hlynn and me!!


How's it going? What dpo are you at now? I'm at 10dpo, going to test on Friday but I think AF is going to show up on Friday or Saturday. I just don't feel preggers. Ah well, I'll keep positive and hope for the best.

How are you doing?
i am good!
not sure where i am in my cycle..i had the 3 days of + opks then a negative the next day (monday)
so im either like 2 or 3dpo i guess..
not really worrying about it too much
im just gonna wait about 2 weeks n test if i havent gotten AF..not sure how i feel about this month
not too hopeful but also not too doubtful
i have a looong wait ahead of me lol
wow ur getting so much closer to being able to know!
i have heard soo many ladies on here not feel pregnant and are!
i got everything crossed for u! :D
I'm feeling like crap today. I had the worse headache and just feel blah. I'm sure AF is going to arrive tomorrow or by the end of the weekend. Just have that feeling. Ah well. I'm hoping if AF does show up, she comes on Saturday cause I have to get my day 3 tests and that works out to be Monday. If AF shows up tomorrow, none of the blood labs are open on Sunday, so it'll have to wait till Monday as well. Not sure if I can take my day 3 tests on day 4. who knows!!!

How are you doing? I hope this cycle works out for you too. :winkwink:
well maybe feeling like crap is a good thing! i got everything crossed for u :D
im not sure how i feel..not too hopeful i guess..just dont wanna be let down
ill let u know though i havent felt good all day today ive been nauseated :(
i hope im not getting sick!
So AF got me today and I kinda knew it, but I'm not too sad or upset. The good thing about temping is knowing when and if you ovulated and knowing if AF is going to show up cause your temp drops a bit, which it did this morning.

Anyhow, I'm glad it came today cause then I can go get my day 3 blood tests on Monday morning. :) Plus now I get to see a fertility specialist. I have an appointment with my dr on Feb 14th to discuss my test results and to get referred to a fertility specialist. Yippee... I'm happy with that.

How about you? Are you still feeling sick?
oh no! so sorry she got u :hugs:
but at least now u can get all the tests done and everything thats always exciting
u seem very positive about all of this which makes me happy for u!
im glad ur finally getting to see an RE
i am still not feeling good..me and DH tried going out for a couple drinks earlier this evening and after one i had to leave and almost made him pull over to the side of the road so i could get sick :(
im not sure whats wrong with me..ive had a huge increase in cm and little cramps here and there
so i feel like AF is gonna get me also..i hope im wrong but i have a feeling that im right so im pretty bummed
im only like 6dpo today and i already feel like shes on her way in
im not even sure if i did ovulate for sure..i had three days of positive opks
last Friday, Saturday n Sunday
then went negative on monday
so im thinking that im either 5 or 6 dpo
but i just feel like thats way too early for any symptoms..pregnancy or AF
i just think its weird about having so much cm at this point..i usually start getting tons at like 10 or 11 dpo and it keeps up until AF shows..buut this month is all different..maybe its just different because its a natural cycle not a clomid one :shrug:
hard telling what its gonna bring i guess!
So, I got my day 3 blood test yesterday. I guess my dr will call me by Friday if there’s bad news, but if not, I have an appointment with her on Monday, so that’s when we’ll move to the next step and she’ll refer me to a specialist.

There’s a specialist down the street from my work that I’m looking into. It would be much easier to go there so I don’ t have to miss too much work and plus my hubby’s work is close to the place as well. I’ll have to do some research on it first.

So, are you still feeling sick? Hmm… maybe your preggers??? It must be 8dpo now, right? I think it’s suppose to be a good thing if you get cramps early. I don’t really know but I’ve got my fingers x’d for you. :hugs: 3 days of positive OPK’s sounds really good. I’m sure you ovulated on your own.

