HELLO excited to be Ttc baby no 2

Hi everyone :) hope its ok to join in :) I'm ttc no 2 also , no 1 is now 7 months old . I'm 41 so not getting any younger lol..... I got pregnant twice on cycle 4 in 8 months. Now on cycle 2 of trying waiting for AF to show up on Friday . Bfn tested on cd 10 and 12 and zero symptoms . Onto round 3 for me :)
Hi MCVO :) i have an 18 month old and DH and i are TTC #2, certainly hasnt been an easy 2 1\2 months, i'm getting very worried that if i dont concieve this cycle (my third one) then there is something wrong, I had very regular cycles and ovulated around the same time before i had DD but i certainly have had some wacky cycles so far.

i'd love to join you :)
Hello, everyone! DH and I are also TTC baby #2. I'm so excited :) We'll be starting our very first cycle this month. Our DD is about to turn 2 and we're finally feeling ready for another one. It took us 5 months to conceive her, so we'll see.... Good luck to all of you ladies! :dust:
Hello ladies! I'm ttc #2 as well. First official cycle trying. Last month was NTNP. I have a 9 months old daughter and hoping to have a small age gap. Baby dust to all. Hope September is our month!
almost!! i got an almost positive OPK and a flashing smiley face on clearblue soo we DTD last night, we will again tonight, and night after then i am DONE!

we have BD on CD 11,12,13,14,15,17 and now we are gunng do the 18+19, i almost dont even wanna do they 19th to give us a break
Im on CD 11.. is anyone taking anything or everyone ttc naturally? Im doing a combo cycle (clomid cd 2-6 and then follistim days 7,8 and 9).. anyone tried this before?
Wow soo lovely to have so many respond ! I am not charting or anything like that we basically just dtd every other night and hope for the best :) not in a huge rush for #2 I am only 21 and my lg only 16 months but would be lovely if happened soon I can't get my head round all the charting lol xxx😳
Mcvo you lucky thing :) years of babies ahead of ya ! You can have a whole football team ;) I'm under time pressure lol ...... So I'm hoping it will happen sooner rather than later lol even though LO,is only 6 months :) its great so many are on here sharing :) I see lots BFP,in our future :)
Waiting to ovulate over here (probably mid/late next week). This will be our very 1st cycle trying for baby #2. :happydance:

Our DD turns 2 next month and it took us 5 months to conceive her. Back then, we took a relatively relaxed approach for the first 4 cycles (just monitoring my CM and watching for O twinges) but month 5 was the one where we used Pre Seed and a digital OPK. It seemed to do the trick, so we'll be using both from the get-go this time!

Sending positive thoughts to all of you ladies! Hopefully we get our BFPs soon :)
Hi everyone.
I'm ttc #2 since before christmas. Dd is 19 months old now and I'm 35. It took four ish cycles to conceive our daughter.
But I feel stupid as I've only just learned about how to tell when you ovulate etc.
This is my first cycle using opks. Got a positive today so I guess the tww starts in a few days. It's actually quite exciting.
So where is everyone in their cycle ? Anyone in the Tww ?

Almost ( think). Our approach to ttc is quite relaxed and laid back. I can't be bothered to temp and chart and identify when i ovulate as I think it would stress us out too much. We're DTD every 2-3 days throughout my cycle up to a point when i think it's unlikely that I'm still fertile. I have a regular 28 day cycle so assume I ovulate between days 12-17 of my cycle. It might have happened yesterday as I had a pain in my side and feel bloated. We've DTD three times since I came off my period and will try and do so tomorrow and possibly Monday just to cover us. Although, we've just come down with a stomach bug so I don't know whether we'll feel like it :growlmad:
Love hearing about all the different approaches to ttc :) temping is not working for me this month as I'm awake at all hours with LO ... I've a regular 28 day cycle so think ill just bd alot between cd10 and 15 ;)
I'm just coming Into our 4th cycle now. Currently CD3. Concieved my daughter cycle #5 so hopefully it will happen soonish! Trying to keep positive anyway. Baby dust to all :dust:
Hi everyone hope you don't mind me joining in?
We are also in our first month of TTC #2 we already have a 7yo dd! We weren't even trying for her she was a lovely surprise. I am 29. I have been pretty relaxed in that I just listened to my body re ov. We bd from CD 9-14. I have to say I'm am in the midst of my ttw and its killing me!! 9 days til AF is due! I feel unbelievably nauseous (something I suffered terribly with dd) and had a bit of cramping and bloating I am sooooo dying to test this weekend . I don't know what to do??
Great to have found this thread x
Hi everyone, I'm 31 and have a 13 month kid daughter. Just got my period back last week so very excited to ttc number 2! Last time took 10 cycles (was very irregular). This first period has lasted 6 days but hopefully I will still ovulate, what do you guys think, ovulate on first cycle? I wish all of you well, plenty if you getting into the tww!!! Very exciting :):) I was a bit stressed with ttc my first, hopefully will be more relaxed this time around :)
Hi gals :) Our little princess is 13mo and we're hoping to conceive a baby sister for her. Of course scared of idea of 2 children!!!

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