hi there, nutriprem 2

Yeah, The twins used to take ages cos it is soooo thick!
Hi Ladies,

Hope you and little ones are all well.

Sleeping Bubs – how is Mckenzie doing? Aww bless him if he not like the Nutriprem 2. Has he taken to the baby rice yet? Is it this Friday you are seeing the consultant? Hope it goes well.

Marleysgirl – how is the weaning going? Sounds like he is doing well with the weight gain and good to hear he not taking after your OH on the veggie front.

Laura – Hi, wow a whole year, I thought the max was 6 months, I like your consultants thinking about it being free so might aswell keep having it if it just as good as follow on milk etc,.. How big are your girls now? Have they caught up well?

Well Poppy is currently getting over a stinky cold and a tummy bug, she such a little champ bless her and is still smiling away and wanting to play. HV came on Tuesday and weighed her, had the best shock ever….. my little girl is now 8lbs 6oz :happydance:. I can’t believe she has put on so much in two weeks especially cos she is poorly. I have been giving her only 4 bottles of EBM a week, Nutriprem it seems is definitely better for her so think that my milk must be skimmed!!! I certainly feel less guilty about giving up the expressing. As for waking her up to ensure that she has 6 feeds a day, well Poppy having none of it and refuses to take any milk if I wake her so just feeding her as and when she wants it :)

I have an appointment with the consultant 8th March, seems so far away! Must write some questions down that I want to ask, like when she can come off Nutriprem, weaning, about any medication and stuff as although she is 4 months she is the size of a newborn so should she have a lot smaller dose of any medication and things that are for 6 months when she is 6 months corrected age can she have it (not that we have given her anything yet just want to make sure I don’t overdose the poor little girl) and about her head size. Can I ask you ladies if your little ones have large heads in comparison to their bodies?

Right ladies, that’s more than enough waffling from me, take care and have a lovely weekend.
Hi all

Willow77. Mckenzie had his appointment today and doctor is really happy with him, Yes he is small but not skinny he is on track with development now trying to crawl lol, he is 22weeks now and weighed 11lb 11oz today, 61cm long and a head circumference of 40cm. He has now changed his milk (well when I next need milk from the doctors) to SMA High energy which he will have until he stops having formula so hopefully that will help. Got to introduce gradually mixing the two milks together and eventually only having the SMA. Now changed to morning feeds cos stopped for a couple of days cos he kept been sick so started again on baby rice and porridge will only take the food off my finger though at the min. Doctor checked that he didn't have tongue Tye cos takes ages to drink his milk but he didn't cos just may be a slow feeding baby lol so glade that I am not breast feeding cos he takes up to an hr to feed lol But anyway doctor doesn't need/want to c him again unless he drops weight dramatically.

Wow poppy is doing great considering she had a cold
Sorry it's been so long since I was here last, everyone's LO's seem to be putting on weight a bit better now.

Chloe is now 7lb 1oz at 15 weeks, so shes def getting there, we're still having issues feeding wise tho, she will happily go from 11pm - 3am - 6am for overnight feeds but during the day it's still every 2 hours, 3 at a push, is getting so tiring! She will only take 80ml max, which is what she was taking before xmas, I know if she could just take more she could go longer, sleep longer etc etc. Special care nurse doesnt have a clue but we're seeing the consultant on weds, hopefully to get her reflux sorted out as well, it's horrible seeing her in pain after feeds, the nurse did say to try Colief in her feeds (£12 for a 7ml bottle!) but it didnt help at all.

How much does everyone elses LO take at a feed and do you know roughly how many weeks/months is takes them to take more?

It's like Chloe has an internal cut off, she'll feed lovely then she just does a splutter/cough/coke noise, you take the bottle out and she's got 20ml left in the bottle (bottles are made upto 100ml), letting her calm down/burping her doesnt have any affect on her taking the bottle again, shes just not interested. And the times where once or twice a week she does actually take 90/100ml, when you wind her afterwards she just dribbles out a few big mouthfuls of formula!

Anyway hope the consultant can help, will keep you updated!

