Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Love Hawaii, best place ever. I know hubby and I plan to take vacations even with children, we'll just pack them up with us. But for romantic get aways it's true, grandparents:haha:

That would be nice if it was wasted money. I still haven't bought any hpt's but I might tomorrow, I can't really decide. My mind says I'm not pregnant and I don't particularly feel hopeful right now so I'm just not sure what to do. I don't even have my usual after O symptoms. The cm has gone down to not much, but that may be the weird medications I'm not taking because of the hives.

Mostly ready for Christmas, tomorrow we're going into town to spend some shopping fun with DH's family so if there is anything I'm forgetting we'll be getting it tomorrow lol. I threw in the towel for the sewing projects, I just have no patience and fabric is icky to me right now. But I did finish DH's crochet throw blanket and I'm really excited about it! I made one set of sugar scrubs but they were too oily so I need to change the ratios, but with the hives I haven't wanted to play with it:haha:
Are we ready for Christmas now?! Because ready or not here it comes!! Can't believe it's almost here.. I'm so ready to know how your doing!! Keeping FX and everything hoping with all the wind in the air its blowing lots of baby dust your way!! How are you feeling? How was your weekend?

I'm 7 DPO I ate some pineapple the last couple days.. Heard that works better if you eat it from 1DPO -5DPO.. But seeing how I didn't even know when I O'd figured id eat little bit any way.. Not feeling much right now.. I kinda feel like i have to go to the bathroom often kinda makes me feel like I'm getting a bladder infection.. Ugh.. I sure hope not.. and I'm feeling a slight pain of some sort close to the left side of my stomach.. So just waiting :coffee: I figured out AF is do the day my bestie comes in town for new years.. Would be so awesome to get a BFP while she was here!!
Almost ready for Christmas, I need to run out and pick up 3 gifts cards, a 6 pack of beer and a growler. Oh and items needed for a veggie platter, I'm going all out and preparing our own instead of buying one because DH wants loads of pita and hummus to go with the veggies lol.

The weekend went excellent, loads of family fun and last night DH and I went to Zoolights and dinner to celebrate 4 years since our first kiss:cloud9: Tomorrow night we'll be heading to the in laws for Christmas and I'm looking forward to it. Today is 13dpo, still no breast tenderness and have had cm here and there but not enough to really call it anything. I had mild cramping when I woke up this morning but it's stopped by this afternoon:shrug: Maybe no signs is a good sign? We'll see tomorrow. DH thinks I should wait to test until the day after Christmas day that way I would be 2 days late.

Wow your 2ww has flown by, I can't believe you're 7dpo already! You're halfway there :) I'm having to pee a ton too, it's so annoying. And every time I go, it feels like I'm in there ages just peeing! DH said it just means I'm finally drinking enough water:haha: I hope you don't have a bladder infection, those are the worst. Maybe the pains and frequent urination is a good thing:thumbup: I hope you get your bfp while your friend is in town! That would be super exciting :)
6pk of beer :haha: I know a few people who would love that :haha: home made veggie trays are the best!! We do that almost every time we have some type if get together.. I've only tried hummus once.. It wasn't bad..

Zoolights sounds awesome!! They light up the zoo for Christmas?? I bet that's beautiful!! And yay for 4yrs since your first kiss.. That's so sweet!!! :cloud9:
I think no sign is a great sign especially if it means no sign of AF... Ugh hubby gonna kill me to wait 2 days longer :haha: but he has a point.

I don't think it's a bladder infection mainly because when I got it doesn't hurt nd I always go at least a little bit.. Not just a trickle or so.. So maybe those are good signs for both of us..

I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and I really can't wait to hear all about your Christmas!! Just incase I don't have to get on tomorrow I hope you and your hubby have a very Merry Christmas.. Ill be thinking about ya :) keeping FX
Haha, so nice that for some people a 6 pack of beer is an excellent gift:thumbup: He's also getting a gift card to his and SIL's favorite brewery because they can share that together so I was willing to spend more.

LOVE hummus, seriously the best. DH bought me sweet potato hummus last night, can't wait to dig into that.

Zoolights is amazing, most of the animals are off in their night time areas but they surround the place with lights so you stroll on through and see pretty decorations and displays they make. We missed santa scuba diving with the sharks this year, but we'll plan to see him next year lol.