Well, it’s going to be very exciting for you this month. I mean, if you’re lining is thick this time, it could really happen. Yeah!! I guess you’ll just wait and see if AF is late or will you test early?
i did still get a progesterone test done this month because as u know my dr doesnt know i took a break :haha:
so i called her and told her and she asked me what day was the darkest opk and i told her saturday
so this past saturday i got the bloodwork done and today they called and said yupp i ovulated :thumbup:
so that means i did for sure ovulate on my own :happydance:
and yes im either 8 or 9 dpo today..
depending on when i ovulated..i got my last positive opk last sunday so i was never sure whether to count that as o day or the next day
but yes i am still feeling sick and getting AF like cramps which has me feeling out :(
starting at around 5dpo i started having loads of cm..mostly just watery with some white chunks (sorry tmi) and a couple days ago i did have a big gush of yellow mucousy looking stuff
but its seemed to slow down today..which im gonna be happy if it does because usually i get TONS around 10dpo and that when i know im out for that month :nope:
ive heard its more common to be dry around the time af is due but not me i just get tons of cm
so having it so much starting at 5dpo and its still going on i dont have much hope for me this month :(
well last night i had a gush of cm with a little bit of brown in it, and again this morning same thing..and then this afternoon i had some dark red spotting, all has stopped now but im thinking that i should count this as af, not sure i am just waiting to see if anymore shows up, i am only about 9dpo and its only when i wipe, but if it is af i would think that this is way too early, especially considering i know that i ovulated because of my blood test! :wacko: i am very much hoping i dont have a luteal phase defect or anything..what do u think? i called my dr but they are closed now so im sure they will return my call tomorrow
Wow, that sounds like implantation bleeding to me. I mean to get AF at 9dpo is totally bizarre, especially since yours tends to arrive around 14dpo right? Hmm... I would say this look really good for you. If you do an hpt you'll have to wait till 12 dpo if this is implantation bleeding.

This is so exciting, imagine you get your BFP and without any help at all....no drugs, no nothing. :happydance:

Give your dr a call agian tomorrow and see what they say. Watch for the blood as well, cause if it does get heavier and more red, then there may be a problem, but I don't think it is. :) Let me know what you dr says. :)
actually my lp tends to be like..15 or 16 days so yeah at 9 its totally weird..i am gonna keep my eye out for more bleeding..fingers crossed theres no more but im not getting my hopes up for sure..ill let u know though! ive never had implantation bleeding before so im not sure what it looks like or how long it lasts, i am just like shocked that ive even had spotting at 9dpo..if i have no more bleeding i will probably test at 13 dpo maybe 14 i wanna be sure that i have no more bleeding first :winkwink:
nope its real af :( im bleeding full on today..oh well i guess one more month and then i can see an RE..i talked to my dr and she wants to up my dose to 100mg..a 9 day lp deff isnt normal :(
Ah crap....

Yeah, 9 lp is definitely not good. You know what is interesting, is that this is like the first time you're actually having a normal one, right. Haven't you been only having brownish type AF???

Sorry that AF got you though... that sucks!! :growlmad:
yupp its not brown and its red and just looks like a normal af, which is good...but not at the same time..it would be good if i was more like..12dpo if u know what i mean? so i have talked to some other ladies on here that says clomid is supposed to actually help with short lp..so maybe thats why they were longer before, and my dr wants me to take it this month but up my dose to 100mg..so maybe i should just take it, i have heard many places that clomid can cause light af and it doesnt mean a thin lining, what would u do? i hate this stuff its so confusing!
So, this sounds like a pickle!!!

I have to be honest with you, I'm going to probably see a specialist sometime in the near future and if the dr puts me on Clomid, I'm going to tell them that I'd rather do injectables or something else. I have another pal here on this site that was using Clomid and they did one of those tests on her that checks how the sperm is reacting with her CM and most the sperm died. Her CM was really hostile because of the Clomid. She's now on injectables, but I think you mentioned that you would have to see a specialist too, right?

Have you ever tried Preseed or Concieve Plus? I wonder if that may help get the sperm where it needs to go.

I guess we've always assumed it was your lining that wasn't helping with implantation right? What if its not that and it's your CM?

My advice would be, go on the Clomid as your dr has prescribed and then get some fertility lube and see if that works. I mean it's still cheaper than going on injectables, right?

I agree with you, this stuff is confusing as hell. I wish a stork would just come and drop off a baby for me. :)
ive been on preseed every single month ive taken the clomid..and ive even taken this medicine called fertilecm its supposed to help with both lining and cm.. :(
i swear i have tried just about every darn thing!
but i am going to pick up the clomid, i was thinking about taking it a little earlier than the dr says..shhh :winkwink:
i have heard lots of women say that the obgyns prescribe it days 5-9 like mine and then REs tend to do it earlier..like days 3-7 and i have even seen ladies on here that goes to RE and they prescribe it days 1-5! so i think i am gonna try earlier days..it couldnt hurt i know that
i have even asked my dr about the difference of the days and they said its purely the drs preference..some like to do it earlier and some later
they said it doesnt make much of a difference..its just what they learned to do in school
so im gonna be naughty and try it earlier :D
im sure i dont even need to take a pg test..bleeding is getting heavier for sure
i can tell its not implantation bleeding for sure so i might start tomorrow which would be days 3-7
this af is sooo much different than the other ones i have had though, but then again ive heard that clomid can just make u have a lighter shorter af and its normal
i guess i was more worried about it being all brown and no red than anything else
ah crap, I didn’t realize you were using preseed… ok, so that’s not the problem. And you’re also taking fertilecm so that should help with both your lining and cm. Hmm…

