation to do anything now. All I want to do is lie in bed and vegetate :dohh:
Pip is 3/5ths now and i get really freaked out by the pressure on my cervix. We asked my mw about stopping labour and we were told that don't delay the labour if you've started to dilate x
awww Nic-it says on your status your sad? why? I am sure baby will hang in there one more week and then he/she will be full term. Have faith dear!:hug:!! I am already dialated and I have seen no signs of my little one progressing out into the world and i know your mom has delivered early but maybe you will be different. Truly I think things will be ok. try not to worry! If you need to talk I am here.
My midwifes told me she doesnt want me having baby before Im 38 weeks. She said thats when Im full term and doesnt want baby coming before that (although I know full term is 37 so not sure what she is on about :shrug:.)
IAB - thank you so much for your kind words. For once in not worried about Pip. Now we've got past hubby's trip I think we stand a good chance of making it to 38/39 wks which I'd be happy with. I was sad because yesterday was my last day in the office. I love my job (even though I complain about it!) and with thecompany relocating a couple of my colleagues have decided to leave the company or will be made redundant. It was much more emotional than Id expected! I also am leaving my job to someone I don't like and that makes me worry too. I was so looking forward to going so it's a real shock that I don't feel as chirpy about it now. I'm sure it will pass though and once Pip is here I'll have someone who needs me as much as my team do and I'll feel less lost!
Serenity - So sorry to hear that you were in hospital. How are you feeling now? I take it bags are now ready to go? Don't stress about everything else. Baby Serenity will have no idea if things aren't ready and as long as you have the absolute basics - nappies, a few clothes and bottles and milk if you're ff, then you're good to go.

Bags will be packed tonight. I'm on bed rest so MIL came over to do laundry for me so that I can properly pack our bags. Baby has almost everything from two separate baby showers (one for my side in the US and one for papa's side in Canada) except a few things that aren't essential off the bat. If I move around too much, the contractions and pressure comes back, so I have to take things easy and it's driving me batty. :sleep:

It seems that this may have been caused partially by not drinking enough water. There is a part of our brains that starts holding water if it thinks we're not drinking enough, and it's located right next to a part of the brain that releases oxytocin -- which is responsible for helping labor start. So that is why the IV fluids probably arrested the labor. It's especially hard for me to hold onto my hydration because of the weight loss surgery I had back in 2007. :dohh: (According to Mom, an OBGYN Nurse Practitioner - so lucky to have her advice and explanations.)

But I was already at risk for preterm labor due to a bit of excess fluids and because I'm high risk (anxiety and depressive disorders), so it may have been a combination of factors. Luckily, my boy is a healthy little fella in the 67 percentile for growth and is probably now just over six pounds, so if we don't make it all the way to the end, he should be just fine. Tomorrow is 36 weeks, so hopefully his surfactant is all in place. He'd just have skinny "old man butt" for a little while. :haha:
Very exciting to think there might be some May babies, though I hope not *too* early for anyone!

I'm in a really weird headspace lately. I'm not suffering much and I am worrying that because I'm not suffering, something is very wrong! But my lump still moves plenty, although differently than even a couple of weeks ago, the heartbeat is nice and strong, and I can't put my finger on what isn't right. Lump's not engaged any more, I'm positive of that - I haven't waddled at all the last week, and the last few nights I've only been up once or twice to pee. But my bump has stayed low, so what's up with that? When I really stop and let myself feel everything in my body, I realize I do still have aches and pains, so maybe I have just got used to it? I get tired very easily and can manage one short outing a day (necessary for sanity), and a little bit of cleaning/nesting when I get a short energy burst, but otherwise I am mostly just lying down on my side reading or napping. I'm so confused, my mind is all blurry and incapable of rational thought.

In more cheery news, I got a birthing ball a few days ago. I love it. I'm doing lots of bouncing and spending some time hugging it on all fours every day. It feels so good. :flower:
Hi Ladies!

I thought I'd best drop in and let you all know that LO is still in residence, although, for how long is anyone's guess. I think I've got to the point of having that many aches, pains and twinges that I don't notice the majority of them. I do hope that when it all starts for real I don't dismiss them for too long.

I have in influx of appointments coming up, starting on Friday with a visit from my Health Visitor (they like to meet expectant mothers before baby arrives apparently), followed by a scan on Monday, consultant on Tuesday and then my midwife on Wednesday! I'm sure I'm supposed to be resting at the moment (or so everyone likes to tell me). The scan/consultant will be an interesting one, as depending on how much bigger LO is, they will then decide if they are going to leave me be or intervene. I'm not sure what unnerves me more, the thought of early induction or potentially having a huge baby.... Tough call!

Hope all you ladies are well and still very much enjoy reading your updates (when I can step away from cleaning and log on :) )
How big do they think your baby might be Vixx? Managed properly, big babies are supposed to be easier deliveries so it may not be as bad as you might think.

Sorry for TMI - but is anyone finding that their 1st tri symptoms are starting to come back? I am feeling a little queasy after eating. Nowhere near as bad as ms but not how I've been the last few months. I also have a lot of wind which is very attractive :haha: and heartburn and indigestion are striking too, which is odd because Pip has started to engage and my bump does look lower to me. My skin also hurts now from the size of my bump. It feels tight and tender. Anyone else? Or is it just me that seems to have got huge in the last 3 weeks?

Bumpy - The bad weather really doesn't help the motivation. I suspect as well that you are becoming more used to the feelings. I don't really notice back ache and tiredness anymore. They just become part of normal pregnancy feelings. Pip moves more and more frequently now, but nowhere near a hard as it used to. Pip pretty much fidgets and sticks the random foot, knee or elbow out but we get very few 'pow' type movements now. Maybe the fatigue is because it's your second week of maternity leave and a touch of boredom and cabin fever?

Before I forget - Yay for the watermelons Sunshine, Bumpy, Mcsmyth and BabyBoyLove!
Loving your thread header. (Ive seen Dirty Dancing about 200 times (not an exaggeration!) One of my favourites!

I dont think my bump has gotten much bigger over last few weeks TBH. I was measuring a week behind last week so will be keen to know what happens next Tuesday. No first tri symptoms for me either. Im generally feeling ok TBH and baby is moving around like crazy despite expecting him to slow down a bit. The only thing thats a bit of a nightmare is my carpel tunnel which is getting alot worse (I wake up unable to feel my hands nowadays) and my back pain is just as sore as ever but overall Im doing ok. Hope you are all fine and your aches and pains dont get too unbearable. Not long to go now girlies!! (This was my first post as a watermelon!! Yay!!) x

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