Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Haha thanks for the noon update! Although I didn't get it until 10pm my time:dohh: Lol. I think it's good so far that there's just cm and no color!

Pies have me pooped out. I've got a pumpkin, an apple, cinnamon rolls and now I've got two more apple pies left. So tired. Lol, I really should have done this yesterday, oh well. :hugs: Of course! I'm glad we have each other to keep ourselves through this roller coaster of ttc!!:hugs:

Hope that no af tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how tomorrow goes and what the test holds on Friday!!

Happy Thanksgiving :)
Brown spotting today...ill enjoy turkey day and plan for next month..
Brown spotting today...ill enjoy turkey day and plan for next month..

:hugs:I'm so sorry Ash, next month will be better. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Amber - soak up the wine and stuff yourself all day with yummy food!
Thank you :hugs: Happy Thanksgiving to you and your hubby :) I hope your day was awesome. Mine was really nice.. Lots n lots of food and spent time with the family is always a good time..

My chest aches right now with sum soar ness and my back hurts I'm tired from all festivities I'm sure but :witch: never showed yet had really light brown spotting off and on today only saw pink once way earlier and very very light cramping.. I feel some pressure on my lower left side.. So my guess she will show tomorrow..
Well temp dropped today so :witch: should be well on her way...
Ok Ash this is it!! We're getting our BFP for Christmas!! I'm going to try this preseed stuff I been reading about and maybe talk amber into getting some of those cups that hold the baby juice in longer (god that sounds gross) :haha: . O is do on the 13th or 14th and :witch: is due again on the 27th.. Ill take a late Christmas gift and celebrate the new year with a peanut! We got this!! :dance:

I'm going to be random and say thank you.. I know I said how thankful I am to have you as a support.. But I'm going to say it again.. I got bored and went back to my first post and you was one of the First Ladies to welcome me to on BnB and your the only one that stuck around.. Kelx got her BFP and I guess made her way to that part of that forums... Can't blame her, I hope she's doing well and other ladies chimed in here and there then slowly faded out.. But your always there.. Thank you
This is what I was reading about Pre Seed.. Have you thought about trying it?

Found a thread on it with actual BnB ladies that used it with success

I know I'm just posting away today
Thank you! It was a wonderful Thanksgiving :) We spend the whole weekend with DH's family so it was a real treat.

So sorry that af got you, but at least it wasn't a major disappointment... at least I hope it wasn't :hugs: It was a very busy cycle and I think the next one will be much much better! Definitely keeping hopeful for bfp's at Christmas time!!

I've noticed that ladies often have left after they get their bfp. And I do hope they're doing well, I know Kelx had a rocky start once she got her bfp but I bet she's doing well now with her little bean :) I'm happy to be here and I'm glad we can keep each other sane haha. It's quite the craze of baby making.

Preseed seems to be a good thing to be using, although DH and I haven't used it yet. Maybe we will next cycle if this one doesn't rule in our favor. This may be tmi but DH just uses his spit:shrug: It's cheaper than lube:rofl: And I know there's lots of nay sayers on here that say that saliva kills sperm but I haven't actually researched it myself.
Oh YAY!! your back! :dance: :haha:

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!! :) Spending time with family is usually always fun!

Yeah it was no big shocker.. I mean of course there is always that small pinch of hope that you could be wrong but yeah for the most part I already knew :shrug:

I hope they are all doing well also, I'm glad your here also :hugs: It's nice to talk to someone about all this but it also just nice to talk.. Amber ask me the other day when I was posting on here, She was like I never thought you could have so much to say about trying to have a baby and I laughed an was like that's not all we talk about so I read her a few of our conversations and she was laughing because We was talking about how clumsy each other was :haha:

I actually did read that about the saliva killing sperm.. I must have read and researched the pre seed for 3 days straight had to finally just say ok were going to try it so leave it alone :haha:

I was actually shocked Amber brought up the pre seed yesterday asking questions about it and if i read any more about it so we talked about that for a bit and I said so I think were going to try that and OPK's and she was like ok sounds good.. Now the reason I was so shocked Amber rarely EVER actually talks about the baby making process except when she voices how she feels about spending loads of money on it so that's kinda what I was waiting for when she asked how much it was and i said it was going to be around 40$ for both she was like ok maybe this will work.. I was happy :) and shocked lol. Actually she shocked me twice yesterday, She got in touch with the girl who did our pictures for our wedding and she setting up a session with her to take Christmas pictures to send out instead of regular cards this year.. I was like wow sounds like a good idea and she was all proud and said yeah you didn't see that coming from me huh.. I laughed and said nope :haha:

So did you start your projects yet? I'm sure not seeing how you just got home from your get away.. Crap i need to remember to show you that painting.. How are you feeling? Are you using OPK's yet? I like that your ahead of me it gives me something to look forward to until it my turn lol
Bahaha, I must say I agree with Amber:haha: When we got into ttc I had no idea it was so complicated and there was so much that could be said/vented about it. Totally unprepared for that aspect. And it's nice to talk about other things that I can't really say to others haha.

Well crap on the sperm killing, I may have to invest in preseed... although I think it may be too late for this cycle. I'm due to ovulate at some point this week:shrug: Plus DH doesn't really like using lube so I'm worried he'll get weird about it lol

I think after some time we get lucky when our OH's get more involved with ttc. There are plenty of OH's that don't, as I've read all about them on BnB. But DH is alright with me spending money on opk's and everything now, so maybe Amber is hitting the point where she wants to be more involved/proactive/supportive, however you want to see it :)

Christmas photos sound fun!! People have been pestering us for Christmas cards as we are newlyweds and apparently you're supposed to send those out:dohh: We have plenty of photos to upload from the family photoshoot we had and from our wedding, we'll see if I get around to actually making cards... Do you plan to write things in the cards or just photos and a simple Christmas wishes that you can get at Costco? I was thinking Costco but I dunno.:shrug:

Project wise I've mostly been working on a blanket I'm crocheting for DH - I'm almost a third done! Oh gosh, I'm worried I wont get it done in time haha. After this weekend I plan on making the sugar scrubs, and I might get around to the neck wrap and hand warmers today when I head over to my grandparents for lunch. My grandma promised to show me how to use her sewing machine. I'm only domestic in the kitchen, when it comes to ironing or sewing DH is out of luck:rofl: Thank goodness he knows how to iron.

To tell you the truth I'm getting nervous that we're having too relaxed of a cycle. We've bd twice since I started getting cm so that's good, we've been sticking to a every two to three days because every other day started to feel like work when we have so much going on. No opk's this cycle, DH wanted me using them but it just feels to stressful right now with the holidays and all the projects I'm sinking myself into. DH keeps making comments on how I need to get pregnant this cycle and keeps talking about parenting. Like if we have a girl he wants to teach her to not be shallow and enjoy the little things in life and if we have a boy how to be a gentleman and have a tender heart. I swear it's like I'm falling in love for the first time with him all over again:cloud9:
That's so true.. I think we all think, ok I waited like I was suppose to, now this is going to work first try and then by the 3rd try your like what the hell!! :growlmad: and just get more discouraged as it seems to go on forever while the world around you is popping up prggo :cry:.. Plus Amber doesn't like hearing about CM and all that stuff it makes her :sick: :haha:

Do some research on the saliva thing it may change his mind if he knows its hurting your chances.. But then again there was no "pre-seed" back in the day and obviously women still had babies. So :shrug: do what works best for you 2.

I know were both very lucky.. I hate reading how some ladies OH don't even care if they TTC and I even think I'v read a few where they were actually TTC with out the OH even knowing or finding out that OH doesn't even want to have a baby.. Honestly Amber didn't want kids at first because she had been through so much with her ex.. She was with her ex for 7 years the girl cheated on her some many times it was unreal.. Well she of course fell preg twice and Amber being Amber stuck around and raised those kids then they broke up and I think the oldest one was 4 or 5 and the little girl was 2 and her ex used the kids against her and then told her they were never her kids and on and on it was just big sad thing.. So took me FOREVER to make her see that I'd NEVER do that to her.. Sad part after all that the dumb ass got her kids taken from her.. She was awful to them kids they would have been better off with Amber. She has come along way with all this.. We went to the store yesterday and it was the first time she actually stood there and watched me pick out OPK's and help me find the Pre-Seed and it was kinda cute because she kept saying funny stuff then when I was picking out my OPK's both stores we went to was out of the ones I normally get they only had the 20 pk of just the strips I never really used them before but i was going to get them because it was the brand im use to. Amber was trying to talk me into getting the off brand and I finally gave in to them, then we were walking away and she looks at me and goes "Go get the 20 pk" and I was like are you are sure she said yeah I turned around and giggled and she heard me she goes I heard that :haha: and started laughing and she said you just knew you was going to get what you wanted huh all I could do was smile :)

