hlynn and me!!

Hi Both

Wondered if you minded me hijacking your thread? Im on day 7 today and seem to be in a similar situation to you two from my quick troll >)

Ive just finished taking my first round of clomid so waiting to see the results now. I have PCOS and have 40 day periods, so not that bad but have only ovulated once in a year.

Im on 100mg of Clomid unmonitored, no appts to discuss the doseage etc if i dont ovulate on 100mg, so just rly hoping that it does. Seems a waste to take it if 100mg doesnt work, will wait til next week to see about that tho I spose - Im temping when I remember and use the CBFM which is usually quite accurate I think.

Im 32 from Bristol UK and am an interpreter, been with my partner since we were 15, all those years of taking the pill, coil, implants in arm, and i didnt need any of it ><

Would love to join you both in neurotic TWW etc

Hey Helen,

How's it going? I don't mind you joining us if Hlynn doesn't mind. It's funny, Hlynn and I haven't even exchanged our names yet. I guess this will be the first time. My name is Monique and I live in Canada.

So, I see you're using the CBFM and temping. Do you use fertility friend to chart? I have mine in my ticker, so you can check it out anytime to see where I am in my cycle.

I'm using my CBFM and I like it a lot, but I have to tell you I also use the smiley face Clear Blue OPK as a back up. I'm glad I do that as well, cause once my test strip for the CBFM was faulty and I never got a peak, when my smiley face told me that I did peak.

Anyhow, I just got my day 3 blood test results today, have you done that as of yet.

Here are the results:
TSH = 1.69 mIU/L
LH = 4 IU/L
FSH = 6 IU/L
Prolactin = 9 ug/L
Estradiol = 90 pmol/L

So, my doctor says that these are optimal results and I have nothing to worry about. I was looking online to check out the average and almost freaked out about my estradiol. I noticed that the range should be less than 80 pg/L, so when I convert my 90 pmol/L to pg/L it's 66. So, I feel better now.

I'm wondering if I just need to be patient with TTC. I also think that I seriously need my hubby to get a semen analysis just to make sure he's ok.

Anyhow, enough about me, Hlynn how are you doing?

Helen, how old is your hubby? How is he doing with all this TTCing.
Helen- welcome and of course u can join! always nice to have more women in the same situations to talk with :)

I never noticed we never exchanged names, My name is Heather, im from the U.S.

Monique -I am so glad all ur numbers turned out to be normal, sometimes nothing is wrong it just takes a little time, they always say that it takes an average fertile couple up to a year..when r they going to do your DHs SA?

but i understand about being impatient, i am the definition of impatient, about EVERYTHING lol

The SA is always a good idea though, because since its usually the women who have trouble rather than the men, sometimes they are overlooked when it could very well be something to do with them rather than the woman. I sent DHs sperm thing into today so im hoping the dr will call with the results tomororw to let me know, im guessing they get them pretty darn fast because the sperm doesnt live long, right? Im guessing not because i had to have it to the clinic by an hour and keep it under my armpits to keep it warm lol :wacko:

well tomorrow night is my last night on clomid, cant wait lol these side effects are horrible..they are just like pregnancy symptoms to me, so it just makes it worse because i always wish the nausea was pregnancy related instead of clomid related! ugh lol

but i am a little more hopeful this month because last year when i got pregnant but had the early m/c i got pregnant on 100mg clomid it was the first time i was upped from 50mg..so i am hoping i get the same result this time, although im not counting on it lol just hoping :)
Thanks :) nice to meet you both.

Well, heres my numbers from January and previous months -

Progesterone day 5, 14, 21 28 35 all under 5 (low, I know)
day 5 fsh 4, lh 1.1 oestradiol 159
tsh 3.5 free t4 17.3
Prolactin 199 testosterone 1.5

These are UK measurements tho, and the Dr has told me that theyre all essentially normal apart from the progesterone. The LH is low compated to the FSH, but it has been higher in the past and ultrasound confirms that I have plenty of eggs so I dont worry about that.

Ive been ttc for 14 months now, was diagnosed with PCOS after about 10 months and started Metformin 4 pills a day in October. I have longish (40 days) irregular cycles and dont seem to ovulate most months. I had the usual bloods in Oct Dec and Jan and all three confirmed that I didnt ovulate. Ive also temped for months (gave up in about april tho as showed no spikes), used CBFM, throwaway opks, no ovulation. I use an app on my phone to chart as its a bit more handy than the FF one, will add a countdown to preg one later I think tho.

I started using the CBFM again in Jan and it showed an ovulation - this was pre clomid, pre FS app and honestly, my eyes nearly popped out of my head and I confirmed it with a throwaway... PINK LINE. It was perfect timing as I had thought I would go on clomid at Xmas, therefore ovulating for my birthday and our trip to Prague, which was exactly when I did ovulate but naturally>< So we had a lovely dirty weekend but unfortunatly no BFP - My LP was 11 days.

