Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Roc you have something thats great for shoulder dystocia at home that you dont have in hospital - stairs. They get you to go in some position that can help free baby.

You have everything at a homebirth that you have in hospital apart from an epidural or a section. They would deal with it in exactly the same way.

They can also be realy wrong in gessing the size of your baby, saying they are going to be a lot bigger than they turn out to be.
I wouldnt be concerned hun. I think there is some info about SD on https://www.homebirth.org.uk/ but I would say that these estimates of 'big' babies - EVEN the scans - can be quite significantly wrong. I was told at one point Sid would be 9 or 10lbs! I had growth scans and the lot....next news they were saying he had stopped growing.....then 2 weeks after I refused induction, they conceded that they were wrong...it was a human error on the scan measurements on that occasions. Sid was 8lb 4oz when he was born at home and both him and Hebe (8lb 11oz) were posterior babies who didnt turn until they were born. :)
Thanks Girls,

I know scans can be wrong, just MW measured me at 40 weeks today!
Which is weird as 2 weeks ago he was only 1 week ahead, and 2 before that he was a week behind? dunno how he could have suddenly leaped to 6 weeks ahead!?

I so want a home birth, and the point about stairs is a good one-thanks!

I think i need to keep my nerve, but the MW said, he has 6 weeks to go,and he's still growing, and i'm wondering now if they'll induce me because of size?:nope:

Did anyone else have such a big differance in measurements?

I'm not sure what my dh will say either, as MW said to mention to him about shoulder dystocia..though he is very supportive..

I dunno.. guess i'm just worried i'd be possibly putting my baby at risk, for selfish reasons perhaps?
Or she's trying to scare you for selfish reasons? My 2nd baby followed the same pattern and they never said a thing about SD....but I wasnt having a HB....my guess is it's scaremongering. Oh and fundal height is even less accurate than scans are!! The baby's position can add 2 cm on! :)
I think if baby really was too big, you would probably notice in labour as it could be a slow labour. And a lot of SD happen in labours where there has been some kind of intervention...like an instrumental.
Thanks ladies, and maybe you're right about a bit of scare mongering MM, as the consultant said nothing about it, even when i asked what a big baby would mean for me...

I'm feeling more positive now, spoke to dh and he was really supportive, and still thinks a HB is a good idea.

And yeah i'm sure there would be some indication of trouble i.e slow progression etc...

I just looked up his predicted birthweight in lbs, and its 9lb 5oz, so thats not that bad really, and i think scans usually OVERestimate, rather than UNDER, right?

I think i'll order my pool tonight! Any recommendations? I'm looking at La Bassine (sp?), any experience with this one anyone?

Also, thanks so much for the positive answers for me ladies, i'm getting my PMA back! :hugs:
9lb 5oz isn't THAT big. Lots of babies are born that size! MWs should be trained to resolve SD on the spot and that is usually possible. I got the scare stories from my MWs too.... They mentioned ONE maneuver to get baby out, and if that didn't work "I would be blue lighted to hospital so they could push the baby back in and do an emergency CS, and of course babies do die in this situation...." Nothing mentioned about the Woods maneuver, the Gaskin maneuver, use of stairs etc..... Or that pushing the baby back in and doing a CS would be an undesirable outcome that would be avoided at all costs EVEN if you were in hosp. because of the trauma to mum and LO!
It's such a shame there is such a MASSIVE differences in attitudes to HB in different areas. I remember when the MW arrived here to deliver Sid.....she said she was going to watch my next 3 contractions then decide if she needed the second MW.....after the second she said 'I think I'll call her'.....I must have looked a bit concerned and asked 'are you going to start unwrapping things now?!' - I was thinking back to my daughters birth and how I knew she was about to be born when they started unwrapping the delivery stuff (cord clamp etc) - OH said 'will she get here in time?' My MW turned to us both and with unfaltering confidence said to us 'I dont need ANYONE or ANYTHING else to deliver this baby....I have everything I need right here...' and she held up her hands :)
It's such a shame there is such a MASSIVE differences in attitudes to HB in different areas. I remember when the MW arrived here to deliver Sid.....she said she was going to watch my next 3 contractions then decide if she needed the second MW.....after the second she said 'I think I'll call her'.....I must have looked a bit concerned and asked 'are you going to start unwrapping things now?!' - I was thinking back to my daughters birth and how I knew she was about to be born when they started unwrapping the delivery stuff (cord clamp etc) - OH said 'will she get here in time?' My MW turned to us both and with unfaltering confidence said to us 'I dont need ANYONE or ANYTHING else to deliver this baby....I have everything I need right here...' and she held up her hands :)