Also when I ask for a repeat prescription, unless I ask for 2 tubs they only every give me 1 tub, which lasts us about a week, argh!
Mi - I'd be asking for 4 tubs per prescription so that you only have to get a repeat once a month. You don't want to be hassling more often than that, a baby gives you enough on your plate to do.

Andrew was taking 130ml (x5) of either EBM or NP2 but over the last few days he's started decreasing that again. Bubs, Andrew drinks the first 100ml really quickly but then takes forever over the final bit, to the point where we think he doesn't really want it and give up. I think the longest I'll agree to sit here holding a bottle is 30 minutes, after that he can't be interested, surely?

Willow the weaning is fine, 4 weeks in and I'm still only giving one meal a day of puree. I really should ramp it up and start giving him breakfast, but I'm not organised enough at 7am! The time between his 11am and 3pm feeds is when we generally go out, so I don't want to add a weaning feed in this period because it would shorten our "free time". So I guess I'll have to start doing breakfast, no choice really.

I just had to throw away the open tub of NP2 as I'd been using it for 5 weeks but at the rate of 1 or 2 bottles a week. Seemed such a waste. I'd ask to switch onto the tetrapacks but our pharmacy really struggles to get them. I now have two unopened tubs of powder in the cupboard, and I'm resisting opening them.
Marleysgirl well Mckenzie is really erratic with how much he drinks at each bottle, yesterday it was 3oz (porridge), 4oz, 6oz, 5oz, 3oz today 2oz (porridge), 4oz, 5oz, 3oz, 4oz. He feeds every 3hrs!! LO has around 17-21oz of formula a day and he is 22weeks and weighs 11lb 11oz, recommend on the tub is 25oz a day at his weight. And he still doesn't put the weight on just burns it off so quickly cos he is on the go all the while But hopefully he will drink more once we change to the high energy formula and put weight on. I have also been weaning Mckenzie for the last 2weeks still on 1meal a day though going to wait until he starts new formula b4 starting another meal don't want to confuse him.
MI Doctors were only giving me 2 tubs each time but I asked the pharmacy and they asked the docotrs to give me 4tubs each time which helped a lot.
Hi Ladies,

Good to hear all your little ones are doing well :)

After Poppy's cold and tummy bug she is back to normal which is such a relief! Although since her tummy bug she now has a poo at pretty much every feed, such a change from once a day or every other day! Haha typical, just as I change her to reusable nappies - ooh well.

Sleeping Bubs - great that McKenzie is on track development wise, now he is crawling bet you can't take your eyes off him for a second. How is changing over of milk going? I remember them doing it for Poppy whilst she was in SCBU, mixing the formula's so that her little tummy could get used to the new one. Hope he prefers the SMA to the Nutriprem, is it prescription formula?

Mummy Mi - Aww bless Chloe, she is getting there with the weight :) how did it go with the consultant? were they able to help with the feeding times? Chloe will suprise you one day soon and just start taking the whole bottle and wanting more :) we were stuck on 60mls for ages. That is so pants about the repeat prescription, I would definately speak to your doctor about it.

Poppy doesn't really have any set amount she takes and takes anywhere between 90-150, we have started making up 150mls now, seems such a waste half the time as we end up throwing away 60mls. But guaranteed we make up a smaller bottle and she finishes it all and wants more and gets really upset whilst we are faffing about getting another bottle ready for her, and by the time it is ready she has got herself so upset that she doesn't want it anymore. Impatient just like her daddy lol.

During the day she feeds every 4 hours (if out in her pram she doesn't tend to wake though) and during the night she goes anywhere between 4-8 hours.She will take the first 70mls really quickly then the remainder can be a slow process and often takes an hour in total to feed her. We don't tend to burp her now until she has totally lost interest in the bottle and then change her nappy too and try the bottle again and she will usually take a bit more.

Marleysgirl - Glad the weaning is going well, goodluck with the breakfasts. I know what you mean about being disorganised in the morning, some days I don't even get to have my breakfast until near mid-day :wacko:

Well ladies, thats enough ramblings from me.
Hello ladies,

Well she was weighed as is now 7lb 5oz, but it was a diff set of scales so could be a little off, I find it odd how one week she puts on 8oz ten the next only 4oz when she is eating practically the same amount!