Many happy wishes of Christmas to you and Amber :) I hope you enjoy time with family and devour all the delicious holiday food your heart desires lol. I feel like I should fast tomorrow to make sure I have plenty of room for whatever MIL makes:haha:
Merry Christmas Girly!!! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!! I thought about you yesterday and Christmas eve :haha: Christmas eve I thought about you because I got a home salt scrub from my God mother it smell's like peppermint and she was telling me how she made it and it made me think of you :) and of course yesterday because I was wondering if you tested... I'm really keeping my FX for some good news from you!!!

Oh and that Zoolights sounds so amazing.. We have something called Celebration in the Oaks.. It's a big park with huge huge oak trees every where and they make it all pretty for Christmas.. I love love it!!

I'm kinda confused.. I'm 10 DPO and having none of my normal PMS symptoms, No sore BBs, No cramps So really have No clue :shrug: The only thing I'v had so far was a sharp pain by my left ovary early yesterday morning that lasted all day I felt it the worst when I walked.. It was bad enough that my family noticed the way I was walking and started to worry.. Told them if it lasted more then a few days I'll get it checked out.. Today it feels achy but doesn't hurt as bad as yesterday.. Temp jumped today and I' catching a cold blah... So just waiting and see what goes on the rest of this week.. I really want to test but of course to scared i'm going to see a BFN..
I saw this today on Facebook and started balling like a baby... Ugh :cry:


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Thank you for the Christmas wishes!! We did have a wonderful time and my in laws definitely spoiled me this year. Always happy to see them, and we'll be seeing them again this weekend so that will be nice. :)

Wow that sounds nice! Now that my hives are clearing up I want to try making scrubs again :) How gorgeous, I bet the oak trees are beautiful!

I hope that you get a bfp after this. Maybe the pains were a cyst:shrug: Cause they happen. Glad it lightened up though, how's it feeling now?

No af for me yet, she's now 3 days late. But I got a bfn this morning :cry: I'll test again in a few days if no af.
Still no af on this end. Had cramps this morning, but they've left since then... feeling pretty emotional today though so I have a feeling she's going to show by this evening.
I was just wondering.. I'm glad she hasn't showed yet.. I'm feeling pretty emotional my self

my temp dipped a bit today but couldn't help myself took a test BFN.. Sad and all went back to sleep woke up 6 hours later decided will take one more BFN not even a slight shadow of anything... AF due tomorrow I should start spotting today.. No cramps no soar bbs.. Nothing right now.. I just hope she shows on time... :cry:

I hate getting my hopes all up for this.. It makes me not even want to try any more :cry:
:hugs: Well, the good news is that you're not spotting yet! And no symptoms can totally be a good thing. Hang in there Ash, we'll see what tomorrow brings. It's really tough trying and not getting the results we want, but it'll happen. We just have to trek through this muck to get to the gold!

Today I'm 5 days late, I had to get up 3 times to pee through the night so there was no way I could test this morning. Dang bladder. Hubby and I joked no liquid after 9pm:rofl: If nothing happens today I'll be testing tomorrow if my bladder can keep it together through the night. And although I'm not having cramps Im thinking things are going to go red by this evening :(
5 days late is awesome.. Wish that damn BFP would show it's face already!! I agree with hubby no more drinking after 9 :haha: hey now your telling me to stay positive.. You need to as well.. I'm really hoping to see a BFP from you tomorrow..

I'm trying to stay positive even with not much of anything going on.. I felt a slight pinch in the middle of my stomach earlier... I've been crying off and on all day.. Stupid emotions ugh..
I guess all my tears were just pms. This morning brown spotting started and I'm having really sharp pains in my lower abdomen so I'm guessing at the latest af will be here tomorrow morning. Onto cycle 9 and into the new year. Thanks to long ass cycles I won't be due for testing until February. :cry:
:hugs: I'm sorry Hun... If it makes you feel better I'm in the same boat.. My temp dipped some more. Decided to hurt my feelings again an waste another hpt. And now brown spotting with mild cramps and back pain.. AF will deff show her stupid face tomorrow as well... This is the longest cycle of ever had 31 days... Every month they keep getting longer an longer started out at 27 now I'm up to 31 :wacko:

2014 will be better... It has to be :hugs: just know your not alone..
Well another temp dip for me this morning.. The brown spotting stopped so now I keep running back and forth to the bathroom waiting to see AF.. As of right now.. i'm not even spotting anymore :wacko: I hope she doesn't take he sweet ole time showing up..