Oh my god!!! I can't sew to save my life let alone crocheting :haha: and I'v ironed one thing in my entire life and yeah my poor Daddy had to go buy a new button down white shirt before the wedding we was going to :rofl: . You are very crafty! Now I can cook. I love cooking! but amber loves to cook also, So she does it more then I do.. I'm ok with that!

I don't think you need OPK's because even with DTD every 2 or 3 days you got yourself covered.. Those little guys live at least 3 days so it's like your replenishing the waters every couple days your chances sound promising. I think i just fell in love with you hubby :haha: He sounds so sweet.. But i kinda expected that because your really sweet as well for some reason I couldn't imagine you being with some brute of a man, know what I mean... I guess that's where I really think Pre-Seed would work for us, Because there is no DTD when we AI.. the whole thing grosses Amber out so it's not like its a turn on or even sexy in any type of way.. So i'm hoping maybe the pre-seed will our little guys that extra ummmmmm CM or whatever they need to get where there going..

Well since I have 20 OPK's now :haha: I'll start using them today.. I opened the box of pre-seed just to see what it looked like and oh my god the syringes that come with it look so funny and they are so long!! If that doesn't reach my cervix nothing will :rofl: (TMI!!!!!!) Amber was like holy crap is that going to go that far in and I was like its about the length of a tampon and shes like no way that's longer but don't worry well make sure you get it all the way up there.. I nearly died when she said that :rofl: So here we go!

How are you feeling? do you think you O'd yet?
Oh golly I know what you mean. Bahaha on the cm front, I said that once to DH and he was like "what are you talking about, that doesn't exist!":rofl:

Yeah, what about all those ladies who got pregnant in the dark ages? No such thing as lube... unless they used lard or something... ugh, most erase those thoughts.

That's rough that Amber went through that, I'm glad that she's willing to have children with you, especially now that you're married. Lol on the opks :) Glad you got the bulk pack:winkwink: Not wanting kids was a total deal breaker for me, but I lucked out and DH wants to be a daddy so badly :) He practically melted into a puddle when he saw an adorable baby at the store that giggled at him, so sweet:cloud9:

Nope, can't sew. But I'm going to give it a try:thumbup: Crocheting is easy, at least flat things are:haha: And that's what I stick to. You could totally teach yourself with youtube. When DH is working through the week I always cook, but when he has his days off either he'll cook or we do it together - thank goodness he's great at cooking! Dishes on the other hand... *ahem* He'll do them, but sometimes I have to rewash a dish or two that he didn't quite get everywhere. Bless him :)

Replenishing the waters:rofl: Oh gos. My hubby is so amazing, I don't know what I'd do without him! I've had some real shitty relationships but I'd go through all that hell again if it meant being with hubby in the end :)

Maybe the preseed would help them move about more, as that's what I've read it can help with. Like it's a waterslide for them to ride on haha.
That's freaky they come with syringes... so weird. I guess it helps get the grounds higher up ready for the swimmers. Interesting:haha:

The cramping in my side stopped but I'm having light af like cramps down low and in my thighs so I'm not sure what that's about... we'll dtd tonight and stay hopeful. I think maybe today will be O day if the pains have stopped and I'm having a bunch more of cm than I have in the last week.
omg :rofl: I can see now.. "The making of crisco" :haha:

Not wanting kids was a deal breaker for me to.. We talked about what each other wanted out of life before we ever officially got together.. I needed to make sure I was getting with someone who was goal oriented and wanted the same things in life that I wanted and she explained to me the about the kids situation and I told pleaded my case of course, how i'd never do that and she was awful and so on and she finally said that it may take her a bit but she would consider it.. That was fine with me I mean we were just starting to date at that point wasn't looking to have a baby right then :haha: after we were together for a year she said she wanted to have a family with me one day then a couple months later asked me to marry her. The rest is history :)

Ohh you have one of them too :haha: Loves to cook but can't seem to clean a dish :nope: So I usually just clean them for her as she goes. That way I don't have to do it later :haha: We made a breakfast pizza yesterday.. Oh my is it was sooooo good!! We haven't cooked together in a while, so it was nice.