Anyway her head is measuring on the 9th percentile so she's gonna be nice and brainy but weight wise shes still under the 0.4th one. They've given us some meds for her to take 3 times a day for her reflux and see if that helps but other then that the consultant was happy and will see us in 6-8 weeks time.

Then we saw the Speech and Language and the Physio lady. The Physio lady got on a mat with Chloe and streched her out and things, and was impressed with her head control and leg strength and showed us a few new tummy time exercises to help with lifting her head up easier.

Then we chatted to the S&L lady and said about feeding every 2 hours during the day, the angry bottle feeding she does, how she wont take other teats etc etc by this time Chloe was hungry so she watched whilst I fed her. She agreed that Chloe is having issues, at least maybe with that teat, she rushes and gulpes fast and doesnt know how to pace herself and she got so worn out she fell asleep after 60mls! So she's given us some NUK teats to try (tried a few times yesterday but it seemed a little worse, will continue again today tho) and is going to speak to her colleagues and arrange a home visit.

Felt a little odd, having her watch me feed Chloe, I felt a bit like it was my fault she was rushing and that I didnt know what to do, but she was a nice lady and I am glad we saw her so we can make feeding times a little better for Chloe, she said it might be that she is getting so frustrated and working so hard for her milk that she is tiring out and not drinking more then 80ml but its trial and error. I said well we've already tried, TT, Avent, Mam, Dr Brown's and slow, fast, medium, vari-flow teats so that narrows it down a bit!

Anyway, thanks for listening all and I hope you all have a lovely day! x
HI Willow77 I am glade that Poppy is doing better now.

Mckenzie hasn't started his new milk STILL waiting for letter from hospital to get to the doctors and to me, I really hope it comes tomorrow cos I am running out of Nutriprem only got one un-opened tub left and considering they want me the phase in the SMA High energy I am not going to have enough to do this, I am going to ring the doctors tomorrow!! Esp as I am going to have to take the car there cos I think it is only in liquid form so there will be a lot.

Mckenzie is teething at the min so feeding is more of a nightmare only drinking between 2 and 4oz a feed now but it is every 3hrs during the day. He even wroke up at 3am for a bottle which he took 3oz of it.

WIllow77 how old is Poppy and how much does she weigh?? Mckenzie is now 23weeks and weighs 11lb 11oz wondered how much milk she has in a day at min Mckenzie is only taking between 15-19oz a day and porridge in the morning.

Mummy-mi we also have problems with feeding doc checked if he was tounge tied cos it takes ages for him to drink is milk usually an hr but guess he is a slow drinker. I also use NUK teat recommend by Cow & Gate and they are also the ones they used in hospital. Hopefully they work out for you and little Chloe
Hi ladies,

Good to hear all your little ones are doing well :)

Mummy Mi - Hope the medication helps with the reflux, good that they have now seen how you struggle with feeding Chloe, how are you getting on with the NUK teats? We still haven't found 'the one' yet but have settled for the boots variflow for now. I would be interested to hear about the tummy time exercises if you wouldn't mind sharing. Poppy is going to be brainy too as her head in on the 25th centile and her weight under the 0.4th centile - bless her she looks a little out of proportion.

Sleeping Bubs - Have the hospital sorted out the letter to your doctors yet? I had to reorder some more Nutriprem2 today, hoping what we have left will last until the new lot is ready to collect on Wednesday, really must be more organised and order it sooner in future. Have you found anything that helps with the teething? I think Poppy loves the taste of Bonjela and it's barely on her gums a few seconds before she licks it off!

Poppy is now 19 weeks (15 weeks corrected) she takes anywhere between 18-25oz a day, it is so random though its hard to tell. She weighed in at 8lbs 12oz today, so has only put on 6oz in ten days which is disappointing and know the HV will be calling me next week to quiz me on why she has gained so little again. She always makes me feel so bad that she hasn't gained much and is never satisfied with my 'I don't know why' answer, I am tempted to reply next time with 'OOOh I just fed her cows milk this week'.

