Help & Support!!! Not Criticism..Im going to do it and U can do it with me if u want.

good luck! I thought quitting would be easy when I got pregnant...couldn't have been more wrong. I was in Vegas at the time I found out (total nightmare trying to quit in Vegas of all places lol!) and my OH hid the cigarettes but I found them! so I kept on sneaking off to different floors of the hotel to have a sneaky one lol. then one time OH came unto the hotel room, I wasn't there, he came back to the elevators just as I was getting off, smelling of smoke and shame lol! I eventually quit although I have had a few when my nana died. anyway just wanna wish u luck, u can do it! xxx
good luck! I thought quitting would be easy when I got pregnant...couldn't have been more wrong. I was in Vegas at the time I found out (total nightmare trying to quit in Vegas of all places lol!) and my OH hid the cigarettes but I found them! so I kept on sneaking off to different floors of the hotel to have a sneaky one lol. then one time OH came unto the hotel room, I wasn't there, he came back to the elevators just as I was getting off, smelling of smoke and shame lol! I eventually quit although I have had a few when my nana died. anyway just wanna wish u luck, u can do it! xxx

Thanks and Well done on quitting..OH hiding them Ive had my one do that before because I asked him to..:dohh: it wasnt a hard treasure hunt when i came to looking for them:haha:
Hey Sisters,

Im packing it in Smoking that is...I need help..(sisterly encouragement) not patches not inhalers, gums etc..I need moral support...Im going cold turkey & Im starting tomorrow morning.(Done it before & started again:wacko:)

Im not here for criticism & (No offence) I dont want anyone telling me about my bubbas health..dont want anyone to tell me Im unfit/dont care Ratata:thumbup:

So if anyones in the same boat and wants to quit you can join me Im going to be posting how Im getting on...Im a really bad quitter & my will power is 0 (in everything)..:dohh:

So ladies wish me luck Ive been a smoker since 14 quit in my 1st pregnancy and started again, :shrug: smoked throughout my second pregnancy and quuit in the last month of my 3rd for 8 months and started again:cry:

This time Its for good :winkwink: I really want to quit cant afford it and cant walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath...Ive been smoking between 3 & 5 a day throughout this pregnancy was 10 a day before I found out I was preggo...Im having my last one tonight and thats it Im done with Smoking..

So help and advice Not Criticism and would love for some ex smokers to give hint and tips how they fought through the cravings etc..

Thanks for reading if you got this far x x x x :flower::kiss::kiss:

hi no my darling i wouldnt judge you either its bloody hard isnt it im an ex smoker now im addicted to chocolate and crisps! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:thumbup:
Morning mummymia... Welcome to day 3 for you! And day 2 for me :) Cravings haven't been bad at all yet... I even watched my OH roll a cigarette this morning without wanting to lunge for him and snatch it haha.

I found day 3 the hardest last time when I quit, no idea why, but I was so moody, grouchy and the cravings were aweful for me, sending you so many positive vibes :D

MissIntrigue - Quit when you are ready hun, It's so much harder to do when you just don't feel ready in yourself to give up the habit. I've been trying to quit all through this pregnancy, got myself off the aweful things for a week but stupidly had one for some silly reason and started up again, biggest mistake I've made yet (bar starting in the first place).
There are a lot of condescending people around BUT there are also a lot of people who will genuinly help you instead of judging! Do you have any support at home in quitting?! xxx

Afternoon 05mummy07,

Day 3 is taking its toll I had doctors this morning, came home got kids bathed, dressed and fed and went to sleep Ive just woke up a abit ago, so havent had the chance to crave yet:happydance:

Today is really challenging though as Im snapping at OH for no apparent reason I even got an apology for him telling me to clean up and now he doesnt care if the house is a mess and he dont mind if I dont do it:haha:

I was reading the NHS quit app earlier and it said somewhere in there "Treat yourself at the end of the first quit week" The only treat I could think of was having a ciggie....:blush:

:thumbup:& girl u must have some willpower if you sat there watching your OH coz if that was me :shrug:

How u keeping up so far today???..OH has taken DD2 out for a bit so Im thinking I may as well make a start on the cleaning. x x x

My poor OH can't do anything right today :( I'm snapping at him left right and center. Right now he's shut himself away in our little girls room painting it and just staying out of my line of fire lol. He understands, but it doesn't half make me feel bad. He's done quite well too, since I've not had a cigarette he's cut down loads! :happydance:

I need to make a start on cleaning too, but I need to collect the kids in 45mins so it can bloody well wait for a bit, Not to mention there's nothing I can do in the living room as all little madams stuff is piled in there whilst her room is being done. :dohh:

Glad you've not given in! I was so tempted earlier to get OH to roll me one, but just walked away instead and read a bit of my book :)

Keep up the brilliant work, you must be starting to notice a difference now breathing wise and taste wise ? I definitely am and it's only day 2! xx
Good luck and you can do it!! I gave up 4 years ago after trying everything under the sun (you name it, i'd tried it!) I eventually quit with patches and the inhalator thingy and by god it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life so I know what you are going through.

