Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

I've been meaning to start the RLT but never quite got around to it. Also I have to say the whole massage thing really wasn't that appealing to me so haven't tried that either. My appointment is at 3pm so lets see what she says and if I have enough time to start on the tea! I'm beginning to wonder if Pip was playing with me earlier and we are looking at a mid June birth instead....
Hey ladies! Hope everyone is well today! A little update: Baby was trying to make an entrance last night and doctor said she prefer another week! She said if baby came though naturally that would be because she was ready!My contractions were about every 3 min but I had to kind of in a sense wish them away and drink water so I didn't have her to early according to doc.Anyway, I am going to the docs today and will have more news later.Oh the joys of pregnancy !LOL Hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to see all the new updates!Maybe we will be seeing a new baby here somewhere-*looks at NotNic,Serenity and Sunshine* heheheheheheh!:):hug: and love to all!
Sunshine-you are making me so jealous with the 38 week mark I forgot to add that :)
Oooo IAB, exciting stuff!!! Keep us posted.

Notnic, I just got back from midwife and asked her about RL tea and shes told me that Ive not to touch it so I dont think im going to bother. She said its what they used to give to dogs!! She said its up to me but she has recommended I dont so Im going to follow her advice and not bother. What did you midwife say about it?? Well bubs is still only 2/5ths engaged so no change there although he isnt back to back anymore which is good so I dont have to get on all fours again! x
Well according to my midwife (who I felt was a bit lame today) we will be talking sweeps at my 40 week appointment :wacko: TBH if I get to that stage I can tell you already what I will be saying about sweeps - No thank you!! She gave a half hearted feel(normally she has me breathe in and presses hard) and told me I was 3/5ths engaged - the same as I was two weeks ago. Now I'm no midwife, but I do know my body and my bump has dropped. People have even commented on it in the last week. Everything else was normal though. Personally I am feeling dull pressure and aches and I don't actually feel myself but we'll see if anything comes of that.

IAB - It looks like your lo really wants this first baby title! Unless of course Kuri already has it. How are you doing Kuri?
Haha - we posted over each other. My MW wasn't feeling very chatty today so I didn't ask her. It's strange how neither of us have become more engaged in the last two weeks. Anyone else a little suspicious....?? :D
Well mine first off said she didnt think he was engaged any more at all then fiddled around again and said she was going to say 3/5ths palpable again (after she checked what she said last week) so Im not sure whats going on. I feel like my bump has dropped and feel more pressure but she said he defo wasnt further down so Im stumped!!

My surgery is shut in 2 weeks time so Ive to go back next week instead. She said she will do a sweep if I want her too but Im not sure. Why do you not want one? I was thinking if it get things moving I might (although Im dreading anyone going near my foof. Noone has been anywhere near it since we conceived!! x
From the research I've done, before 41 weeks they dont actually make much difference and it seems a lot of discomfort for not a lot of benefits. I'm not desperate enough really that I can't wait another week. A lot of babies make their own way out, or they are so far away from appearing on their own you need to be induced. If I get to this stage I would also consider refusing to be induced as long as we stay healthy and Pip stays in position. I have so many friends that took 2 or 3 goes at being induced. I wonder if a bit of patience and monitoring might have been better.

I get the impression that now we are term the appointments are more a formality. It doesn't sound like yours was especially thorough either.
Mine are never particularly thorough. i got bloods done this time as my iron still low last time so they need to check it again. Ill see how I get on next week and decide if I want a sweep. I definately dont want to go past 42 weeks though for reasons I wont go into (although I dont think they let you go past that now do they??).
It depends entirely on your area and any risk factors you might have - your age, your baby's size etc. Mine don't specify exactly how long they will let you go but if you refuse induction they will offer from 42 weeks onwards obstetric review and twice weekly monitoring. Technically you have to sign a consent form for an induction, so without your permission they can't really make you have one. Though obviously you have to weigh up the risks and make your own decision. Assuming we get to that stage and we're healthy I'd consider waiting to 43 weeks though that would depend entirely on how the placenta was coping and Pip's amnio levels.
Hey everyone, hope you are all well- we are getting gorgeous weather here, having to fight the temptation to have a lovely cold pint of guinness hehe.

IAB I think you might be first in line for our "this is it" threads!

My antenatal really couldn't have gone any better. The usual BP, urine fine, fundal height still small but still growing, have a growth scan tomorrow anyway so I'm not concerned with that... Baby is now fully engaged?! Was shocked when she told me that as a fortnight ago he was head down but moving about freely, I guess that would explain being woken at 4am with bad cramps.

I was going to drink RLT from 34 weeks but it kinda just went out of my head, and being at this stage now I doubt it would make a difference if I bothered.

Quick question and sorry if tmi- when I have a BM, it feels like my cervix is getting ripped open, it is EXTREMELY painful, and sorry again but my BM have been loose and I don't have to strain etc so can't figure out why I hurt so much, anyone else?

Providing everything goes well at growth scan tomorrow, I think I will start giving the old wives tales a go to get things moving (all except the castor oil), but by the looks of things a few of you's won't have to do much before your LO's arrive! So exciting :) x
Ooh it could be you! :haha: Sounds like you had a great appointment. Keep us posted. x
Oooo Terri how exciting!! Maybe you will be first! Fully engaged - wow! I dont know about the pain when you poo thing hun. maybe you should start a thread if noone here knows the answer. Im sure its normal and probably cause baby is now so low. Im so excited for you!! :dance:
Hey ladies! I meant to post yesterday but just didn't have the time...I had contractions up until 1130, then they stopped! I was able to attend my commencement ceremony at which point they started again, went on for almost 5 hours then stopped yet again. I am so glad I got to walk across that stage and get my diploma, but now I wish this false labor would let up and we can get onto the real thing. Thank you all so much for your well wishes...I hope everyone is doing well!
Well done kuri. Sorry it didn't turn into anything. I am experiencing same today. Braxton hicks have been coming every 20 minutes since tea. Some are more painful than others. Since they aren't getting closer together I don't think it's anything.
I won't be having any rlt or getting a sweep, I figure he will just come when he is ready but obviously I will get induced if I go really over. Xx
Admiral, it is SOOO annoying I agree. It makes it hard to get anything done. Have you had bad swelling? I'm trying so hard to get everything ready and done for baby, but just 20 minutes on my feet and I can hardly stand any more. I am so done being pregnant lol.
Update: I am still only 1cm and thick and baby is still head down. No new news just the same. I almost started crying but doc says if she comes now its fine! I am sooooo hoping as I am so frustrated! Gonna walk this baby out! Doc says I can be induced at 39 weeks which will be the more likely to happen but hopefully it will happen sooner! Anyway glad to see all is well and mcs-sounds as though you may be first! Good luck ladies as well all need it!:) :hug: and love to all:)
Not had any swelling kuri, just braxton hicks that turn into nothing until.....
I am currently at hospital because they got much more intense, 7 minutes apart. Just been checked and I'm 1cm. They are checking me in another hour to decide if I should stay or go home. Will keep you updated as much as possible xx
Well they have got closer together, 5 minutes apart. Was waiting for two hours in the end and they decided not to check me. Said I can either go home or stay so I have chosen to come home and they want me to go back on a couple of hours to get checked xx
Admiral -eek! How are you feeling now? BH have woken me up grr, so I'll be online for a bit if you need to chat xx

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