Onto some positive notes.. My bestie will be here today, getting her from the airport when I get off work.. So I may be MIA for a week to spend time with her..

What are you doing for New Years? We will be going down town New Orleans an enjoying the festivities our crazy city has to offer for the night.. Seeing how I don't have a mini me to worry about guess I'll have me a drink to 2 as well..
I want to scream.. I'm so confused!!! 15DPO?!?!?!? WTH!! TMI ALERT!!!!! I'v been brown spotting on and off for 3 days now.. Temp drops for 3 days then takes a small jump this morning.. go to the bathroom and it's brown only when I wipe.. I have yet to see anything pink or red AT ALL... My cycles have NEVER gone past 13DPO... I temp drop, spot, AF like clock work every month.. LP always 13 no matter what. No cramps.. Well not AF cramps just a slight whatever it is on my left side, bb's are a bit soar and I'm kinda gassy and i constantly feel wet :wacko: I keep running to the bathroom thinking I'm starting and nothing is there.. My mind is boggled right now.. :wacko: My cold symptoms had subsided the last few days and now they are back full force.. Runny nose,can't stop coughing and clearing my throat.. I just wish this damn witch would do her dame thing so I can start over already!!
Finally!!! Thought she would never show up!

How are you feeling?
Sorry that this cycle has been crazy for you as well, judging by your finally comment (and I so agree!) and your ticker sounds like af caught you finally so even though you had a few extra days at least you're into the new cycle with me.

That's great your friend is in town :) Have an excellent time with them! I need to get back into contact with my friends, DH and I have been so busy with family through the whole month of December that I haven't seen any:cry: lol, I'll have to make a quick change of that soon! DH and I both have been wanting to go bowling for ages, I think we need to get a bowling party going.

I've been temping, and I hope I'm doing it right. I do it while I'm in bed, but is it weird I worry that I move too much when I'm fighting with the thermometer. I swear the one I bought is stupid, I have to hit the button multiple times because it likes to remind me of previous temps rather than just taking a temp right there! My temp has already fluctuated really weird so I'm worried I'm doing it wrong:dohh: Either way, I'll be getting OPK's on CD20 so both will be in use this time around! I'm doing better now that af is leaving, I was really gloomy for a few days.

How are you now that af has started?

Have a fun new years! Doing anything fun? DH and I decided just to stay in this year. We've been running around like crazy through the Christmas holiday so we're just going to snuggle to a movie and some tea. I think I'll bake a pie before he gets home :)
Hey girly!! Sounds like you had a nice New Years... We went downtown to watch the ball drop and fire works show.. Of course as soon as it hit midnight it started pouring down raining and it was sooooo cold.. Amber took her jacket off and made me ware it so I wouldn't get sick.. I was worried she would.. The things that make me fall more in love with her :cloud9:

My friend goes home today.. It was nice getting to spend time with her but man all the running around and such i'm just ready to relax now :haha:

don't feel bad.. I shuffle around alot also when trying to see if my thermometer is even on.. I think ours is related.. You will get the hang of it.. It took me a little while as well..

Alot has happened since my last post.. Due to my friend being in town I hav't temped like i should have been because of going to bed at all hours of the night :haha: But now I'm not really even worried about it.. Amber's job had to make cuts and she was one of them.. So now she's looking for another job :( So we decided to put TTC on hold for a while until she finds something new.. Because her stress level now is out the roof.. I can't handle her being stressed over work and money and then adding trying to have a baby on top of all that.. So. Everything happens for a reason right? :shrug: I'll still be here with you cheering you on.. So this month I know for sure will be out.. We will see what next month brings..
Sounds like you had a fun new years as well! How fun going out to see the ball drop :) We just watched it on tv, nice and warm lol.

I'm sorry to hear that Amber was included in the cuts at her job :( That's really rough. I think you two made the right decision on holding off on TTC while you get through this, the added stress wouldn't be very helpful. You and Amber will be in my thoughts and that an even better job will come along for her so you can get back in the baby making business and so the stress levels out:hugs:

Temping is so weird, my temps are seriously taking a nose dive... it looks worse then a stock market crash:dohh: Is that normal?


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