Same thing here. Hubby used to want to DTD soooo often that I was annoyed. In January he gave in to TTC and we quit using the pull-out method. For the first time in about 4 years he seemed nervous during sex?! In January I was not doing ANYTHING to track O or calculate. We simply decided we'd "try" and even that was affecting his performance. There were a few times he was not able to finish and we had NEVER even discussed ovulation or anything.
In Feb I started using OPK. He knew I was using them but we never talked about it. I tried to get him to BD when I knew O was close and he had an excuse every time. I tried everything I could. Wearing lingerie, seducing him, nothing worked. It was like he was on a subconscious defense mode. The day I got my +OPK he still was resisting and I broke down crying. I told him I'd had the +OPK and we had not done any BD. He apologized and we managed to BD, but he was clearly uncomfortable.
After AF arrived, I asked him if he'd rather know the days that we needed to be sure to BD or if he'd rather not know at all. He said I could tell him ahead of time. So just estimating from cycle days, I threw out that the dates we'd need to do it. (CD8, 10, 12, 13, 14.) Well he still doesn't initiate and I have to "work for it" but he at least doesn't make excuses now. And I can tell he is still nervous, it's not like it used to be before we were TTC.
I asked him yesterday if he does want a baby. (We had already agreed we wanted 2 kids and we are both turning 30 this year.) He says he does but my using OPK & BBT freaks him out a bit. I said if I can predict the best days to do it, them why not do that? He did agree, but I think, just him being a guy, he kind of assumed baby making would be care free. I am sure the NTNP would be much more appealing to him, but I want it to happen quickly due to my age.
Anyway, I can certainly tell that he's getting better and more confortable as time goes on. Hopefully your man will, too.