Here we go AGAIN... TTC #1 take 7or 1? Lesbian couple..

Man I had the prettiest + OPK yesterday it was so dark and I didn't even have to question it.. But of course no freaking AI :cry: and temped raised today so I O'd last night or I O'd this morning.. I'm getting so frustrated with him.. He is a family friend but it's like damn dude I'm not asking you for this shit because I want to play with it :sick: So now I pretty much know I got 1 AI in 3 day before O :(... I'm not testing for Christmas any more because It's just like last month.. I'm not getting my hopes up.. I'm so upset and just so over it all honestly.. Amber tries to be tell me well we got one in.. But she just doesn't want to understand the process she questions me about why we even have to do it more then once.. It's like I get it you dress like a dude but your still a woman you have to know how this shit works right!!? I'm just so upset right now.. I think next cycle I'm going to give him one last shot but I think I'm going to start looking for a new donor.. :(

I hope you get your BFP Christmas morning.. that would be awesome.. you should tell your hubby then decide if you want to tell the family since you will be there.. Because yeah its going to be hard to hold good news in lol
So confused!! OPK yesterday was + :wacko: So I text my donor and said ok last shot this month.. Because I know there is no way in hell that my OPK will be + today and FINALLY through the grace of god he came through... So I know I got 2 AI's in one 3 days before O and day of or before O...

How are you?!! Are you having a good weekend?! How the christmas crafts coming along?! :)
I'm sorry Ash:hugs: Maybe it's time to look into finding a different donor. Could it be that because he's a family friend it's a lot more lax than it should be? Swimmers can live up to 5 days inside of us, so you managed to AI 3 days before O, that's pretty good! I think it's totally possible for a bfp and I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you! I'm sorry your upset, but enjoy the Christmas time with Amber and see how it goes. That's all we can do:hugs: Besides, if you gave it one more shot and got it the day of O or even after it's still a good timing! I feel hopeful for you still :)

Christmas cards are all addressed and ready to be sent out tomorrow morning! Crafting is going slowly, DH's gift is ALMOST done... I keep finding other things I have to do though lol. The sewing projects I haven't started, I'll probably do those tomorrow while I do laundry lol. I'm worried I'm getting a UTI or something. Last night I had pains in my low back and now today they've kind of moved to my front lower abdominal. I'm having a lot of cm right now, which I can't decide if that's a good thing or not. I had a moment this morning where I thought there is no way I could be O'ing NOW, it had to have happened already. But there's plenty of cm, so I'm feeling unsure. I think I should be 5dpo today? So maybe it's just that:shrug:

I've got myself on the fence over whether to buy hpt's or not for Christmas. Going into a store just to get hpt's right now just makes me laugh and I don't think I'll be having a chance to go shopping until the weekend again and we'll be shopping with DH's family:dohh:
OMG!! I'm losing my mind!!! I had the darkest OPK yesterday that I think i ever have had along with a crap ton of EWCM and of course Amber didn't want to do another AI.. I'm so happy I did it the night before.. But what the hell is going on!!!! My temp dropped again this morning.. I'm so freaking confused.. In all the months that i'v been trying I'v NEVER had this happen!!! :wacko: Guess ill see what today's freaking OPK looks like.. Now I'm really happy I got that 20 pk.

UGH I need to finish my christmas cards.. Working on the weekends kinda puts a stand still on doing much of anything when I get home because i'm so tired from having to get up at 3am to be at work for 4.. I usually nap.. So guess i'll be finding time to do that some time or another this week.. Wont start Christmas shopping until i get my good check this week.. Then I'll get the few little things I need..

I hope your not getting and UTI those things suck! Freaking CM is so confusing.. It doesn't seem like your relaxing much about it all this cycle like you were suppose to lol.. We never do when we say we are.. Sounds like your either going to either have to go with out the HPT or find a way to slip away from the in laws to buy one.. i had to do that with my SIL she tried so damn hard to see what was in my bag.. I finally lied and said it was lube :rofl: She was all grossed out I said well you wanted to know!
Another + OPK :wacko: I'm ready to pull my hair out with all this.. So confused..
Wow, glad you got the 20 pack for sure. I'm sorry your cycle is being crazy, but at least you got an AI in the other day. Could you get one in today just in case you're still waiting to O?

