Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Ooo sounds like you might get the first baby title, Serenity! Hope you're coping with everything ok and that it all goes smoothly for you.

Sounds like everyone has something going on at the moment! Fingers crossed that decorating, tenants, MIL's and all the great aches and pains everyone is suffering with are resolved and overshadowed by lots of lovely babies soon.

It's the general opinion of most people that I will pop before next weekend, I'm not so confident, but would very much welcome it as I'm very tired and pain ridden. If the growth has stayed on the same curve then LO will be over 8lbs now, which will be confirmed at the scan/consultant appointment on Mon/Tue, so they may make the decision to evict her anyway. We'll see.

Chin up ladies, not long now :) xx
Wow lots going on!! Serenity that sounds so sore. I couldnt imagine putting up with that for 3 weeks. Oddori, hope you ok hun. IAB, good to hear from you hunny. Notnic, I get tested again Tuesday. I really hope they have gone up as thats been about 4 months Ive been on the iron tablets now and last time they checked my levels were still too low.

Question: How do some of you know what baby is weighing? ive never had the slightest indication of it from my midwife at all. :shrug: Id put on 42 pounds the last time I got weighed so Im hoping that its just all fat and I dont have a big baby in there!! x
Pretty sure I won't be the first to go... feels like I'm being teased with all the false starts. I'm fully expecting to have to deal with this off and on for the next few weeks, especially because my cervix is funneling -- it's still long and only really dilated at the opening. My worry is that the baby's head is too big for my pelvis, and can't fully come down hard enough to get me effaced properly - which might be why I'm having so many nerve shocks when he tries.

The past two ultrasounds I've had, the tech told me how much the estimated weight was, Sunshine. Last Wednesday, Derek was 6 lbs 9 oz. I'm anticipating an 8-pounder. You could always ask them when they're examining.
IAB - Its your threads that got us all together so I think it's only fair you start the births off too! :D

Serenity - sorry to hear how much Derek is teasing you. It sounds like he's a good weight so hopefully you're not kept waiting too much longer. Do you know which way he's facing? Perhaps his head isn't tucking in chin on chest yet. There are some gentle positions and movements you can do to encourage that.

Sunshine - good luck for the test. Do you feel any brighter / more energetic? Are you hoping for a mw / birthing centre birth too? I have my next appt on Tuesday too. Anyone else?

Happy watermelon day IAB!

Also I don't know how much Pip weighs either. I think if you get additional scans and growth scans they tell you. I've asked my mw and she anticipates a 7lb for me. I'm pretty much measuring bog standard average and Pip was 50% at 20 wks. I have no idea how much Pip weighs now. The weight is starting to creep on though 4lb in 3 weeks - which is more than I put on the whole of first tri!
Serenity - sorry to hear how much Derek is teasing you. It sounds like he's a good weight so hopefully you're not kept waiting too much longer. Do you know which way he's facing? Perhaps his head isn't tucking in chin on chest yet. There are some gentle positions and movements you can do to encourage that.

According to the last ultrasound, he's facing sideways, my right side. His spine is along my left side. I'm not sure if his chin is tucked properly or not. But the confusing thing is that my OB palpated my bump and thought Derek *might* be back to back with me. Which isn't what the ultrasound techs have been telling me. So he suggested 15 minutes at morning and night time of being on all fours.

What positions will make the narrowest part of his head come down?
The pressure and pain does seem to suggest your OB might be right. One of the worst things for having a back to back baby is actually bed rest. If you are reclining or slouching it encourages the baby to lean back against your pelvis where there is more room. Our NCT classes and our midwives encourage us to sit with our knees equal distance as our shoulders apart with our knees slightly lower than our hips so our pelvis tilts forwards. Sitting on a birthing ball encourages movement and might support your pelvis better, while maintaining this shape too. If you find this uncomfortable, sitting on the stairs with your knees lower (so feet on a lower step) is good, as can be sitting the wrong way round on a hard backed chair. This might help you: https://www.nct.org.uk/birth/good-positions-your-baby-birth If I can think of what else she suggested I'll let you know, but adopting a good sitting position is one of the easiest and best ways to help yourself. xx
Notnic, Im definately feeling like I have more energy than I did before. still get tired but feel a difference. Fingers crossed. I can only give birth in the hospital which is manned by midwives. Id never really heard of the whole birthing centre thing before so it confuses me when people talk about it! I dont think we have consultants instead where I live!! Have a good weekend all. (p.s Ive been in my craft room embellishing baby vests and bibs for bubs so thought Id share some piccies! My tummy time playquilt isnt finished yet, only basted (hence why the lines look squint!), but its coming together. Will hopefully have it done before bubs arrives.) x