Im a bit too fat to go to the FS on the NHS - need to lose another two stone, and I just cant wait any longer. The NHS is so crap here, that I'll end up going private if we need anything after Clomid anyway, so may as well start now. My GP did consult with the local FS tho and they said I would benefit from Clomid but am just too fat for their limits, blah blah blood pressure, long labors.

Hubby is 34 and got his SA privately as otherwise he would have had to wait 3 months, then 3 months for results, so no thanks tbh. £125 bish bash bosh (hehe) and hes got very good sperm, phew

My app went well, it was the same Dr who my GP spoke to, so much for blood pressure and long labors, as he prescribed me Clomid ><

He said there was a slight irregularity in my womb - possible fibroids, and he could see that I had ovulated in jan, but obv didnt every month so I should try Clomid for 3 months - actually gave me 4, and then have a look at my tubes etc if Im not preg by then.

Im starting on 100mg, not sure why not 50mg tbh, but maybe because im not being monitored at all - if it doesnt make me ovulate, then I have no appts to up the dose or anything, I can go back, but will cost me another £300... I am hopeful for this month tho, day 8 and CBFM shows me as Mid already - usually stays low for, god, AGES.

So this is my first month on Clomid, I take it day 2-6 in the morning, Ive been having quite a few side effects tbh. Ravnously hungry all the time - even straight after Ive eaten a massive meal, so Im rly trying not to put on weight, so far Ive been ok, but its starting to creep on. Just lost so much and cant bear the thought of putting it back on ><

hot flushes a few times a day, not so much mood swings but very weepy and quick to cry

Had quite bad cramping after my ultrasound last month and was convinced I was preg - so the TWW was a nightmare (was also my first real TWW as first month I knew I had ovulated). Was also throwing up for 4 days in the evenings so when AF came it was just awful, at first I thought yey implantation bleeding, then, hmm thats far too heavy for IB.... So I can understand about the Clomid Side effects. Is so hard not to go totally crazy and imagine yourself preg.

I think its definately worth getting a SA done however long youve been ttc, its something which either can be improved quite easily if needs be or cant be improved at all, either way, is good to know early so you can do something about it.

How is both of your situations? Do you have health insurance to cover it? I think the system in Canada is similar to the UK in that its public healthcare system, not sure completely. Here tho, the NHS has LONG waiting lists to see a FS - 9 months some areas, some 18 months, some have closed the waiting list til april due to funds, so after april, you get to wait 9 months+ yey... Im my area tho, my GP could prescribe the Clomid if the clinic agreed on the phone, then if that doesnt work, long wait. So screw that tbh, Ive already waited a year going nuts, I'll go private. My mum is paying for it and Im paying her back monthly - she wants a grandkid as much as I want this bump.

Anyway, enough, sorry for the ramble. Im off to work :)

if all of ur other numbers are normal, just no ovulation then sounds like clomid is a good choice, i dont ovulate much on my own either, and then last month i did a natural cycle and ovulated on my own but not until cd 21 and had a 9 day lp so too short :(
so thats when the dr bumped me up to 100mg n today is my last day on it i take it days 3-7 :)
but this is my last month on it and if no bfp i will have to go to an RE..so im REALLY hoping that this is my month because im not too sure i have all the money it takes to see one :wacko:
Last month i did have an hsg and both tubes are clear, just sent DHs sperm in yesterday for an SA..so if everything goes good im really hoping thiis will be our month
my insurance doesnt cover anything, everything is out of pocket..and its getting pretty expensive for me :(
Ouch. Fingers crossed for this month then. Think of it like shoe shopping -it's always the last shop in town where you find the perfect shoes. Maybe your ovaries will play ball knowing that it's the last clomid cycle before having to spend more money. Also, I know it's crap but no need to go to RE straight away, can save for a month or two then go
oh yeah we will be waiting about 6 months to see an RE..we have to remodel our bathroom and soon..and i mean have to lol its getting really bad, our walls are starting to rot around the bathtub and im scared its gonna cave in! so we are for sure going to have to wait, which is ok i guess..it will happen eventually and i know it..im just so darn impatient all the time lol and ttc is one of those things i hate because i cant control when or how it happens like i can other stuff in my life :winkwink:
OMG, so Heather, I didn't realize you don't have any coverage at all. In Canada, we have public health insurance for all Canadians but it doesn't cover fertility drugs or specialists. If you have both tubes blocked then the government will help to pay for IVF procedures, but that still doesn't cover the drugs.