I just slapped a picture on a Costco Christmas card and had those printed, you get 54 of them for like $15 and it's super easy. Have fun Christmas shopping, I'm so glad I'm almost done. Today I'm running out just to pick up the last minute gift cards then I'm done. *whew*

Well, as of this morning I'm not so sure it's a UTI anymore. The back pain is gone but I'm still having minor pains in my lower abdomen, mostly concentrated at my left side. :shrug: It's weird, but I'm waiting it out before I call the doc because maybe it's just because I'm 6dpo and it's doing weird things? Still have cm, but I think I would call it creamy so I'm hoping it's not O. :rofl: That is too funny you told your SIL it was lube:rofl: I couldn't say that to my MIL!!

I think it would be great if you could AI again tonight and see how your opk looks tomorrow.
Yeah I wanted to AI tonight but of course Amber doesn't want to.. She said to wait and see.. Ugh.. Sometimes I wonder if she even really wants to do this.. We AIed 2 days ago so if I O today in fine but if tomorrow OPK is+ I swear I'm going to beg scream and cry to do it again...

We bought cards ( you know the box of 20 or so :haha: ) just need to finish filling them out.. Did you get your HPT while you was out?? :)

I'm glad you don't think it's a UTI anymore.. Iv been having those pains in my left side as well.. But I'm guessing my body is trying to O wish she would get it done already.. I've read that cm is good signs.. It's crazy how we look into every little thing lol.. 6DPO are you waiting till AF or are you oing to start testing at 10DPO??

Yeah I don't think d tell my MIL that either :rofl:
I'm sorry that Amber doesn't want to AI. Could you ask her if she minded you doing it yourself since it might be your O time? I hope that tomorrow isn't a positive opk that way you can move forward into the tww without having to worry about AI'ing anymore.

No hpt's for me yet, I manged to hold off on buying them lol. I'm hoping to try and wait until after Christmas... but we'll see how that goes knowing my track record:haha:

Our bodies are so mean. Giving us false clues lol. I'm pretty surprised that I'm 6dpo already, and I only know it because I looked at my ticker haha. I plan to wait until I'm late and not test early, and this time I think I'll be able to hold off on testing as long as there are no tests in the apartment!
Yea I'm ready for my temp spike.. If its + tomorrow ill beg for an AI if I have to.. It sucks that I have to beg.. She says she wants a baby how does she think they happen :wacko: but some of the ladies on here are kinda scaring me saying PCOS causes these + OPKs so I'm really hoping that I'm just late Oing or hell 2 eggs popped out I don't know something other then that :(

Very good.. You can do it.. I think I'll just wait till I'm late to.. If I O tonight I should AF on the 27th.. Really wanted to test Christmas morning though lol

But that always helps to not have any.. I have one... I read a lot of stuff on google about OPK picking up pregnancy.. I thought about it.. I know it sounds crazy but I almost wanted to take it since I keep getting these dark as hell OPKs.. But AF showed up and my temps are so low that's what keeps me from doing it.. But I've read about ladies having a period while pregnant... I don't know why I keep thinking about this.. I think I'm driving myself nuts..

I can't believe you 6dpo your just cruising right along.. I can't wait for you to start testing :dance:
You shouldn't have to beg. Maybe you could sit down with Amber tonight and just explain how you're feeling stressed out and that she's not in this with you the way you need her to be. It's a difficult process and being as open as possible with our OH's makes it a bit easier.

Don't stress too much on PCOS, you don't have any other symptom of it and your cycles at least af due dates have been pretty regular. Last cycle I had a ton of +opks but an ultrasound confirmed they were wrong, so I think opks just aren't as reliable as we wish they were. I think you're just O'ing late. You could always make an appointment with your doc to see if you might have PCOS, but I don't think you should worry about it yet:hugs:

Well if you become due for af on the 27th, Christmas would only be a few days early... you *could* still test:winkwink:
Yea. I think I'm going to have to. It makes it really hard when she gets excited when we talk about our baby and we talk about names and this and that but once it comes down to doing what needs to be done its like a wall goes up..

I think after we been trying for a year then ill go see a doctor.. But man I hope this s it.. Then no more AI for a long while until we talk about having another one.. But right now after all this.. I'd just be happy with one..

Do y'all want more then one?
Probably a good idea. It always feels better when you're on the same page :) DH has been a lot more into it since we had a chat with my gyno, although this month we're talking more about babies in general than the actual ttc process.