I totally understand what you mean about trying every darn thing. I’m using Evening Primrose Oil this cycle and I can tell you it’s doing something to me cause I already have tons of cm and I got a high on my CBFM on CD 7. That’s never happened to me before. I think the earliest I got high on my CBFM was CD 10. So, let’s see if that does anything for me. I’m apparently suppose to stop taking the EPO as soon as I ovulate. I hope I don’t mess up my body and get a short LP, cause that would suck big time.

I agree with you, take the clomid earlier, I mean it can’t hurt right. Plus if others are taking it earlier, then I don’t see why you can’t.

Oh another thing I’m doing is drinking water like a fish. I’m drinking so much water that I’m going to the washroom like every hour. It’s insane. Ah well, I don’t get much cm, so I’m hoping it helps.

Got any plans for Valentine’s day or this weekend. My dh and I are going out to dinner and a movie tomorrow night. I told him that I wanted to see that movie “Gnomeo and Juliet”..tee hee.. I’m such a big kid. I’m sure your kids would love to see that movie, right??
yeah i am gonna start today on cd 3 i had even asked my nurse about why others take it earlier and she said its just drs preference so im sure it couldnt hurt! :) but its deff af and im ok with it..trying to have my pma and think that this WILL be my month :D i am drinking tons of water too..and yes i have tried so much stuff its crazy! for my lining i take baby asprin and take fertilecm and for cm i use preseed and fertilecm so i think i got all that covered and my tubes are clear, dh is having his sperm test done on monday but we are all pretty sure thats not the problem as we had an early m/c just last february plus having 2 girls already the dr even said shes not too concerned about that but she needs it to refer me to an RE i am going to try drinking tons of water too its supposed to help with cm, right? im going to try to drink at least 4 bottles a day :) i really hope this is our cycle! i am so glad ive had u here with me this whole time, and i would LOVE to be bump buddies with u! are u doing SMEP this cycle again? i am :) oh i want to go see that movie too, we might all go on v day, spend v day with our girls too that would be a nice change for us we usually go out alone
OMG, for sure we can be bump buddies. To be honest with you I thought we already are....:dohh:

So, about drinking water, that's what I heard. I heard that drinking at least 8 glasses a day will help with your cm.

My bd plan this time is to bd 2 day in a row then a day off, then back to 2 days in a row. When I get a +OPK then I'll do it for 3 days straight. We'll see if that works. My hubby has also told me that he'd rather BD in the morning now to change it up a bit. We've been DTD in the evenings when we get home from work, so we'll also see how that works.

As for the SA, it sounds like your hubby has good spermies, especially if you've had 2 kids and were pregnant last year. My hubby is going on March 4th for his SA. He's doing everything he can to make sure I get preggers this cycle, cause he seriously is not looking forward to doing the SA.

I'm off to the dr's tomorrow to get the results of my day 3 blood test. I'll let you know how that turns out. :)

How are you doing today? Did you start the Clomid already?
lol i just hope we can get our bumps sooon! :D
i am trying to drink a lot of water, i really dont like too, i mean i drink enough but i dont like to drink it in excess, everyone tells me thats what i need to do when i get a cold is just drink tons of water, and its really hard for me but ill do nething to get my bfp :thumbup:
im just gonna go with the Bding every other day and then 3 days in a row during positive opk, last cycle we BD like 8 days in a row because i kept having the dark opks but not quite positive so i bd just in case and then i got 3 whole days of really positive ones so bd then too :dohh: this time i am sticking with every other day and waiting for them to get really positive :)
yeah im not too worried about SA results, but its always good to know anyway. we are gonna do it tomorrow morning and the instructions say u have to have it there by an hour so hes gonna do it and i gotta be ready to run it over there..not sure when ill get the results back im guessing soon :shrug:
yes do let me know about ur bloodwork tomorrow, what do they test for? i will be going to an RE if no bfp this cycle, so im not too sure about the further testing :wacko: im hoping everything goes good for u!
ugh the clomid is horrible! im bloated, nauseated, crampy and just wanna sleep all the time..the 50mg gives me all the same symptoms but the 100mg just makes them worse! :( but i am almost done with them, just 2 more days after today :)

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