They do say that you are more likely to succeed using some form of help so it may be worth calling your NHS stop smoking service for a bit of support, help etc. I used mine and they were really FANTASTIC!

You will have some really really tough days when you will think f*ck it but just hang on in there and the cravings will pass and as the days and weeks go by, the cravings will get shorter and shorter until you don't notice them, trust me. And as long as people are patient with you and understand you will have rants and mood swings etc, you'll be just fine don't you worry. x x x When you look back, you will realise that quitting the fags was the BEST decision you ever made x x x
Eugh what a sodding aweful day, been miserable as anything today, really craving a cigarette but proud to say I've not given in.

Had about 5 breakdowns today, just locked myself in the toilet each time and cried my eyes out, Been properly biting my OH's head off, and when he retaliates it just makes me cry.. Alright for him still puffing away :(

Hope your day was a little better hun, onto day 4 for you tomorrow :) xx
Well done ladies. I quit on 6 May when I got my BFP and at first i found it easy and it got harder and harder as the pregnancy wore on. It was hard when I didn't really feel pregnant, couldn't feel the baby and was just looking fat - it felt like I didn't know why I had quit!

Someone said to me once about quitting smoking, and its really worked for me, get through 3 days, then 3 weeks, then 3 months. Before you know it you'll be smoke free!

Really hoping I don't start again once I've had LO.

Good luck!
Eugh what a sodding aweful day, been miserable as anything today, really craving a cigarette but proud to say I've not given in.

Had about 5 breakdowns today, just locked myself in the toilet each time and cried my eyes out, Been properly biting my OH's head off, and when he retaliates it just makes me cry.. Alright for him still puffing away :(

Hope your day was a little better hun, onto day 4 for you tomorrow :) xx

Aww bless you hun, try to keep up the good work...OHs just do not get it at times:dohh:

Ive been craving a ciggie all day as well, but today rinsing my mouth with mouthwash from time to time was helping. I really hope we can keep this up...

A big well done to you on ending day 2 smoke free, and I think its only going to get easier from here I think the first few days (or even fags you miss) are the hardest.:hugs::hugs: Plz try not to stress wish u all d best.. x x x
I am trying to kick my bed time cig habit, well my e-cig habit. I can get through the day easily, just that lull before bed with my cup of tea and a few mins with my e-cig (or a roll up on occasions.

Good Luck.
I am trying to kick my bed time cig habit, well my e-cig habit. I can get through the day easily, just that lull before bed with my cup of tea and a few mins with my e-cig (or a roll up on occasions.

Good Luck.

Hey hun Good Luck, give up when and if you feel ready.....and Lucky you, that you can just smoke one a day I wish I could do that (or not smoke at all and suffer like i am doing now):blush:

But I WILL overcome!!!!:wacko:

What is an e-cig? by the way?
e-cigs are the electronic ones :) I had one but didn't think much to it personally, would rather go without!

Annnnyway how are you this morning my lovely? Have you got much planned this weekend to keep you busy?
I haven't, BUT woken without a craving this morning which is brilliant :dance: the worst times for me are morning, after a meal, and before bed. But so far so good :)

Keep up your good work hun xx
e-cigs are the electronic ones :) I had one but didn't think much to it personally, would rather go without!

Annnnyway how are you this morning my lovely? Have you got much planned this weekend to keep you busy?
I haven't, BUT woken without a craving this morning which is brilliant :dance: the worst times for me are morning, after a meal, and before bed. But so far so good :)

Keep up your good work hun xx

Morning hun,

so happy for you..Im still getting the odd craving and its doing my nuts,,...My fave ciggies were morning ones after meal ones & tmi (toilet) ones...:haha::blush:

Ive been ok so far this morning but I am absolutely dreading tonight:growlmad: because on a Saturday OH goes out with his mates and I like to relax, chill out whilst the kids are in bed and that involves having a ciggie...:dohh:

Havent got much planned for the weekend lazy day today (might pop down to the in laws later) if i can be bothered and tomorrow me thinks will be a pyjama day. :winkwink:
Hey Sisters,

Im packing it in Smoking that is...I need help..(sisterly encouragement) not patches not inhalers, gums etc..I need moral support...Im going cold turkey & Im starting tomorrow morning.(Done it before & started again:wacko:)

Im not here for criticism & (No offence) I dont want anyone telling me about my bubbas health..dont want anyone to tell me Im unfit/dont care Ratata:thumbup:

So if anyones in the same boat and wants to quit you can join me Im going to be posting how Im getting on...Im a really bad quitter & my will power is 0 (in everything)..:dohh:

So ladies wish me luck Ive been a smoker since 14 quit in my 1st pregnancy and started again, :shrug: smoked throughout my second pregnancy and quuit in the last month of my 3rd for 8 months and started again:cry:

This time Its for good :winkwink: I really want to quit cant afford it and cant walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath...Ive been smoking between 3 & 5 a day throughout this pregnancy was 10 a day before I found out I was preggo...Im having my last one tonight and thats it Im done with Smoking..