I had some pretty crap relationships myself.. But honestly my last one wasn't bad at all.. Actually it was a great one we were together 7 yrs and I thought everything was fine and the poof one day out of no where it just went to hell.. I blamed myself for so long over it.. Because I'm pretty easy going and i put my feelings on the back burner.. My only complaint about my ex was we didn't spend much time together after she started a new job that was more demanding and instead of me putting my foot down and saying something.. I just let her work and do her thing because it made her happy I kinda figured when she had time for us we would do something.. Little did I know letting her work so much and not saying anything drove her closer to some bitch she worked with. I love Amber with all my heart and I'm happy but sometimes my past messes with my head.. Not in a way of missing my ex or anything, But in a I don't want to screw this one up kinda thing. :shrug: Crazy I know.

:rofl: your killing me today!! "waterslide" Now I see little :spermy: going WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :haha:

All my OPK's have been - but my one yesterday was the darkest so far so i'm thinking it should be darker today so we will get an AI in today. Then may do it every other day until O.. I had some twinges going on in my lower left side last night so guess I'm getting ready...

How are you feeling? You should be getting close to testing right?


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That's so sweet :) Glad all things worked out just lovely!:thumbup:

Wow breakfast pizza sounds amazing! We usually make waffles for breakfast on DH's days off but our waffle iron broke! Lasted me many years, poor thing. I hinted to MIL we need a new one for Christmas lol.

Eh, sounds like she was no big loss. If she could stray so easily she wasn't worth your time. You and Amber sound like the perfect match and are happy, and that's what counts!

The imagery still cracks me up. Judging by your ticker if you have 3 more days before you O today's should definitely start getting darker. AI every other day until O is a good plan. The twinges are seriously throwing me off! I almost feel like I shouldn't listen to them anymore lol. I had them last week so DH and I got busy, but now the last two days I've had a ton of cm and a twinge here and there. Hubby said to make up my mind what time is fertile:haha: But I told him considering we're in our early 20's we should be fertile all the time:dohh: If only.

I wont be testing until Christmas Eve, oh I dread it! I plan to wait until I'm late, but that would be Christmas day... so maybe I should wait until the day after Christmas? Geez if possible... I'm so worried that we haven't bd in 4 days that we've missed O day completely. My ticker votes it was supposed to happen yesterday, but my apps on my phone all say different dates. CM is hitting a lot this evening though so we plan to bd tonight when DH gets home from work and hope that it takes just once to get a bfp. But it might be too late already... I just don't know:cry:
Yeah she has her moments :cloud9:

Breakfast pizza was yummy.. Amber LOVES Waffles.. She has been begging for a waffle iron. I thought about getting her one for Christmas but man she wants all kind of other stuff.. I swear she is worse then having a kid some times :wacko:

We didn't get to AI the night before last because the donors work kept him late and I got kinda worried because yesterday morning when I temped it dipped so I was kinda freaking out because after the dip is the rise and that's the day you O.. So to know I could O well today now with no AI done at all yet I was upset.. It was cute Amber could see I was a bit down about not AI that night and she hugged me and said you know what bae.. It only takes once.. :cloud9: I love her..

We got to AI last night.. I used 1ml of Pre-Seed let it set for 15-20 min then we did AI and I propped up for about 30 min then called it good.. (TMI) Amber was kinda worried she said some of the baby juice was coming out.. She was all freaked out and what not because she was scared it was going to get on her :rofl: Then I felt bad because she was like I don't know what i'm doing wrong why is it coming back.. I don't think all of it came out. I just tried to prop up as much as I could.. So going to try and do it again today some time because yay my temp didn't rise it went down .01 so I'm still haven't't O'd yet.. I hope the pre-seed helped what made it in.. This stuff is so annoying sometimes..