We want at least two, possibly 3 :) I'm thinking 2-3 years between them but DH wants them really close together so we'll see how it turns out once we have our first.
Well when I woke up for work.Amber was awake and she told me that if I have a + OPK today then we can do another AI.. I was kinda shocked that she said something and I didn't have to ask or say anything

I'm glad you and your hubby are talking more about it and are on the same page.. Me and amber usually are just don't know whats going on with her these days.. I think she is stressing out alot from her job..

I always wanted 3 but I'll be lucky if I have one at this point.. I'm already 30 if I get pregnant soon ill be 31 or close to it by the time I have him/her then waiting a couple years between puts me at 33 I don't want to be trying to have a baby in my 40's.. Amber only wants one and she say she may talk about 2.. So unless its twins one will be all were going to have.. God willing.

Well my temped jumped up today.. Guess ill see how the OPK looks today when I get home.. maybe I finally O'd :wacko:
I got another freaking + OPK and some EWCM to go with it.. I started crying because now I feel like something is wrong with me.. :cry:
There are plenty of ladies that make babies well into their 30's so don't give up hope. Maybe you could talk Amber into having two back to back so they'll be super close in age and best buddies:winkwink:

There's nothing wrong with you, your body is probably just holding off O because you're stressed out with ttc and the holiday's coming up:hugs: At least Amber said you could AI again, did you get to today? We'll have to see how your temps are looking tomorrow:hugs:
Well had a temp jump. I got excited about that yesterday and still had a + OPK :wacko: we didn't AI..So the 2 I got is all im getting this go round! :shrug:

I got little to no sleep last night due to my dog driving me completely nuts.. He is 6 yrs old and in the 6 yrs I'v had him he has NEVER act the way he was last night.. He kept pawing at my hand and licking my face and whimpering by me Amber said no matter how much she would move him he would run right back.. Now normally when it's time to go to bed this little dog will pass out faster then a person and sleep as long as someone is in bed, I get up for work and usually he doesn't even move.. Today he was at my feet while trying to get ready I left him in the room with Amber and she said he was crying by the door trying to looks under it to find me.. When I was about to leave I picked him up and he just put his little head on my shoulder and licked my face all I could do was love on him.. Amber says I think your pregnant.. I'm like yeah it doesn't happen that fast.. But I know they can since things so I hope i'm ok :wacko: That kinda freaked me out today..

I'll try and talk her into it.. But I'm pullin for one right now :haha: That's what she said the last time I mentioned it.. "Can we have one first".. My mom says the same thing when I talk about multiple kids... So guess well worry about that once we have one..

Oh because I kept getting + OPK so freaking dark I took an HPT this morning (the only one I had :haha: ) Yeah it was BFN (I knew it would be) So now I need to buy more blah lol

how are you feeling?. Anything new going on in your TWW? I'm not sure if I'm in the TWW or if my AF is still going to come on time seeing how I guess I O'd late or Oing late.. If I do my LP will be like 9 days long... I am honestly ready for this cycle to just be over with already!
2 is better than none! And it only takes once! :) Stay positive, we're holding onto hope for Christmas miracles.

Maybe doggy knows something is starting:winkwink: We can only hope :) My dog only gets that snuggly with me when it's winter:haha: Otherwise DH is his favorite for snuggles. I admit I get jealous haha.

One is a good number! You can spoil them easier:rofl: How silly your mom says the same thing, our grandparents keep asking both of us how many babies we're going to have!

Well of course it was going to be bfn:dohh: Gee. But now you can go out and buy a fresh box, I love buying hpt's... if only they weren't so damn expensive! I'm debating when I should buy mine, either before Christmas eve or wait until after Christmas to see if af shows or not.

At DH's Christmas party for work I got into something I'm allergic to (no idea what though) and am totally broken out in hives. It's horrible and I feel miserable! I waited a day and when they got worse I went to the doc, they said definitely something I ate or touched but not certain what:shrug: So they gave me a bunch of meds to knock this shit out of my system. And they gave me an epi pen just in case I come into contact with said mystery allergy and have a more severe reaction because apparently my hive break out was a little alarming to her. Doesn't make me feel much better about the whole thing.:nope:

Other than that I'm worried I didn't O. My nipples never got sore, neither are my boobs. Usually by now my boobs are off limits to DH due to being sore but they all for grabs:haha:

I think just wait until af is due and see how it goes since it's not really certain when you did O:shrug: I know it's difficult to do, but it's a busy time so hopefully it flies on by so you can either test or start a fresh cycle.
Well looks like according to FF I FINALLY O'd 3 days ago.. So it looks like only one AI is really going to count towards anything.. 2 days before O.. So here we go TWW.. I'm trying to stay positive, but you know it's hard sometimes.. But I am hoping for our Christmas Miracle.