We have an appointment with the Specialist on the 8th March, have so many questions for him as my HV is as useful as a chocolate Tea Pot! I have no idea about weaning and when I should be doing it and what I should be giving her, as obviously veg doesn't have many calories so need to know what I should give her. What the plans are for formula after she is 6 months old, is she developing as she should and will her slow weight gain affect her development or anything. Plus we need him to chase up our appointment with the Cardiologist as it was requested early December and we still haven't heard anything.

Well thats my ramblings over for the night lol. Have a great weekend.
Laura – Hi, wow a whole year, I thought the max was 6 months, I like your consultants thinking about it being free so might aswell keep having it if it just as good as follow on milk etc,.. How big are your girls now? Have they caught up well?.

They are good. Chloe is apparently a little overweight for her actual age but she is OK, she is happy so I am happy. If you were to see her in person you would laugh about them saying she was overweight.

They have done really well weighing around 19lb ish now!!

I only fed them on demand. there was no way I was working on a schedule! I was adamant I wanted them to know when to feed. it worked better for me and we were both happier! x
and I forgot to add that I couldnt find this thread when I was looking for it lol!!

I used to get 12 tubs a time.. I still have two left but i dunno what I am supposed to do with them. Seems a shame to bin them doesnt it... x
HI Willow77 rang the doctors yesterday and they still hadn't got the letter so they have ordered me some Nutriprem just incase I will give left overs to a friend who's baby is on Nutriprem to. Well Mckenzie didn't put any weight on this week still 11lb 110z hv not to concerned considering the hospital discharged him and said the charts are only 1 way to look at the progress of babies and wasn't worried cos he has got fat on his legs and arms!! So don't worry that Poppy hasn't put on much weight thats more than Mckenzie ever puts on in a week lol. Mckenzie's weight is below the 0.4 as well as his head size but his length is on the 2nd centile line!!!

The last few days Mckenzie has been waking up around 3am for a feed he is taking between 3 and 4oz at this time so I have introduced tea as well as breakfast and it was a really success he had apple and it was the first time he took it off a spoon he had about 1oz of apple and 3oz milk so hopefully he will put weight on this week as he is having 6bottles, 2meals and around 18-20oz of milk a day,

Mummy-mi I hope the medication helps and that the NUK teats work well for you.

Laura2919 yours lo's are doing really well, see if the pharmacy will take back the left over tubs of nutriprem I am sure there will be other people needing them.
That is a good idea. I have a doctors appointment for my little Jaycee so I will ask. They are sealed so i shouldnt see why not.. x
well wot can I say I think I have a diff little man this week lol he put on 4oz now 11lb 15oz at 24weeks!! Well his has been having 19-22oz of milk a day in the last week plus two meals lol!! Today so far he has has a 5oz and porridge at 08:30 and a 6oz bottle at 11:30, so far 2oz at his 14:30 bottle lol hopefully he doesn't fall asleep on his next bottle in his highchair before eating his tea which he did yesterday lol had to throw away the food and do some more 2hrs later when he wanted it lol So hopefully when I get his new milk he will put on even more weight
Hi ladies,

Hope you and your little ones are all well :)

Laura - great to hear your little girls have caught up well (gives me hope) I tend to feed on demand although have been known to give her a little nudge at 1am if she hasn't woken for her feed and I want to go to bed as know she will wake in the next hour anyway! Did the chemist take back the extra Nutriprem?

Sleeping Bubs - thats fab about Mckenzie you must be so pleased he is eating and feeding well :) how much does he weigh now? Was it hard introducing solids? Has your new milk arrived now? does he prefer it to Nutriprem?

Poppy is well, I took her into work this week to meet my colleagues she did really well and had lots of cuddles with everyone. They were all suprised at how tiny she was still. At the train station a lady said how cute she was and asked to hold her, I can't believe a complete stranger would ask to hold your baby..... I of course said no!