Awe hun.. Tell you like Amber told me. It only takes once.. Have you tried temping yet? CM is always a good sign of being fertile.. I was getting confused because my temp dropped but I wasn't having any EWCM.. I finally got a little bit yesterday and I believe my OPK looked positive to me :haha: If you can try and BD today as well CM means your fertile.. So deff try and do it again if your still getting it today.. From everything iv read CM means O is in the next couple days.. This is our month.. I can't tell you to wait till your late this month because I already plan to test Christmas morning I just can't help myself I want to see BFP for Christmas.. AF is due for me on the 27th I should be 11 DPO on the 25th if I O on the 14th like FF say's I'll know more once my temp rises.. I hope I O soon so it doesn't push it back any further because even those 11 DPO is sometimes early I wont test any earlier then that because I know it would be to soon to tell.. We got this!!
No AI tonight had EWCM at work 4 hours later when I got home it looked creamy then a - OPK :wacko:

Guess we're both in the I hope one time really gets it boat.. It's crazy how excited you get over a month then be discouraged :( trying to stay hopeful
Ha, that's me. DH is like I just want love and world peace and I'm like get me all the loot!:rofl:

Sorry that you weren't able to AI until last night, Amber is very correct though, it only takes once! And that's what I'm hoping for this cycle too.

Yeah, DH isn't a fan that it does come back out of me haha, he stays clear of the area when that's happening. Pretty sure that whatever comes out is dead already, those are the swimmers that didn't make it up there initially so they die off but the rest keep swimming up so don't stress too much on it. Although propping yourself up for a little bit afterwards isn't a bad thing, I've started doing it now and then when I think of it lol.

While I was Christmas shopping today I picked up a thermometer, since we decided not to temp this cycle I ended up not getting one. But if we don't get a bfp on Christmas Eve I'll start temping and jump on that train with you. Sorry I don't have much pointers on the temping for you, but I'm not so sure on EWCM. To be honest I barely get it, I'll get cm but I wont get it like they show on creepy google pictures of ewcm so:shrug: Not sure what that means.

TMI but I don't know if I'm having cm today or not, I'm having stuff but it's mostly left over from bd last night:blush: it might be a mix of both though, who knows.

I really want to test on Christmas morning too, I am due on Christmas Eve so the morning of I would be late. 11dpo for you could still be early, but it is possible to hit a bfp by then! Definitely see what your temps do around that time before testing.

So here's a thought that ran through my head... if we got a bfp on Christmas morning, could I really keep it to myself and DH or would I end up blurting it out to DH's family since we'll be staying with his parents?

No AI tonight had EWCM at work 4 hours later when I got home it looked creamy then a - OPK :wacko:

Guess we're both in the I hope one time really gets it boat.. It's crazy how excited you get over a month then be discouraged :( trying to stay hopeful

Darn for not getting another AI in... but you definitely got one in close to your positive opk so I think you'll be just fine and you're definitely in the testing race:thumbup:
:rofl: loot would be nice...

I jumped out of bed and didn't temp :dohh: !! UGHHHH sometimes I wanna pull my hair out!! I needed to know this temp to know if I O'd ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :growlmad:

I just hope I didn't throw my FF off to much. I tried so hard and was so proud of myself for not missing any days and waking up right on time each morning.. What through me off was I washed clothes late last night and I know I put them in the dryer but I freaked out thinking they wasn't dry and i didn't want them to set and get that gross smell :( i'll check for CM today and see how my OPK come's out.. Depending on that is if I see if we can AI tonight or not

I dont get much EWCM either maybe one day out of a cycle if that I'll see a good bit of it but usually is very limited that's another reason I got the pre-seed..

have to switch computers ay work will finish in just a bit
Alarms might help with that lol. My thermometer should be here right before Christmas, so if need be I'll be able to start temping asap if you know who arrives. But, let's keep our fingers crossed she wont.

I think your FF will be alright, one day isn't the end of the world, right? :) We'll just see how your opk looks and when in doubt just AI! :haha:

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