Herts & Essex - Short protocol

Just popping back to say if i've done it correctly my avatar should show a baby pic - i know some asked, i hope it won't upset others.

DH is really against Laylas piccy being on the net, so i'll probably only leave it there a few days or so and then revert to my star.

happy new year to all
Hi Nell! I can see Layla and she is absolutely lovely! Hope all is well, and that's a good idea to only leave it a couple of days if DH is uncomfy. I completely understand. Oh and happy new year!!! X

Happy new year to everyone! X
Nell - Layla really is a beautiful princess!!!! Congratulations, I feel very privileged to see the pic before its taken down xxxx

Another adoption update, hope you dont mind. We are not sure quite what to do now. We have a social worker coming in a weeks time for an initial home assessment with one of the agencies but we think we might have to change our plans...

We are 6w5d pregnant! Had an early scan today as we had a mc this time last year and I had had some bleeding too. All was fine and we saw a lovely little flicker of a heartbeat. We are keeping our fingers crossed but are beyond happy! 2013-01-03 14.55.05.jpg
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance:

I've been away for a few days and lots is happening!!!

Nell - Layla is such a beauty!!! So gorgeous!!! Congratulations mummy!!

Fluffy - A massive congratulations!! You have brought a tear to my eye!! You are so meant to be a mum. Here's to a H&h nine months!!
Yay fluffy! It was meant to be :) best news ever! I had some red blood for one day at 7 weeks so don't worry- but you've had the scan since then anyway :) lots of relaxing is required on your up coming holiday x x

Hi chichi how are u feeling? How's it all going? X

AFM- as well as the pelvic pain I'm having, my hands are swelling real bad! Normally have skinny fingers but they are so fat had to take my rings off lol! It's quite painful... X
I agree with st - the best news ever fluffy. My heart sank when i read you might have to change adoption plans ....then i saw the spoiler :) your news has brought real tears to my eyes, i'm so happy for you. I too had red and brown bleeding on and off until about 8 weeks. How far gone will you be in mexico? I was about 9 weeks when i was there last year...happy memories :)

ST - my fingers were swollen too, had to ditch all my rings. Not too long for you now though - are you all organised?

Chichi - not long until your 20 week scan, will you find out gender?
Hello everyone!

ST - Sorry to hear about your pelvic pain and swolling hands! The joys of pregnancy! I am not too bad myself apart from headaches here and there and constant fatigue! I'm still waiting for it to lessen. Not long for you to go now!

Nell - Yeah not long for my 20 week scan. It will happen once I get back from holiday. Im struggling to find cheaper, nice, Maternity swim suits. I will definately find out the baby's gender.

Fluffy - I had brown spotting on and off until I was 9 weeks too. Like you, I was worried as I have had a miscarrage before. As ST said, you have seen the HB, just rest up and start enjoying the blessing.
Thanks for your lovely messages Ladies xx

Its reassuring to hear your experiences with having some bleeding.

Nell - Ill be 8 1/2 weeks when we go away and just under 10 1/2 when we get back and then the early pregnancy unit have offerred me another scan straight after we get back which will be nice.
Hi all! Just popping on to say that my waters broke at 30 weeks :-( currently in hospital in case baby comes but hoping not of course! Hoping as long as I don't get infection I can keep baby in my tummy for a few more weeks. To get to 34 weeks would be brill and they would induce at 37 anyway but I just don't know what's going to happen! X
Oh no ST! Hope you and your little bubba are ok! Stay strong and hang in there and I pray baby hangs in there as well! I will put you in my prayers. Please keep us updated when you can xx
Oh ST poor you. Hope baby hangs on in ther but if not you're in a good place and they'll take great care of you both i'm sure.
Hope the hospital stay is bearable otherwise too, it can't be easy xxx
Wow seems Ive missed a bit since I last posted.

School Teacher - Hope youre okay and that bubs is hanging on in there.
Lisa - Sorry to hear of your loss I know how you must feel, its devastating miscarrying as it is even more so when youve been trying for so long and been through so much.

Fluffy - Wow what an amazing christmas gift to find youre pregnant :D I hope everything is going well.

Nell congrats on your arrival, hopefully 2013 brings us all our bundles of joy

As for me we have an appointment booked for tomorrow to sign the consent forms for a 2nd FET at 12:00pm and have a pipelle booked for straight after at 12:30pm. Have timed it so we are good to go straight away. Feeling pretty numb to the whole thing now and dont have any feelings either way, sadly its just another hurdle that I think you get used to going through this. We have 7 frozens left now so hoping we will get at least a potential 2 rounds out of those 7. We have come to the decision that once they are all gone thats it for us x
hi ladies wow loads to catch up on please forgive me if i miss anything off

* thanks for all the best wished from you all ladies.
* nell Layla is lovely she really is
* fluffy I am so happy for you well done and hope everything goes well im sure it will and hope you enjoy your holiday.
* ST hope all is going well for you I have read you have had few probs but i do hope that you and baby is well

C&J so sorry for missing you off i feel really bad good luck with your cycle hope this is your time and you get your little baby out of your frosties fingers crossed for you

Just popping in quickly to say hi. Am still on holiday and the weather is lovely, a much needed break after this past year!
C&J good luck with the fet, where are you in the cycle? Keeping my fingers crossed for you x
st thinking of you and baby x
hi everyone else, hope you're all doing ok x
Im waiting for af to show so I can start my progynova but it seems af wants to play silly buggers now Im not sure ill have enough buserelin to last until I need to stop it. Agghhh!
Hey C&J, did AF behave? Keeping fingers crossed for you for this cycle xx

How is everyone?

Just thought that I would add a little update. We are back from our lovely holiday and had our second early scan and everything is still ok xx
Just did a search on ST to see if there was an update and she had her baby boy later that day on the 14 th jan, Jackson. Hope she won't mind me sharing on this thread.
ST - huge congratulations hun, hope your recovering ok and managing with being apart from baby xxxx
Here's the post...

Lisa- how are you doing?
CJ - are you on track foryour cycle

Fluffy- so pleased you and bump are doing well, are you managing to relax and enjoy your pregnancy now? .

Afm: can't remember if i shared already on here but we're still having a rough time with Layla, she is in pain we thought with her digestive system, meds have helped a little but not enough, she cries and writhes in pain when awake and only manages bried periods of being settled each day. I love her dearly, it's bith exhausting and hard to see :( we go back to the paed in a couple of weeks and i'm just prayingthere's nothing serious going on and it's just something she outgrows.
Just did a search on ST to see if there was an update and she had her baby boy later that day on the 14 th jan, Jackson. Hope she won't mind me sharing on this thread.
ST - huge congratulations hun, hope your recovering ok and managing with being apart from baby xxxx
Here's the post...

Lisa- how are you doing?
CJ - are you on track foryour cycle

Fluffy- so pleased you and bump are doing well, are you managing to relax and enjoy your pregnancy now? .

Afm: can't remember if i shared already on here but we're still having a rough time with Layla, she is in pain we thought with her digestive system, meds have helped a little but not enough, she cries and writhes in pain when awake and only manages bried periods of being settled each day. I love her dearly, it's bith exhausting and hard to see :( we go back to the paed in a couple of weeks and i'm just prayingthere's nothing serious going on and it's just something she outgrows.

Hi Nell - hope there is nothing wrong with layla and hope you find the answer to whats causing her pain there is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain - i hate seeing my neices in pain so god nows how i would feel to see my own baby in pain well i hope you get things sorted soon - and yes im ok thanks we are not cycling for couple of months taking a break from it for couple of months..

yes I saw ST news she is having a hard time of it but at least little Jackson is doing well xx

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