Luckily I work for the government and our group health insurance plan for employees covers all fertility drugs but not procedures. So, if I ever need to get any drugs it's covered. Since my dr has referred me to a specialist now, I will have to pay out of pocket for any additional testing and procedures. I've already set aside about $30K for IVFs if I have to go that route, but I'd rather put that money towards a downpayment for my house I'm going to buy early next year. Blah. Helen it's good that your mum is helping you out.

Lets just hope that we all get knocked up this cycle. I'm going into my 6th month and 7th cycle. I have no patience either... I hate waiting, it sucks the big one. :dohh:

Helen, you know weight doesn't necessarily stop you from having children, unless its messing up your cycle and ovulation. I know plenty of larger women that have beautiful children, so don't give up.

Also, about throwing up before AF, that has happened to me for 3 cycles now. It's also happened to my friend as well, I'm not sure why this is happening but I hate when it happens especially when you're at work. blah..

So, I'm waiting for ovulation now. Should happen by the weekend. The hubby and I are getting busy tonight and tomorrow and then a day of rest, then back to 2 days again and then a rest. We thought we'd try that method this cycle. It only takes one sperm, I wish it would catch the egg already!! :)
We're also starting the monthly bonkathon-usually do it every other day from day 10 or so but this month starting day 6 as I'm on clomid. Came home to rich in bed waiting :) finally starting to get some life back into our sex life - ttc is rubbish for that. Becomes quite functional after a while. Earliest I'll ovulate is day 10 I reckon. So weird to have such a short cycle - ovulated day 26 last month so it just seems like the cycles take forever.

Im pretty sure it's not a weight thing with me, I've lost 3 stone this year and it's made no difference at all. My mum also usefully told me last month that it took her and my gran ages to get preg - maybe useful information to share before i had been trying for ages. Sigh. Stupid woman. Anyway.

Isn't it funny that we talk in such detail about our fertiity, can you imagine our menfolk doing the same hehe

Bedtime for me now

yeah it does suck a lot having to pay for everything, but im glad that the costs arent too much just for clomid n progesterone levels..only about $200 a month n i get the cheap ovulation tests and choose to buy the preseed and stuff but i mean $200 a month going on for 6 months now :dohh: so weve spent quite a bit on this ttc stuff, but i am for sure not going to an RE so soon, we have some money set aside for remodeling our bathroom and i want to get that outta the way soon before my tub caves in :haha:

that is great that u get coverage though, Monique. i would be thrilled if i did lol! DHs insurance is absolutely horrible..it barely covers anything i swear :growlmad: i always tell him i'd rather not have ANYTHING because thats basically what it is..nothing! :(

Also, i have been getting really sick before AF also, not throwing up but nearly..cant eat much or anything and i never used to be like that..i always knew when af was coming because i started pigging out all the time lol! so its pretty weird and the first times it happened i got all excited thinking morning sickness but now i dont lol im used too it and i know it means shes coming :(

Helen- i think that sometimes weight can affect fertility but not always and it doesnt always mean that is the reason, ive really just heard about it affecting ovulation, nothing else down there so if ur on clomid and u ovulate im sure u have a great chance :thumbup:

im on cd 8 today, nothing much going on..gonna start dtd tonight, since i took clomid earlier in my cycle this time and i could ovulate earlier (im sure not by too much because i normally dont until like cd 18 19 or 20 anyway) lol :)

My mom was very fertile! she had gotten pregnant like 5 times before me (abortions) and then had me and then my brother..i wish i got my fertility from her! :wacko:

Helen what cd are u on?
I'm on day 9 now, hoping that I ovulate earlier than usual. Don't think I can wait Til day 25 like usual - will go insane!

Ordered a mooncup yday -the idea is to keep the junk in rather than letting it go
To waste. Not sure if it'll work but can't hurt i reckon

Been quite tired this week, maybe clomid effects, and had a massive rage at husband today, def c-rage ><
Oh man, I feel like crap today too. I have major ovulation cramps. I hope I get a +OPK tomorrow evening, I've had way too many highs on my CBFM this cycle, it's making me crazy.

So Heather and Helen, you're both around the same cycle day, so hopefully Helen you will ovulate earlier this cycle.

Gosh Heather, you're mom is fertile, good grief. My mom keeps telling me that our family is very fertile, but I'll have to get knocked up before I believe it. :winkwink:

So, Helen, is your hubby talking to you after your rage? My hubby is soo bloody patient with me for the most part, if I rage on him, he just takes it and asks me if I'm ok. He's such a sweetheart.
yes we are about the same, im on cd 8 today so i think were gonna start bding tonight :winkwink:
last cycle i didnt ovulate till day 21 so i am very much hoping it will be earlier this cycle also, im going to start o tests on day 12
dr called and said DHs SA came back great, so of course now i have no clue whats causing us to not get pregnant :shrug:
hopefully this month will do the trick!
oh and my DH does the same thing, Monique. for the most part he just takes it, he has lashed back at me when ive been really bad, but for the most part he just takes it and stays quiet..which i love lol
Rich is a saint tbh. I was quite ill with depression until about 18 months ago - was off work for 2 Yrs and rich rly got me through it. I raged at him, sat there weeping, insistent that there's no happy left in the world and he took it all. So this he can take :) the other 23 hrs of the day I'm actually happier as this cycle it's not just waiting and probably not ovulation, I have some hope.