So help and advice Not Criticism and would love for some ex smokers to give hint and tips how they fought through the cravings etc..

Thanks for reading if you got this far x x x x :flower::kiss::kiss:

eh? non smoker trapped in a smokers body hows it going? from poppytal pope
Hey Sisters,

Im packing it in Smoking that is...I need help..(sisterly encouragement) not patches not inhalers, gums etc..I need moral support...Im going cold turkey & Im starting tomorrow morning.(Done it before & started again:wacko:)

Im not here for criticism & (No offence) I dont want anyone telling me about my bubbas health..dont want anyone to tell me Im unfit/dont care Ratata:thumbup:

So if anyones in the same boat and wants to quit you can join me Im going to be posting how Im getting on...Im a really bad quitter & my will power is 0 (in everything)..:dohh:

So ladies wish me luck Ive been a smoker since 14 quit in my 1st pregnancy and started again, :shrug: smoked throughout my second pregnancy and quuit in the last month of my 3rd for 8 months and started again:cry:

This time Its for good :winkwink: I really want to quit cant afford it and cant walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath...Ive b

een smoking between 3 & 5 a day throughout this pregnancy was 10 a day before I found out I was preggo...Im having my last one tonight and thats it Im done with Smoking..

So help and advice Not Criticism and would love for some ex smokers to give hint and tips how they fought through the cravings etc..

Thanks for reading if you got this far x x x x :flower::kiss::kiss:

eh? non smoker trapped in a smokers body hows it going? from poppytal pope
It's going tough very tough but I'm gonna stay strong n get thru. This xxx
You're bound to get cravings, it's how we deal with them that matters :) and you're doing fab!

I hit a hurdle earlier, but so pleased to say I made it over... My mums OH popped round to see what he could help us with tomorrow decorating wise, and he ALWAYS offers me cigarettes and buys me packs etc, I was dreading him coming... And as soon as I made him a cup of tea he offered me a cigarette.. I was literally fighting the urge to just snatch it and run off and hide with it haha, but I declined and told him I was on day 3 of not having touched one, so he did the honourable thing and went to his car to smoke :) My OH was so proud of me for turning it down and not just giving in!

Oooh a lazy day sounds good... But not going to happen for me unfortunately lol, got decorating to do tomorrow, as well as cleaning and an aweful amount of dirty washing to get through! Plus cleaning out the ferrets ... FUN!
Morning, how are you? xx

:cry::cry:Im absolutely guttered screwed up last night, :growlmad: let em get the best of me...AWw I feel like such a loser..Yep last night I had 3 fags:cry::cry:

I feel like such a idiot, because this is exactly what happend last time I quit...I only smoked 2/3 on a Saturday night for a few weeks then gradually got more so rather tahn wean myself off I was weaning myself on.. :growlmad:
Im really pissed with OH as when I asked him to get some I was expecting a a lecture alongside a big fat NO!! But he just casually turned around and said ok but only for tonight.:shrug:
But todays another day and so far Im cig free and OH has put the rest of the box in his mates flat a 15 min walk away so I aint gna go there and he aint gna bring them..

GRRRR Im so angry with myself....

How are you keeping 05mummy07??? & hows it going so far??
Don't feel too bad, slip ups might happen! Get your OH to get rid of them so there's no temptation and tell him he's not to go and get you ciggies!

My friend was here the other week, was having a couple a day when she was then bought a pack when she left. Promised myself something lovely if I didn't smoke, so I got this which I definetely couldn't be able to afford as well as £4 on fags a day! If I smoke before it comes (won't be till end of next week I recon) then it's to go right back.

How about setting a target and giving youself a treat?
Don't feel too bad, slip ups might happen! Get your OH to get rid of them so there's no temptation and tell him he's not to go and get you ciggies!

My friend was here the other week, was having a couple a day when she was then bought a pack when she left. Promised myself something lovely if I didn't smoke, so I got this which I definetely couldn't be able to afford as well as £4 on fags a day! If I smoke before it comes (won't be till end of next week I recon) then it's to go right back.

How about setting a target and giving youself a treat?

Thanks hun, I need/have to do something like that..and by the way that bag is boom u deserve it...and itsa worth quitting for xx x OH os getting it in the neck from me today for getting them. Poor soul cant do right for wrong:dohh:

And well done you on not going back... x x x
Don't feel bad, slip ups happen!

Eh I'm not too bad, could murder one but just trying to think of other things instead lol. Getting myself a Yummy Mummy baby changing bag, couldn't afford that if I was still buying fags!

Another tough day today as my mums OH was round for about 6 hours stripping the walls for me ready to decorate and he's a heavy smoker.. Was so tempted numerous times to just say sod it, but thankfully he had menthols with him today haha and no matter how desperate I am for a cigarette.. I'm not THAT desperate!!

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