I have no idea what was wrong with him be he was fine after I got home from work and last night he let me sleep, So no clue :shrug: .. Oh he is deff my baby every now and then he will snuggle with Amber and then I call him a trader :haha:

Yeah one would deff be easier.. But of course I want more.. But guess that's just something we will see when we get there.. When they ask those questions it's like well can we have one first :haha:.. No one asks us that.. I think most people don't think we will even try to have kids because we love to go go go.. I'm deff a traveler.. Were already talking about going some where for Valentines day.. That just means we will have an extra traveler with us and I'm sure we wont complain :)

:haha: yeah I knew it wasn't going to be anything but a BFN.. I did it to make Amber happy because she kept saying something.. Then even though it was BFN she was like it's wrong it's just to soon to show.. I love the optimism, Now only if she felt that way about doing AI :haha:

I have no idea when I'm going to buy some HPT's now.. It says I'm due for AF on the 29th so doing it for Christmas I think it would be to early for me ill only be 9 DPO.. So now I'm debating if I should just wait or take one anyway.. I thought about waiting till New Years Eve if AF is a no show.. But ugh I really wanted to test for Christmas..

Awee :hugs: I hope you feel better.. Wish you knew what you got into so you know to stay away from whatever it was.. Allergic reactions are never good!!

:rofl: all for grabs :haha: I love it!!

I hope you O'd. I guess that is the one plus side of temping you know when you actually do.. That's the only thing that keeps me doing it.. Annoying as it is.. I don't get how some woman say it's fun :wacko: Would love to know what's fun about making sure you get up around the same time and a shove thermometer in places it shouldn't be :wacko:

Yeah I think your right.. I'll just wait.. I did it last month.. I was so sure it did't take last month it didn't even bother me to not test.. So waiting till AF shows.. I can do it! With all the positive OPK's the only thing that makes me thing I O'd is all the twinges and pinching an pulling going on by my ovaries.. Hell both sides was going at it at the same time like 2 days ago.. Was crazy actually feeling it right now in my left.. it's so annoying :haha:
Awesome, good news that you at least O'd!

Yeah, plenty of people have told us to wait so we can travel and everything. But DH and I agreed that we can travel with babies :) His parents took him and his siblings everywhere and so did my grandparents. I took my first steps in Hawaii while visiting family so I've been traveling since toddler time.

Christmas would be too early for you now, New Years Eve would be a fun test date, ring in the new year with a bfp! :)

If I have to I'll be temping next cycle, finally ordered a thermometer online and it should be here this afternoon. I thought about starting tomorrow but there's no point since I'm already in the 2ww:haha: Except to get used to temping everymorning:shrug: But I might leave myself to lazy to do it until I have to.

Our bodies do such weird things, I'm still trying to figure mine out. But I'm happy to say I've been off of bcp for a year now so hopefully my cycles will figure themselves out:wacko:
Ohhh I wanna go to Hawaii!! I don't get why people think you can't travel with kids.. I mean yeah may be a bit more expansive but it can be done.. And if by some chance you decide we want to have a get away with just us 2.. That's what grandparents are for :haha:

Yep.. No more Christmas for me.. So just going to wait it out.. If she is a no show by New Years Eve then I'll test.. So you have to get our Christmas BFP!!

Well I'm hoping you wont be temping and that will be just a little bit of wasted money!! FX for BFP!!! 5 days!!

Oh God Christmas is really only 5 days away :wacko: Are you ready.. I know i'm not.. I started some shopping yesterday.. Guess ill try and finish that today.. How are the craft projects coming along?

Yay for being off BCP for a whole year :dance: I'v never been on any of that even when I did date guys..

So how are you feeling? I know your probably trying not to but any symptoms diff from last cycle? Are you ready for the weekend? Any great plans? I'm FINALLY off!! :dance: I see sleep in my near future! :haha:

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