We've spoken about it and agreed how he should react when I'm suddenly Weepy or having a go for no reason so I suppose he knows how I want him to react. But knowing what i want was the hard part-I think I figured it out when I was ill and the same seems to work with these mood swings too. Basically he just sucks it up. He doesn't argue, just agrees with me and that doesn't fuel it. When I'm calm again we deal with the issues it might have brought up with him, I apologise and make it ip to him. If I'm Weepy I just need a cuddle and if it's on the phone ben he talks about our cats and how funny they are, maybe makes em miow down the phone if I'm away working. He's so sweet and amazing. I'm lucky.
welll that is great sounds like u 2 are great together :)
i am one of those ppl who doesnt like to be comforted when im sad or mad, i need space until im calmed down and then ill talk but thats mostly when i get snappy is when he tries to talk to me knowing im crying because af showed or when im mad and feel like theres no way we will ever get a bfp. i have told him over and over when im upset i need space until im ready, and he still tries and tries and i just get mad, its not that i dont appreciate it, he just needs to wait and then shower me with love when im calm :haha:
this whole cycle is already feeling different from my rest, i had a longer period and one of the days was actually like a medium flow and then some light flow and then spotting but it all lasted about 6 days which is super unusual for me usualy they are like 3 days tops..and then ive noticed i have had just tons and tons of cm..even during af it would be mixed with tons of (tmi) mucousy cm :wacko: and also ive been having lots of pulling and cramping which is kinda normal for me on clomid
I think that anything out of the ordinary is a good thing tbh - means something is changing and thats what we need to get preg!

Ive had for the first time a bit of pain when BDing, felt like my cervix was lower maybe? Never had that so dunno rly, maybe Im wrong. I rly cant be obsessing about another aspect of my fertility, so Im just going to leave that one be (low is not fertile, high is fertile aparently, but whatever, I cant influence it).

Still eating like a horse, luckily not put anything on yet, its quite miraculous tbh. If I could only stop eating jaffa cakes then maybe I could actually lose the last bit :) I am determined to eat super healthy when I eventually get preg - was a study recently that showed that eating junk food makes children stupid, imagine what it does to them when theyre growing inside you.

Every day goes so slowly :/ only day 10 tmw, sigh.
That’s so bloody funny… “eating junk food makes children stupid”. Not sure if that’s true though, cause kids these days seem way smarter than when I was a kid. At least, I think they are. :)

So, if you’re still early in your cycle, I guess your cervix is probably lower. I hope it didn’t hurt too much. Wouldn’t that suck, now BDing hurts…. Blah! Where’s the fun in that?

So, I’ve been trying to eat health too, lots of salads and veggies, but I do have my moments of eating pure crap. I have a weakness for poutine. Not sure if you ladies know about poutine, but all it is really is fries (or I think they call it chips in the UK), gravy and cheese. I know it’s horrible, but it’s soooo good. I only have it like once a month, which is probably still too much but I love it.

Anyhow, I’m on CD 12 and my CBFM still only reads high. I’m hoping that I get a peak or +OPK either today or tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Morning both. Woken up thinking about things a bit. Dr has given me 3 months of clomid and said if that doesn't work they'll check tubes etc, but I've just looked at prices and it's only about £350 for that. Thinking that I might go back next month for the test as he was rly only saying that to save money. What do you think? Worried that I'll waste 3 months of clomid if tubes are blocked cos all I hear is that drs only prescribe for 6

Hope you're both well. High on cbfm again today. Grr. Hurry up!
Hey Helen,

I agree with you, if you have the money, then do it. I mean you've been TTCing for a while now, right. My advice would be to do it, cause if it is blocked then at least you would now and wouldn't have wasted precious time right.

BTW, that article is really interesting. I can't believe people actually feed little babies junk food though... who does that?? Yucky!

So, like you I got a high on my CBFM as well, but I really think I may get a +OPK later this afternoon and a peak on my CBFM tomorrow morning. I looked at the test stick and it's getting close to peak.

We BD'd last night and we're going to do it again tonight and hopefully for the entire weekend. Not sure if my hubby can handle that, but he said he'd try. We have a holiday on Monday called "Family Day", so we have a nice long weekend to BD. tee hee. :winkwink:

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