Seeing the Neo-Natal consultant on Monday, she hasn't been weighed since 18th Feb and not sure if we will go to clinic friday or just wait until we see consultant Mon to see what her weight is now. Think she must have put on some weight though as she is feeling quite heavy :) and she is leaving less of her 150mls and after I took her to work she drained an extra 50ml - a very happy mummy. I am really dreading weaning, worried that she will stop having as much milk and start losing weight :( will speak to consultant about what high calorie foods I should give her and about my concerns and see what he suggests.

Just a small quick update, Still havent found the 'one' teat, the latex NUK size 1, mediums she's on, dont give her milk blisters but she's drinking 150ml less a day since we started using them. The speech and language lady came out and watched me feed Chloe, and said Chloe doesnt make a perfect seal around the teat and takes 5 sucks then rests, 5 more etc and she seems to tire herself quickly. She is due back on weds so will see what we can do then.

Chloe got weighed today and has put on 7oz in 2 and a bit weeks, yet again the special care nurse said she would talk to the consultant and she isnt really 'catching up' more like trailing along. She also meantioned that they might suggest to wean her early, so I'm sure I'll be spending this evening researching it!

Hope everyone is doing well and your LO's are getting chubbier!!

Chloe got weighed today and has put on 7oz in 2 and a bit weeks, yet again the special care nurse said she would talk to the consultant and she isnt really 'catching up' more like trailing along. She also meantioned that they might suggest to wean her early, so I'm sure I'll be spending this evening researching it!

I keep hearing this about Andrew - he's staying on his own curve on the charts rather than progressing up into the percentiles. He puts on 100g a week.

Weaning early did stimulate Andrew's appetite, his milk intake increased, so it might be worth you considering this.
Chloe got weighed today and has put on 7oz in 2 and a bit weeks, yet again the special care nurse said she would talk to the consultant and she isnt really 'catching up' more like trailing along. She also meantioned that they might suggest to wean her early, so I'm sure I'll be spending this evening researching it!

I keep hearing this about Andrew - he's staying on his own curve on the charts rather than progressing up into the percentiles. He puts on 100g a week.

Weaning early did stimulate Andrew's appetite, his milk intake increased, so it might be worth you considering this.

I just kinda wanted Chloe to find out about food when she was ready, you know actively be putting things in her mouth, watching us eat etc. But we'll see what the consultant says I guess.

Thanks for reassurance tho xx
Hi Ladies,

I hope you and your little ones are all well.

Sleeping Bubs - has your new milk arrived yet? does McKenzie like it more than Nutriprem? Weaning still going well? What do you give him?

Mummy_Mi - I hope you get to see the consultant soon and he/she can help with the feeding problems.

Marleysgirl - Good to hear that the weaning is going well, how is Andrew doing? are you still expressing?

Update on Poppy, went to see the neo-natal specialist yesterday and she has put on a pound in 17 days which I was so pleased with, he was still concerned with her slow growth though and recommended weaning her and is booking us an appointment with the dietician. Development wise she is on track and he ticked off everything on his list :) except for her grabbing objects which she does do, but the wooden block he expected her to pick up was the size of her hand so seemed somewhat an unfair test! His first question was 'is she shy with strangers?' to which Poppy responded by smiling & babbling away to him & his colleague for the whole appointment - so a definate no to shyness then lol. So came away feeling really happy that she was developing well just needed to get her to fatten up quicker. Then today I nipped into town to get a few bits and specialist phoned and spoke to OH, he said he has had a good think about Poppy and is very concerned with her slow growth and has asked us to go in next week for Poppy to have some blood tests done, they want to check her chromosones and rule out a number of things including dwarfism. He also wants my HV to come out this week to see me and take a urine and stool sample from Poppy, urine I have had to do before (not an easy task syringing wee out of a pad) but how on earth they will take a stool sample I don't know as she has gone back to pooing once a day or every other day. He has also wrote a prescrition for a new formula called Infatrini which we need to collect from the doctors in a few days, has anyone heard of this? apparantly it has alot more calories in than Nutriprem. OH said he was very nice on the phone and apologised about all the chromosone testing and other tests not being done before, as both me and Poppy should have been tested before she was discharged as they didn't know why she was so small and she wasn't putting much weight on before her release. Well I guess we will know more in a few weeks once the blood results are done.

Well thats more than enough ramblings from me :)


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