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Serenity- Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time at the moment, hopefully Notnics suggestions will help get baby into the right position, personally what works best for me is the birthing ball and kneeling on all fours, by morning every day my LO lies the same as yours, and I have the stretch marks only on my left side to prove it :haha:

Sunshine- hope your levels have went up, good luck for Tuesday. Mine jumped from 9.2 to 11.0 over about 4 weeks I think, so hopefully it'll be good news for you.

Vixx- That's one good sized baby you're having :) I find it quite cool that the bigger the baby the easier labour can be, it just does not compute lol.

Happy watermelon day IAB! Hope everyone is ok, I honestly couldn't hazard a guess as to who will go first, but it's great that we have all made it this far and to be quite honest I now can't wait for baby to be here!

I think I'm slowly losing the plot though, had a dream last night I had went into labour and woke up with period pains :dohh: We have a growth scan on Wednesday, which I'm looking forward to, I know I will be having a smaller on average baby, but he is healthy and happy (judging by his rolls and kicks) and that's what counts. I've been losing bits of my plug for a few days, and having BH what seems to be all the time. Among other things my face has broke out with so many spots, I look like a different person. Don't think I'll be going into labour in the immediate future, but my landlady "gives me 'til Sunday" lmao. Take care everyone xx
YEAH my first post as a watermelon! Wow can't believe after the little show we had at 32 weeks and she also teased me that I have made it another 5 weeks! Its good though since I didn't want a preemie baby! Thanks everyone for the kind words. I still think sunshine and serenity are in the running for first babies lol. NotNic-I am thinking I will not be first but if I am well that would make me happy as I am so ready for this little one. My body is overly tired and doc says she is happy this is my last baby. Either way the longest I have is about 2.5 weeks. I will be getting induced when Sunshine is due unless I go any sooner! Vixx-wanted to tell you I am a small person and I have had 8lbers and over and it really wasn't too bad. I am not sure what they tell you as far as if they think a 8lber would work for you or not and they never told me but I am sure you will do well.:) Sunshine-Even with your weight gain doesn't really tell you size of baby. I remember with my 1st I thought he would be huge and as it turned out I gained40-50 pounds and he only weighed 6#'s4oz. Was a nice suprise! Mcssmyth-hopefully the period pains mean something.Hoping it does for you.Ive also lost plug and am so happy about it.:)Somehow I get this feeling we all might be going close to the same time.Well ladies I hope you all have a great day and weekend. Will be checking in later! :hug: and love to all!!
So we moved yesterday, and I did way too much...started contracting about 5 hours ago, and i called the midwife on duty and she said she thinks I'm in early labor. I dunno if it really is tho or if I'm experiencing what you did Serenity. It feels like my contractions are on the top, pulling the sides upwards. It's funny too, because if I go in before midnight I have to be in labor and delivery, but after midnight I'll be 37 weeks and can go to the birth center. So either way I'm holding out! I am curious to know if this is really it....
kuriazuri - how exciting! Hope you managed to hold out till midnight! :flower:
Good luck kuriazuri. Keep us posted if you can.

Im not sure what baby is up to but he was more active yesterday than throughout the whole pregnancy and I cant stop going to the toilet. Had to have an afternoon nap yesterday and woke up feeling like I was going to be sick. Im not saying those are signs or anything but Ive been feeling a bit different so I hope Im not too far away. Im getting very organised now. Bags are done, car seat in situ, pram all ready and Ive even put my disposable mats down underneath my bed sheets incase my waters break and ruin my mattress!! Just a waiting game now I guess. x
Any news kuriazuri? Our move date is Wednesday, and hubby has already tried to convince me to stay at my mum's for the 24hr period. I won't tell him about this in case he tries enforcing it!!