I want your midwife MM lol xx
I was told that my 1st was going to be a BIG baby, and he was a 6lber!
Evening ladies :flower:

I have been very poor at keeping up in here but things have been a bit mad / busy / knackering lately but am sat on the sofa, fan on, catching up with everything so thought I'd come by and see you all!

As usual the thread is moving fast so apologies if I have missed anything important :hugs:

All is well here. Had our MW appointment today and she is delighted with how we are going along and we were very surprised to find that Missy is 2/5 engaged!! We see her again in 2 weeks for an iron test and then it is HB kit delivery time :yipee:

She said today she can see absolutely no reason in the world that we won't be able to go ahead with it all - I am as healthy as can be, Missy seems very happy and is in postion (which apparently she can't see changing but who knows) and she has not mentioned anything about the hospital so we are taking her lead and continuing with our plans. She was talking about the pool, where we are having it, if we'd like to deliver her in there or just labour in etc and it all suddenly seems very real and very exciting!!

And :wave: to all the new faces!!

I could have sworn I was going into labour earlier.... A couple of days ago I thought I might have lost some of my plug, except that it wasn't bloody. I've been having a lot of discharge as well (tmi, sorry) so much that I almost thought it could be my waters.... and earlier I was getting lots of period like cramps...(??? not sure as I don't get period pain). But it all seems to have petered out and come to nothing, which is kind of a relief because my mum is meant to be here when the baby is born and she's gone away for a couple of days!
I wish i was futher along so i can get things rolling.
Pops that sounds really good :thumbup:

My baby is SO no where near there ha ha... still transverse :dohh:

Madasa...hope you go into labour soon as your mum gets back :dust:
Great news Pops! As long as baby holds out until 37 weeks I should be good to go on my homebirth! The little man was in the right position at our last visit but wasn't at the one before that... so hopefully he doesn't move again!

Good luck Madasa!
not all waters are broken some babies are birthed with their sac still around them it's really beautiful!!! :D

also i was told by various people how 'tiny' my baby was going to be and he came out right about average, and earlier than his due date too!

my nan was told back in her day she was having an average 7lbs sort of baby.... she didn't make it to hospital and birthed him at home he came out over 11lbs and it was a perfect home birth with no problems. she didn't even tear. with her two other babies (one before that and one after) she had hospital births and they were average sized but the hospital people intervened and she ended up getting forceps used, she tore really badly and she said she knew they didn't even need the forceps she could have given birth to her babies but they were adamant to use forceps!!!!!!!!!

its disgraceful how much birth gets intervened with these days! eurgh
also whilst im ranting about 'people these days' haha... all midwives i saw and all scans said my baby was head down etc. a student midwife felt me and said noo i think it's breech! no one believed him the midwife he was with even had a go at him for thinking he knew what he was talking about! i went for a scan at the hospital and it turned out he was breech and everyone was wrong except for this really lovely student! they said they then thought he had been breech for a while and after he was born his feet were up by his head like he was folded in half for a LONG time so they said they definately thought he had been breech for a while and no one had noticed!! so annoying! it was funn we kept wrapping him up in blankets trying to keep his legs down but they kept springing up like he was folded in half! my little acrobat! xx
it was funn we kept wrapping him up in blankets trying to keep his legs down but they kept springing up like he was folded in half! my little acrobat! xx

LOL! thats so cute! :flower:

Wish me luck peeps, it can't be long now!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

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