Sunshine - sorry to hear still no sweep for you. Sometimes it can go really fast, though, from nothing to established labour in less than a day. You're not quite a full week overdue yet, there is still every reason to believe little mini sunshine will come on his or her own in the next few days.
Sending lots of labour dust your way!!
My milk is coming in really properly today - ouch my boobs are huge! Gabe loves it, though, he worked hard last night (virtually continuous feeding for 6 hours) to make it happen, and he's feeding brilliantly. I've had amazingly good support from the local midwives for breastfeeding, and we're at the point where it mostly does not hurt. That whole baby-to-boob rather than boob-to-baby thing was a revelation when we finally caught on - the night before I was silently screaming every time he fed, and now it is fine. I also learned not be afraid to break a sub-optimal latch to try again - that was key. Hope all is well with everyone!!