Sunshine - it pays to be prepared. You must feel nice and calm about everything. I feel like I'm in a mild panic! Baby has dropper even more - even my SIL commented how noticeably lower it is and Im getting a lot of low and tail bone pressure, but no odd contractions just the normal tightenings. If we could get another week in then I stand a chance of being a bit organised. My prediction months ago was around the 30th May, so we'll see. My mum also said that we were all born when the weather was nice. It's been pants in the UK recently, but from Thursday the South East will have a nice spell so let's see if that tradition continues!

BTW everyone I forgot to say how glad I am you all liked the thread name and knew where I was going with it. I love the film too! :D
Hi girls,

Hope you are all ok. Weather is so nice today :)
Well I wish I had a positive update but I am so disappointed. I had to have a consultant appt today to check my bp and for them to make a decision if I am ok for a home birth (community midwife has already said yes) Well they decided no! I am actually quite pissed! They are keeping a close eye on me, I have been seen twice a week for god knows how many weeks because my bp was always borderline with my girl, I went on to have a healthy pregnancy with her and the labour was perfectly fine. Well my bp has been great all through this pregnancy, my midwife said weeks ago that she was going to try and get my appts reduced because there was no reason why I should be being monitored so closely. My bp was a bit higher today because I had to go to the hospital, I was running late and was waiting over an hour with my toddler, it was still ok though. The consultant said no as it was high last time, the midwife there and I was saying it was just borderline and has been fine this pregnancy. She said it will just rise during labour. I said they watch you more closely with a home birth so even if my midwife checks my bp on a regular basis and if there is any sign of an increase I will just come in, would that be ok? she said no.
My community midwife is calling me tomorrow so I will see what she says. I hope she can do something. I feel so deflated xx
Sorry to hear that Admiral. I hope they change their minds although I guess they have to follow certain guidelines so that they dont put you or bubs at risk. :(. x
Anything happen, Kuri? Sorry to hear you might not have your ideal birth plan, Admiral.

I've been having zaps and diarrhea but no more painful contractions, just Braxton Hicks tightenings that are not regular anymore. I reckon he's decided to stay put awhile -- which I had a feeling he would, although everyone else is skeptical about him waiting until his due date. I think I'm just having a rather uncomfortable pregnancy. I know he's low and butting his head down causing all the zapping pains (thanks dear). I just get through 24 hours at a time and pray for the next few weeks to speed along.

I feel pretty prepared even though the house is a bit of a mess -- the baby stuff is purchased and together. My parents come in 14 days... so I'm counting down to their arrival. Mom is bringing a bag of tricks for starting labor, so I'm not too concerned about going overdue (though I kinda hope the remedies work...)

C'mon June! We're ready for you!
Hi ladies! I've had my 38 week appointment today, might be the lump's last midwife check-up, how exciting is that? My next appointment is for 6 June, and anything could happen between now and then! Everything is good as usual, me and lump are really a very boring pregnancy. :haha: Fundal height is up to 38cm, so nothing to worry about after seeing no change b/w 34 and 36 weeks. Baby is well engaged, 3/5 palpable. Unfortunately the midwife is 90% sure we're back-to-back, so I need to work on that.

After spending most of the last 7 days asleep, today I've had lots of energy. Before seeing the midwife this afternoon, I took the bus to town, even though I'd said I wouldn't be doing that again, had coffee time with my OH, and walked around for an hour. I love seeing the city revving up for festival season, with all the tourists and activity up on the Royal Mile. After the appointment, I got some juice and walked through the Botanic Gardens. It was baby and toddler central there on the first summery day we've had in weeks. All that walking and sunshine has me a little physically tired, but nowhere near the same sense of exhaustion as last week. I don't care if it's a sign or not, I'm just glad to feel so good. Off to yoga now! :flower:
Serenity, good to hear that Derek is behaving!

Bumpy, I miss living in Edinburgh at this time of year when the rumblings of summer and just starting. Wish I could afford to chuck my tenant out and have my place there as a holiday home but now that baby is coming I doubt that will be posssible any time soon! Good to hear that all is well with bubs. Ive got my appointment today so will find out if baby is still back to back.

Any of you starting drinking RL tea yet? I know you are meant to do it around 34 weeks onwards but I forgot to buy any and nowhere near me sells it so I havent had any yet. The perineal massage got done once but I havent percevered with that either as it hurt!

The sun is out today which is great so a bit later on Im going to have my lunch out in the garden before I head off to my midwife appointment at 2. Hope you all well. x

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