That's so true.. I think we all think, ok I waited like I was suppose to, now this is going to work first try and then by the 3rd try your like what the hell!!

and just get more discouraged as it seems to go on forever while the world around you is popping up prggo

.. Plus Amber doesn't like hearing about CM and all that stuff it makes her
Do some research on the saliva thing it may change his mind if he knows its hurting your chances.. But then again there was no "pre-seed" back in the day and obviously women still had babies. So

do what works best for you 2.
I know were both very lucky.. I hate reading how some ladies OH don't even care if they TTC and I even think I'v read a few where they were actually TTC with out the OH even knowing or finding out that OH doesn't even want to have a baby.. Honestly Amber didn't want kids at first because she had been through so much with her ex.. She was with her ex for 7 years the girl cheated on her some many times it was unreal.. Well she of course fell preg twice and Amber being Amber stuck around and raised those kids then they broke up and I think the oldest one was 4 or 5 and the little girl was 2 and her ex used the kids against her and then told her they were never her kids and on and on it was just big sad thing.. So took me FOREVER to make her see that I'd NEVER do that to her.. Sad part after all that the dumb ass got her kids taken from her.. She was awful to them kids they would have been better off with Amber. She has come along way with all this.. We went to the store yesterday and it was the first time she actually stood there and watched me pick out OPK's and help me find the Pre-Seed and it was kinda cute because she kept saying funny stuff then when I was picking out my OPK's both stores we went to was out of the ones I normally get they only had the 20 pk of just the strips I never really used them before but i was going to get them because it was the brand im use to. Amber was trying to talk me into getting the off brand and I finally gave in to them, then we were walking away and she looks at me and goes "Go get the 20 pk" and I was like are you are sure she said yeah I turned around and giggled and she heard me she goes I heard that

and started laughing and she said you just knew you was going to get what you wanted huh all I could do was smile
Oh my god!!! I can't sew to save my life let alone crocheting

and I'v ironed one thing in my entire life and yeah my poor Daddy had to go buy a new button down white shirt before the wedding we was going to

. You are very crafty! Now I can cook. I love cooking! but amber loves to cook also, So she does it more then I do.. I'm ok with that!
I don't think you need OPK's because even with DTD every 2 or 3 days you got yourself covered.. Those little guys live at least 3 days so it's like your replenishing the waters every couple days your chances sound promising. I think i just fell in love with you hubby

He sounds so sweet.. But i kinda expected that because your really sweet as well for some reason I couldn't imagine you being with some brute of a man, know what I mean... I guess that's where I really think Pre-Seed would work for us, Because there is no DTD when we AI.. the whole thing grosses Amber out so it's not like its a turn on or even sexy in any type of way.. So i'm hoping maybe the pre-seed will our little guys that extra ummmmmm CM or whatever they need to get where there going..
Well since I have 20 OPK's now

I'll start using them today.. I opened the box of pre-seed just to see what it looked like and oh my god the syringes that come with it look so funny and they are so long!! If that doesn't reach my cervix nothing will

(TMI!!!!!!) Amber was like holy crap is that going to go that far in and I was like its about the length of a tampon and shes like no way that's longer but don't worry well make sure you get it all the way up there.. I nearly died when she said that

So here we go!
How are you feeling? do you think you O'd yet?